WANTED, FOR SALE. ETC. tfOB ihouses; one forU.QOu.onefor -■": 13 tngalls x..?.:.ï.w; ne brick house KÍ.4&U; lot wilhfeliarou S. Thayer, ïl.200. lniiuiro a Li. Alleu, HO E. WaSbillgton st. LAoi NU- A grey bouna oamo to my piuco 1 Saturday, January lï. Ovmht oaa recover by oalilns and p:iyitii; lor ihw uouoe. o. IJ. Schatter, Üexter roud. :ti L OR SALE- Good house ith 8 acres of I land.inoet all plantod in fimt: also good well and clstero. Ouo mile on Weel Huron tree. uottlibb Bccholz. poiL sai.k oR RENT.- Large mw nense with all modera Improveinenu, clstern and city water in house and wcli near door. v ui take in nart payment smalt house or luis orstnall farm oearcity, balance on looit Urne una low luterest. P. Box !'". FOR SAl.E.-M uoreson Chubb Si in acre or (lve acte lots or all together. Long time, email puyinent, per i-i-m interest. Jus. U. MaDonaTd, ! MoITji Building, Detroit Xi Icli . LOST. !ienr Athtei Ie Qrounds, ou Suturday, January 19, I.aüies' Slinppimr Bag, COntaining some money, tickets tur nuiuti md spectttcles at ffn, Lrnbld's and Bome other articles. Plnder pleaae return to Axnold'a Jeweiry Store, ;( South Main Street, and rcoelye reward, !.N atind; s;i:ary aiul expenses. Per J-'l manent place; whole or part timo Apply at once. Hrowii Bros. Co., Nureerymen, Chicago. TÜOTICB- 1, J. v. Bennett, proprletor of -1' Dexter House, De.vter, have opened iip my barn and will run astriotly first-olasü fee1 barn In oonnectlon wlth hotel, win be glad to gee old oustomers and lots of new ones, and satlsfuctlon guaraiitecil. Au experlenced horsemim In attendance. tf POILTRY wantod- market price paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Flfth and Suiimiu Street. Ü. 0. Weeks & Co., Ann Albor. FOR BALE CHEAP- My house und lot on the corner of Tra Ver aad Pontlao streets. In the Flfth ward of the city of Ann Arbor. A desirable location for wood or coal yard. By thesldeof T. & A. A. tracks. Will ia m Act ion. January 28, 1896. PIANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuoer with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Ahous olliee will receive hia attentiou. rpO KENT.-At No. 20 S. Stato 8t . A tlat of 1 six rooms. Knquire at 18 8. State St. stl ÏVILI, KXCHANGEarirst-elasssubstantial, " roomy, open. single tnisiiiy for hay, wood oroash. A. M. Clark 47 División st. W ANTEO- A MAN In every section at once to sell staple goods to dealers: no peddllng; experfence nnnecesöary; bestside line. J76.0O a month. Salary and expenses orlarge coïnmispion tnade. Address. with 2 cent stamp for sealed partlculars, Clifton Soapaiid ManufaeturinR Conipany, Clnclonhtl, Ohio. WS NTRD.- Place of five or ten acres -rit h house and barn. one or two miles fr-wn f mm Ann Arbor city. Rox 10, Manchester, Miei.. WANTKU. - (jood tenant for very nice store "' on Liberty et, near State. Term reasonable. Also flats to rent, very desirable. Enquire IS South State st. WTANTED- A tenunt to work my farm on ' phares at Solo. Geo. A. Peters. Place as srovornesa to children "" or oompanlon. ofllcework, or clerk, aldress Box lli:, V'psilanti, or E. B. E , care of Argus. tf Estáte of James Gaunt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Vhtenaw, ss. Ata sessionof the Probitte Court lor tneCouDtyof Washteoüw, lioldpn at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbur, on Saturday, the 6fth day of January, in the year one thousan'l eight hundred and ninetv-five. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Jud;e of Píobate. In the matter of the eetnte oí James Gauiit, deceased. Kbenezer Hill, the admtclatrntor of said estáte, comes into court and represent that he is now prepared tú reuder his llnal account a sucli adniinistraior. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the i first day ol Pebrnary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for i!anuninR and allowing such account, and that the heirs ot law of said deccased. and all other persons interested in sai1 pstatc, urerequired to eppoar ut aseBion of said court, then to be holden at ihe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, anti show cause, ífany there bc, why the eaid account shoukl not be allowed: And it is further orflt-rt'd, that yaid itdiniiustl'ator ivc notice to the persons intcreBted iu said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caubing a copy of this order to bc published in the Ann Arbor Augüb, a newspaper printed imdc.irculutiníí in auid county, threc sncceMsive weekp prevutas to said dav of hearing. J W1LLAKD rSABRTTT, ( truc copy. ) Jude of Probate . Wn.t.iAM Q Dotv. Probate Ri-iiisier. Opera House; ONE NIGHT ONLÏ, Thursday Eve., Feb. 7 THE NEW Ole Qlson! sreatest of all Sweflish Dialect Comedies. ABTlAf music IMl-HV songs ïlLff DANCES Prices, - :$-■)■, 50c, aud 75c. Seiis now on sale at Watts' Jewelry Store without extra charge. WANTED. Hickory - Timber ! I will pay $1-2.00 per cord, cash, tbr strictly tirst quality second growth Hickory Butts. suitable for Axe-Handles; delivered at my shop. C. W. DICKINSON, Yysilanti. l-K :t ui
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News