Too Cold For The Tug Men
Chicago, Jan. 81.- The locMIon of what is left of the Chlcora and the foiir-anrt and-twenty imfortunati's who luwe probahly met with tho most appalling of deaths romailis as grt.'iit. íi mystory as thn site of the Qorfch pol Itself. The friifí Dickinson whiíh whs to have renewcd the futilo attornpt of disoovery remaintMi In the dook all yestcnlüv, hor eipertanue battling with the ico having caased i (luubt as to tho wisdom of soding her out ;i(i;iin In vinw of tho fnll in tmnperaturo. A telegram from rft. Joseph, Mich., says the belief is growing tlint the huil is aüoafc. and that it is anchored somowhero in the lake. Thero may bu same of the crew ulive, is also Buggested, hut the hopo foi this is sinall.
Ann Arbor Argus
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