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The Proper Time Wlien the most benefit ia to be derived from a good medicine, is early in the year. ïhis is the season when the tired body, weakened organs and nerVOU8 systeiïj yearn tor a bnilding-tip medicine like Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Many wait tor the open spring weatlier and, in tact, delay giviiitr attenlion to theirphysical i'.oiidition so long that a long siege of sickness is inevitable. To rid the systetn of the irapurities accumulated during the winter season, to purify the blooil and to invigorate the whole systeia. there is nothing eqnal to Ilood's. Sarsaparilla. Don't put it otf, bnt take Ilood's Sarsaparilla now. It will do you good. Read the wstunonials published in behalf of Hood'a SarsaparillH, all trom reliable, grateful people. They teil the story. Monthly Pains cured by Dr.Miles' Pain Puls. Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters 25c. at all druggista. Dr. Miles' Pain Pilla stoo Ueadache. BVCKLEWIS ÁRNICA SAL YE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Klieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblalns.Corns.and all Skin Eruptlons and positively cures Pilen ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satlslaction, or money relunded. Price, 25 eonts per box. Por sale by The Eberbach Drug tnd Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, and Geo. ■!■ Haussler. Manchester. WANG-HO. Tliéjrreat Chinese Cure forSyphills, !. tbe only posiiive cure for this terrible uitiiuti n. Cures in írom tlin e to niue moutbs, leaving not a atjitfle trace or veatJfre of the disease. We are only oompai'y lnAmerjca wuosell ■Wano-Ho," the presorlpi Ion belng obtalned atalargeexpens by Dr. Bba, the eminent mtssiooary inJ8X0, and ooiougliiy testi-.i by hini befoi-ö belug piated upon the market. 8,890 oases cured, l lts record tor the paetyear, with not a guurle i ai] ore. In ordenng eniliö forthree months' tieatment. Forfreelnl tmation Beud - Btauip. .-ii eorresponaeooe ütrlotly confldentjal. Noi-ili Americau (Jhemical .. il ikMiiietr Bnildinu' Detroit, Michigan, r s. A. Hci.KK, MGk, OlMXIIIAL AWD KhESC' ' ■''. illdinir, ftiiciniininjL'. (rlazinir smd ,nv: ohm nu. Uiworkls d.Mn in tui 1 tyle ua wnrrnfiti to irive satisfaction CAW I OBTAIN A PATTOTf Forj prompt answer and an boneBt optmon, write to Si 1 1 S N & CO., who have had nearly ilfty years experienca In the patent boainess. Commnnlcations Btrictly confldcntial. A IlnnHbook of Information concerninK Pntent and how to odtain them aent free. Also a catalogue of meohanical and iclentiflo books eent f ree. -,i_„ Patenta taken tbrouBQ Munn S Co. recerre special notiee in the Kcicntific Americnii. and thus are brought wldely before the public without cort to the inventor. This splendid paper. iisued weekly, elenantly Illnetrated, has by f ar the iarsreBt circulatiou of ony scientiflc work in tbe world. 3 a year. SnmpV copies sent fre& Building Bditlon, monthly, rl50 a year. Wngle eopicg, 'J5 cent. Bvery number contain beauUfVil plttia, in color., and photOKraphs of new honei. with plant, enabüng Duilder to . how tb hitent deaUrni and cr oontractg. AddreM


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