Edward Wolfel spent Sunday in Detroit. Col. J. D. Ryan spent Sunday in Brighton. Gustave Brehni was in I.ansing Saturday. Delbert C. Goodspced is in Richmond, Ind. ür. E. IJ. Brooks spent Sunday i in Flushing. Mrs. Harria Ball has returned from Kansas. Chris Wetzel, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. Henry Laubengayer has returned from Mt. Clemens. Clarence G. Clark has been visiting friends in Toledo. Mrs. Mary Wood Allen has j turned from Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. George McKean have returned to Ohio. Richard E. Kearns, of Detroit," was at home over Sunday. Dr. A. K. Hale left last evening for a few days in New York. George W. Coats spent Sunday in Jackson, visiting relatives. Fred C. Brown was home from Chicago Sunday and yesterday. Mrs. C. H. Bennett, of Plymouth, has been visiting Mrs. Giles Lee. Miss Imo Whitmarsh, of Milan, has been visiting Mrs. W. W. Watts. Miss E. Fannie Steele, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. H. M. Tabor. Prof. W. H. Daniels, of the Clinton high school, will remove to this city. ' Mrs. W. R. Reynolds, of Jackson, visited Mrs. James L. Babcock, last week. Miss Carrie Timberlake, of Jackson, has been visiting Mrs. R. H. ' Kempf. Mrs. C. A. Blair and Miss Sophie Beebe, of Jackson, were in the city, ! Friday. i Miss Anna Frothingham, of Detroit, has been visiting Mrs. J. J. Goodyear. J. T. Jacobs and Chas. E. Hiscock leave this morning for California and Texas. George H. Pond, editor ot the Courier, has been on the sick hst for several days. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith and Mrs. Boutwell will give a reception next Tuesday evening. Misses Lilah and Clara Turner, of Battle Creek, have been visiting Mrs. Joseph H. Drake. Miss Mary Pollock has res'gned her position as stenograpker of the the Crescent Clasp works. Mrs. Dr. Raymond and daughter, Mrs. E. A. Croman, of Grass Lake, visited Mrs. F. A. Howlett last week. Misses Mildred Ware and Addie Minkley gave a masquerade party at the home of Charles Dunn, Friday evening.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Anna M. Frothingham