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The New Mail Routes

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r.clow will be round the new carriers routes OÍ the Arm Arbor free delivery system, as given out by Postinastor Beakes: Carrier No. 1, (leorge Itlum- Fourth ave., Liberty to Willlam; Fifth ave, Washington to Wllliam; División, Hurón to 5Í) and GO; Thompson. Liberty to Madison, leavintf 52 lor X. 5; Mayuard, Liberty to Jefferson: State est side), Washington to Liberty; Washington, JTlfth atte. to State; Liberty, Fourth ave. t State; WiUlaana, Fifth ave. to State; Jt-fferson, Fiftb ave. to State. Carrier No. 2, Chas. F. iMeyer-Ashley, Aun to Madison; First, Huron to Madlson; Secoud, Llberiy n Madison; 'niinl.Vasliini;ton to Madisom; Fourth, Liberty to Madison; Fifth, Liberty to Madison; Sixth, Jeffersop to .Madison; Washington!, Ashley to Itfadlson 5.-;: Liberty, Ashley to Seventh; WilUam, Main to Fourth; W.Jefïerson, Main to Seventli; Fourth ave., Paek.'ird to Madlson: l'ackard. Main to Ilanovcr sq., excepi north side lic; ween Main and Fourth, and Fifth and l'ackard; Fifth ave., Packard to Madison; llanover si.; Madison, llanover BQ. to Main; Main, No 80 to Madison; Aun, Main to Ashley No. .".-.lames O'Kane- Ann st. Fourth ave. to No 86; Catherine, Detroit to lagatts; Lawwpoe? Klngaley, División to lugaïls; Comwall place; Fifth are., Hurón to No. '20; División, Hurón to Klftgatey; suite, Huroo t No. 86; Ellzabeth; Fuller, No. 16; Thayer, Ilnron to Klngslcy; Ingalis, Hurou to Klngsley. No. 4, Barl Ware. Fiftb ave, .No. '22 to Depot; División. KiiiRsloy to Detroit; Beakee, Fifth to bridge; Catheriuc. I'ouith to Main; Klngsley, Kourtli to División; Suimiiit. PIfth to líeaket; Depot. Fifth t Beakes; Kulin-. Nos 2 and (!; Detroit; Fifth ml. No. 5, K. A. Keith. - Main, No, (il tu Packard; Fourth ave.. Wiiiintn t Paekanl; Fifth ave., Wllllam to Packard, Wiiliain, Main to Fifth; Paelcard, Main to State (except jiart: nivtii No. 2); División, BüVíl to end; Maxlisou, Packard to State; Monrop, Packard t ïwolfth; Ilill, Packard to Ingalls; State, No. 80 to 114; Thayer, S. Univorsity to Ilill; Oakland ave., No. -; Ingalls, S. Fniversity to Hill; B. Uní versity ave., Injialls to Thayer. No. (5, C. F. O'lleani. - Iluron, nortli sidr, Fifth ave. to State; .State, l.iberty to 78; S. University ave., State t Washtenaw (except f rom Tliayor ta Inalls); Twelfth, S. Uniwrsity to Ilill; B, Iniversity ave., N. rniversit.T to Hill; Ilill, Infialls to 10. Dnl versity; Collofie; Church; Forost ave., Washtenaw to Hill; Willanl; Monroe. Twelfth to 10. University. ,. i. . I'. Annstronjr. Mam. Catherine to bridge; Fourth ave., Oathi rinc to Depot; Beakes, Main u Flftn; Suminit, Flfth ave. to Spring; Depot, i'it'iii ave. to Main; Hiscock; Feleh to Gott Add.: Cherry; Kingsley, Main ta First; Ashley. Ann to Feleh; First, lluron to end; Miller ave., Main u Gott; 'Spring, Miller ave. to Suraiuil; Pountaln, Mlller ave to Summlt, (ei eepi Geo. Soott); Anti, Ashley to end; lluron, Asiiioy to Seventh; Chapla; Third, Huron to Simons. No. 8, v. 1.. Baxter.- Chubb road; Spring, Chubb road to Snmmit; Summit, Spring to oud (indudlng Ge. Scott); Mlinr: ;ott; Br ook; Hiscock, in Gott add.; Pelen, in Gott add.: Mil Ier iivc, Gott to Seventh; Seventh; lluron, Seventh to end; Dexter ave; jjfackson ave., etc; Vine; Washington, No. 79 to end; Liberty. Seventh to cinl; Madison. Main to; Third. Madison to Moaely; Second, Madlspn to Moaely; First, Madlson to Moaely; Mosily; Main, Madison to Mann's; West; I'hiilip's; Lincoln; Pourth ave., Ilill to end; Brown; Ilill. Mnin Xit l'aekard: Mary; Iienjaniin; State. No. 120 to S. A. E.; Hauiilton Park; Pack ard. State to E. Universily; Arbor and Oakland ave., except No. 2 Oakland. No. 9, C. T. Donuclly.- I'niver.siiy: I'rettyman's; 13, Unlverelty ave., ilill to Packard; Tappan; Prospect; PacM ard, E. University to end; WeJle; Forest ave., Ilill to Wells; Olivia uve,; Lincoln ave.; I'aldwin ave.; Ilill, K. Cniversity to Geddes; "Waslitenaw, S. University to E. II. Scott 'e; Oxford; 8. University ave. Waslitenaw to Oxford; Linden; Walnul; Geddea ave., Observa tory to end; Obscrvatory; Bel ser; Ann, Observatory to No. 87; tíath erine. Observatory to Iiifialls; Clark; Thlrteenth; Hickory; Fuller, Exchange hotel to end; State. Nos. 44 to 48. No. 10, Karl C'. Kern.- Huron, Bouti sidc, I''iftli ave. to State; lluron. State to Thlrteenth; state, cast slde, Hurou to N. University; Washington, state to Fourtcentli; Thayer. lluron to N. University; Twelfth, Washington to N. I'niverslty; N. University ave.. Stilte to Waslitenaw; Washtenaw, N. im versitv to S. University; Kim, Wllmot; idilios. 'Wnshtenaw to Observatoiy; Volland, Fourteenth. No. 11, Wm. J. Mlller.- Main, CaUierine to Nos. 59 and 74; Fourth ave,. Cathwine to Liberty: Hurón, Ashley to Fifth ave.; Wasliington, Asliley to Fifth ave.; Liberty, Ashley to Fourth ave.;Ann, Main to Fourtli ave.


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