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That Tired FeelinoSo common at thia season is a sr conditie, liable to !ead to disaot results. lt, is a sure sign Of deel n Health tone, and that Zlg poverished and impure. The best I most successful remedy U found ia HOOD'S Sarsaparilla ticity J the muscles, vigor to tto'bÏÏb" Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood1 and only Hood'j , "d's, Pll are P":iy:gtabü:. tectly harmleas, always reliabl ad beneflchl. WALL PAPER! WALLPAPER. -OF A1.I. The Newest Designs. PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAE 0. SOEG THE DECOEATOB, 70 0. ]ivriisr st. Fruit Trees! If you intend to 8et out Peach, Pear, Apple or Fruit Trees of any kind, you will pave nionev by writing to the MICHIGAN NURSERY CO MONROE, MICH. Thpy have the bost anif hardiest var eties for rhis part of thu country Small Fruits of All Kinds, and a large assortment of the best and hardiest Kosea, Shrubbery and Ornamental Trees and Plants. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Poriodical awarded a Medal at the World's Fair.)"'; CUS Invaluable to oll who wish to make their liríñobu artor to make their domes beautiful Fnr lílí we wi" send to anv ne h a rui I WO mentioning this 1(1 tion a specimen copy, with superb X WW platea (iorcopyino; or frauiinjí) and 8 suppletnentary pases of desistís (regular price aio. Or FOR se wo will send als "Painlinsi for Becinners" (% pagev. NONTAGliE HARK!, 23 l'uioM Sqnare, N.V. Jf ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Icf Sold outright, no rent, nu royalty. AdaptiJ P Lto City, Villase or Country. Meeaed in eferp ytffp home, shop, store and office, tí reateot conven - T ience and best Heller onearth. l' i. Vil One in i resiilence means n sale to all tb i t-i _iZ.j neiphbors. Fine instrumentn, do toys, work Qi '_ _ Á anywhere, any ditance. Complete, ready for i] ub6 when shipped. Can be put up by any oner ■ I never out of order, no repairins, laats a lifir í ! timo. Warranted. A money maiier. Write 1 - iW. P. Harrison & Co . Clerk 10, Columbus. ft i" : i j I i M ff t g SS pí S fi P I % i, M a o W o 25 5 II 3 1 a á Ia 3 : I á o. i .1 S M S s s W O O ai M", I I I I i ____[ RIISEÏ l SEABOIT'S BAKERY, GEOCEBY AND FLOUR AND FEED STÖRE Wc keep consuintlv On hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a snpplv o' OSBORNE' GOLD DUST FLOUB. J. M. Swift & Oo.'a Best White Wheat Flour, Bye Flour, Buckwheat Floar, Oorn Meal, Tted, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale ind Retail. A general stock o! BRODERIES AND PROVISIONS constanUy on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the aty. HCash paid for Batter, Egga, and Country Produce gfenerallv. BT-Goods Delivered to anv part of the city wlül out extr-i chlrre. RlrjrF SC SeaoOlt.


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