Majority For Free Coinage
WASHINGTON, Keb. 4.- The Demoerat.c majority in the seríate has disappeared by the swearing ín o( Lee Manlle, senator f rom Montana. The figures now stand: Uemocrats, 43- just half; Republicans, 38; Populists 5. The most interesting fact, however, in the señalo situation is that H is fres silver by a majority of oight. The canvass that gave these figures was carefully made and niay be relied upon. There are 47 free silverites and 39 antis, and Wilson of Washington and Ciarte of Montana vrill increase the írtje silver vote to 4U. Follovring are the anti-free silver men: Ajdrich, Allison, Brice, Burrows, Caffery, Cívmdon, Carey, Chandlor, Cullom, Uavis, Dixon. Dolph. Prye, Gallínger, Gibson, Gorman, üray, Hale, Havvley. Higgins, HUÍ, Hoar, Lindsay, Lodge, McMillan, McPherson, Mandereon, Mitchell of Wisconsin, Morrill, Alurphy, Palmer, Platt, Proctor, Quay, Slierinan, Smith, Vilas, Washburu, Wilson- total, 39.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News