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HEART DISEASE Wuttering, N Appetito, Could ■ot Sleep, Wind on Stoaoach. "For a long time Í had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered alosfc incessantly. I had no appetite Md could not sleep. I would be ompelled to sit up in bed and belch fas froin my stomach until I thought every mínate would be rny last There waa a feeling of oppressioñ about my heart, and I was afraid to raw a full breath. I could not sweep m room without resting;. My huaband induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. I now hare a splendid appetite and ieep welL lts effect vras trulr martelous." MES. H AER1' E. STAIiR, PottsrlUe, Pa. Ir. MHsa Heart Cnro Is oíd on a positiva wirantea thac the first botlle wlü toneflt. AlldraegiswaeHitatSl, 6 bottle foríS.or ' will bosent, prepaid, on receipt of pric r tho Dr. Oües Medical Oo., Elktutrt, lad. Sold by Drug:slsts Bverywhere. ■ AHEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES thtteourth-y hos seen. - Albany Argus. IN THE North American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. Thb North American Review is recognized on both sides of tlie Atlantic as the foremost Ileview in the English language, and no expenditure is pared in maintaining it in its unrivalled position. Tlie Review is the mouthpiece of the men and women who kno most afeout the great topics on which Ameriaans reqnire and deaire to be informed wom mouth to month. lts list of contoributors fornis a roll of the representative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN Mceive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed'are: "Women Suffraso in Practico"; 'The Renaisanceof Woman"; "Woman in Politics"'" , JLevr AsI"t of the Woman Question," iwid Ihe 1(Hlirn Girl," ly theauthorof "The Hen venly Twins" ; "The Kuture of Marriage" ; BviU or Erly Marriag-es"; "The Servant Irl of the Future"; "The Financial Dependmee of Women"; "Trades-Unions for Wom1 ; 'TheL,acko( Good 8ervants": 'Amerian Life and Physical Deterioration"; 'Good nd Had viothers"; "The Tyranny of the Kitnen"; "Tlio matcur Nnrse"; WarkTwain's of Harriet Shelly etc., etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Rbvikw will putllsh iu 12chapteri, begwanin!; with the.fanuary number, the Personal HIstory of the Second Empire. a historical work of ansurdassed importance nieh will Ihrow a iiood of new light unon the nequered career of Napoleon III , and the in■nences wlift-h led to the callnpseof his Empirein the K-ifjantic ftrus-g-le with united Ger■lany nader Wilhelm I. and his Iron Chancellor. It isas lasoinatins as a romanee, being rtohlv anécdota! and fu 1 of Information drawn trom sourees hitherto inaccessible, presenti-d ' Bi the papbio nnd vivacioua style which 'The Ktgushmsn in Paris," by tho same author MM uiade familiar to thousands of readers. 5O Cents a Copy; $5.00 a Tear. The North AmBrican Review, 3 East i4th 8t., NewVork. EB. NORR1S ATfOKNKÏ AT Uw. Oocsaijonerallawoollectionandconveyanelog busimvs. A moderóte shure nf vouiDafr-mat'e reenootfully soliolted Offlcp 16 E Hnron Street, upst.airp. piRE INSURANCE. CHBiSTláM MáCK, vnt lor t.h, following Fina Claa Companic ruprannitting over iwenty-Biht. Mflho:. DniUr Aiustg, ïsaues polielei t theloweatratSR m i ■ííCtua of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 öermaniHof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of Dï.Y. 4,065,968.00 Loudon Aasurance,Lond'n 1,416,788.00 MichiKan P. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. ünderwiiters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Haitfont 1 ,774,505.00 Fbenix, X.Y 3,759,036.00 ■WSjx'.m. ititendOb fiwa '. !li miuriuio ui .iwe!iiiii, s'. ' itBi tuh'.ir hulldinirf hl trm. of 'hrii und nc vsr SCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-f Jent business conducted for MODERATE FEE9. ? 5OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE? yand we cansecure patencia les time than thosc? tremóte frora Washington. j 5 Scnd model, drawing or photo., trith descrip-5 i 'ion. "We advise, if patentable or not, free of 5 Jcharge, Our fee not due till patent is secured. 5 A Pamphlet, l Hovr to Obtaïn Patents," withj cost of same in the U. S. and foreiga countries? ent free, Address, J C.A.SNOW&CO. Iopp. Patent Office. Washington. D. C. í


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