Educational Column
DI6TKICT NO. 10, LOLI. The school house in this district is cosy and weil arranged for light. Tlie room is attractive and pleasant. Miss Souhia East, of Ann Arbor, is teacher. .She holds a second grade certiticate and is very industrious and conscientious in her work. ïhe enroJlmeut is 25 and the pupily are well disciplined. John Grosshaus, Saline, is director. DISTRICT NO. 2, FREEDOM. This school is under the supervisión of Mr. ï'red L. Feldkamp, of Fredonia, who has the school well under headway, and is doing good work in the school room. The school has an enrollmentof 42. The scholars are energetic and enthusiastic and recite' their lessons well. The geography class was reciting and, from questions asked, it was evident that they thoroughly undeistood what they have gone over. Mr. Fred Breitenwisher is director. DISTRICT NO. 1, SIIARON. This school, known as "Rowe's Corners," is in charge of Joseph Lamb, of Manchester. The school district has provided a tirst-elass building. It is well lighted and ventilated. A new International dictionary has been purchasfcd recently for the school. Two pupils are doing 8th grade work and expect to reeeive the common school diploma at the end of the spring term. Miss Lillian Uphouse is doing i)th grade work in the school. Enrollment, Í 5. Mr. Lambert Dresselhause is director, Manchester. DISTRICT NO. '2. SHABOtf. Mr. M. Pierce is teacher in this the 'Oowau District. '■ lie has taught here for several wintcis, and the school shows the res uk of his efficiënt and painstaking work. The school is in good order. Enrollment, ö(i. Regular attendance, 27. The soholars have advanced rapidly under the present careful supervisión; but one thing the school is in much need of, is a dictionary. Mr. J. J. Walters, Manchester, is director. DISTRICT NO. 3, SHARON. This school has an enrollment of 30. The school has some good maps and the children are advancing nicely. The discipline is good. The scholars learn their lessons and recite well. James S. Cavanaugh is teacher. Samuel Smith, Manchester, is director. DISTRICT NO. 8, FREEDOM. Tliis school has an enrollment of 20, with Miss Anna Guiñan as teacher. The pupils have advanced in reading during the present term. The order in the school room is good. The following pupils from the school took part in the spelling contest at the Freedorn town hall on Tuesday night, viz: Iua Uphaus, Frank Steineweg and Albert Kleinchmidt. They did well for the school. George Burkhardt, Manchester, is director. DISTRICT y O. fi, KKEJSDOJl. This school is in charge of Miss ! iie Dettling. The number of pupils enrolled, 24. The advanced arithmetic recited during the visit of the Coniüiissioner. It showed a thoroughnuss Dy the teacher in giving instruction. The school is provided with a good dictionary and is well disciplined. The follovving pupils took part in the spelling contest Tuesday, viz: Julia j Dettling, Clara Tlildinger, and Fred ! Glatz, and acquitted themselves 1 tably on the program. Mr. Gustave Weis, Manchester,fe director. DISTRICT KO. 5, FKEEDOM. In this school there is an enrollment of 26. Mr. L. E. Guinon is teacher. At the close of the spring term he will ïave served as teacher in the district schools 28 ternis. He taught in this school 18 years ago. He holds a third grade certifícate. The pupils diagram : and analyse sentences nicely, and also show improvement in penmanship. Phere is one pupil who expects to complete eighth grade work at the close I of the spring term. Mr. John Stabler s director, Brid ge water. The spelling match and 1 ment at Freedorn town hall on 1 day evening, January 29 was a great ! success. The hall was filled with i dren and school patrons, and listened to recitations and music f urnished by thechildren. Louis Vogel delighted the audience with several selections on the harp. The schools of Messrs. F. L. Feldkamp and Ben Iluehl and Misses Tillie Dettling and Anna Guinon were represented by three pupils from each school. In the final contest, Ella Kenau, Fred Feldkamp, Julia Dettling and Ina Uphaus stood for their respective schools. Ella Renau, of Lake Tleasant school, happened to be the fortúnate one and won the prize. In this connection itshould be noted that Freedom has a splendid library of 500 volumes of selected books, with Mr. Fred Vogel as librarían. Mr. Vogel took pleasure is showing the two large book cases filled with a ehoice !ot of books and wanted it understood that all were welcome, and especially ■should the teachers of the township make use of these books. The program of the evening closed with singing by F. L. Feldkamp and Mr. Samuel Voedling, assisted by the pupils.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News