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Real Estáte Sale. 2TATE OF MÍCHIGAN COUNTT O of Wnshtenaw s In the maner of tbe estáte oí .lnoa Ktoa, leeeased. Nutlce is hweiir giren that iu pn'suunce 10 urdir granted lothe nndertis;i)..d aumiuiftraterof the eatttte of taid deceatsed ly i 3oo Judge of Probate íor the County rf V'uihtenaw, on tbe IMh day of December i ■). 1194, therr Wlll ■ e fold ut public rendía, 0 tke UijjüeBi bidder, a tbe viiel Iruot doorX he conri bunte In the city of Ann Arbor, ka he Couixy of WsLsbtenaw, iu sau! Kiate, ■ he 2Bth day of February, A 1). 1S9S, at ia 'clock Id the forenoon of thut day onbject ill eucumbraiices by murguíre ur otherwi#a iïiBtinif t the timo of the dea'h of eaid deíeased) the followinjr detcribed real ectate, o-wit: at the uorth-wpet co-ner of Jwt iiimber fi.ur, m bloct i.umher el. Ten, Ín Hixck's adduinn to the city of Ann Arboe. iccordiug to the ecordod plat thereof. tbemo nuth ou the west line of said lot eight roda. henee east three rods and twelve fi-et. thene ïonh parallel wilh riret line of Hiseock u reet, ihnuct west tbree rod and iwelT fet :o the place of bej;innintr. Dated January 9, 1895. LEONUARD GRCNER, ______ Admin i s t i-M U. Mortgage Sale. IVBERBAS DSKAl'LT HAS BEEN MADI " In the termsof pnyiDunt of a certato mortgsge glven on the Bixteenth day oi Aprf fi. 1.IM i,y joini N. Huüt and E Lm Ira T. Kunt, bii wlfe, of Biidi.r'wu er, Waehtenjnr □ounty. Mlchtiran, to James Keboe. of tu place, whirii mortgage Is of record ia the liiüislerof Deeda office for siid 'ounty rf Washtenaw, iu llber 78 on pas;e 2sj, ou'tbe i-uht.-entb day of April. A. 1). IM:{. ■ ml whereas the amounl clalmed lo be dn on sali mortgage at the date hereof ta th Bum ol Blz hundred elghty-nlne mul 4-lM dollars oí principa] mul in;c reet, and t' e fur thi i Buno of twenty-flre dollars ae an ui-ome feestipnlated lor In sald moripage, and whloa is the whole amount clalroed to I; due upo sald mor i gage, and no suit or iirorcrdinga havlng been Instltuted to recover the deb ► ■ cured by sald morrgage or any part tin ieoi whereby the power of unie in said uiortgag luis become operal i e. Npw, there ore notlce Is hereby giren that by virtue of said power of Bale and Iu uursuanee of tho B'iiiute In sucti case made aué provlded, tlie saici mortgane will be loreclose by a ol cbe premises therein described at public auction to the hi-ueet bidder at ib lrout door of the court houï-e. in the city oí Min Ariior, 'u xaid co inty nf vv'ashtenuw, o tbe Cwenty-thlrd iay of February neït at ODe o'olook In tho afteinoon of 'thut day: whlch s;nd premi es are deserilied iu ►ai' mort{rage as loliows: b. Ing in tbe owtiBhh of Brldffewater, Washtenaw co uty, tiivbt pan, and belng tlu easi half of tlie easthilf Of tlie üoutbweai quarter of sectimi twentyaeven, in town fourso .rb of ranre foureavt, mid contalning torty acres of luud. Da(ud UecemberS, 194. JAMES KEtTOB, WALTER P. BÜRSIDQB, Mortgagee. Attorno tor Morrgagee, Notice to Creclltors. CJTATE QF MICHKiAN, COÜNTT iJ if V a-htentiw 88. Notice i bereby givon, that by an order of tlie Prohste Ooiirt for tv Countv of Washtenaw, made uu tho fur enth dMy of Januarv s. 11. 1 suf, . tui mooths trom that late wcre allowed fr orotíilfus lo pri'sent tlieir liiniH tgaiaat lh PSlHte of Einlb f,. Danoe, lftteof buiil coiinly, Jet eii.H], juin llit il] CreditOH . f ;üii deeeased Bic rvquireri topr seiH tltcir clainia 'o s;i;.l he Probate Otüre In tbe c.'y t Aun Arbor, Pnr exaiplnatinxi and j i! me-, .n or before the Bfteen'b daj of Julj, nex( .i.Mi ihn' Kuch tuiiiih wiil be heird beton s'i(l oourt on ttfteemh áú ol, and n th tifuenth day of July D8Zt, ai lai oNluck iu fon ilion of PHCÜ ■ '■ '!U1 il:i . Dnted. Ann Arbor, January IR, A.l) 'RHí. I. WILLARD iia UBITT, .liiflgfcif l'rril.aie. Estáte of Amanda G. Buck. QTATEOF M1CHIUAN, COÜNTT kj of W.i-h enaw b. Ai h ■-mi of Iha l'iobiic Oiurt tor ilie camij of Wm-hten ivv. bolde ,it the probate otn# in t-he ''ii oi Ami Irbor, ob V,ilinsi;iy, the O b dayof Januar; in Ibe year thouuDd clit btindr l and -.ii i t, J. Wi lar-i Banbitl Jalee r.f Prohat. In iIil rnatttr ot the enlate of Amanda G Buck, ieceftsi d On roádin?and Altnu the petlfion, duly wrified , of Francés A. ('arym, prayínff Ibal aortaln ioi rurai-nt nnw on file in thiu Coutt. pnrpoiting { be the 1 ist w 1! and tertMment of aid deeeniiedniay de ;.lnn' ! ii ii. piobatx and tliat udmlnitratloa "f s'i'l estáte muy be Kranied tu lierselt, th ese u rlx ivBald wiil Bainedjoi to sooii oiheraulfeal, lp pel mij thereupon it ia ordered, hy, Ihe 2h ilnyi'f Pebruary next, ai h-n D'olork in thi foiedoon fe Hi-siyiit il lm he hearing of said petition, and tbn the devisee, I i tee dn huir-;vi av ;f sai'] dt'Ct'aped, Dfl all otber peraoiiB iittretteil In saïd ostale arf requlred to nppenr at a se-i-ion of naid eoutl, thei. to be boiden ir tiie , roi'a; OtEce m lbo oitv oí Arm A rbnr, and haw rauee, it nn? ibere be wby the pr er of tlie petitioner sb ul'l nut. lie ' d. - tul it is furtherordered ií:; aaid petitíonet g ve notje to t he pe rsonb intereated in -,..i'i f stal e, nfthepen li i j of siii petition :iriil tie beanng tbereoi by causiDg a copy qï tlns ordei to be publisbedin the ANS kbok A k !i:s. i öewspaper printed iiud Ciniultiteil in ajtij connly cUoccShítc weck pr6vioti8 to Raid 'Uu ut hearing. J. WÏLLARD BABIIITT IA trueouy.) Judge of Probate. WrLLJAMd. Ioty. ProbKtf Keeit"r. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MlCHKiAN.OOUNTY O ol Wa-slitcnaw, aa. Notice is hereby giveO, thtit by au ouler of the Probute Üouri tor th County m VVrtehluaw, tnade oi thi aStb day ol oer, A. D. Is I, m tiuin Hiat date wereaUowed íor eredítori" ' prewnt iheir clniini avainst the estáte ol1 Nelaon cuthcrland, lat of said oounty. atceased.aud thai uil ereditora cf sain deceaaed are h (jinit-i; t'. proaunt theirolftii ■-aiti Probate I I. at the Probate1 Oltice in tbe city ii A íi ii rbor, lorexutnina ion and ailowancu. on or bfore tbe 2tb day ol June next, and that uch claims will boheurd before Saïd tdun on the 2tll day "f lliirrii. umi on tin 2th d iv of June nart, at tin u'clock iu the tortuoon ofeach ol s.ii ' il lys. d Ann Arbn t 2?, A. 1). 1 J.WlUliARD B i i , tudfte ol Probaie Commissioners' Noice. OTATE ()F MICHIGAN, COI NT Y OP 0 Wartht'onaw. The undernlgiied havíng bce aniwiuieil by toe Probute Coatí for aid County, CommisMonera to r-ceive, examin and adjtsi ;ill clahnF nnrl demnodx oi all persons against tin estáte of Riohard No land late ol mui) (Jouniy, deeeased, hereb give notice Ihai ix ruoutb .illoeil, ly ordei ! s 1 1 I Probata Court, f'r Oreditors to present tbeir clainqa Bgalnat Lhe estáte of aaid deceused, and that Uiey will mept at" ■■nee of Jesse steir'. in tbe lownship of Norlhfli lil in said county, on 25 u day of Marca nuil mi ;iio 241b thi Of June next, at te o'clncB A. M ot eai b oi (nid dayö, to receive, examine and adjust said daimi. Uatcd Deocmbtr 24, f'M. JOHN O'II UIA, W.M. t;lK, 1KGAME, Coinuii.ssiorerg. WOMAN'S SALVATION- Thls remedy ' a purely vegetable oompound, and is guarantced 10 be a safe and sure oure tor all inoutbly lrregrularitles, and 11 general uterino tiiiiic. It is Dow usi tl by tiio snnds qf affllcted a dies In this country. We are in ouciptof hunitre mof teitlnjoiiial8 xtolling the virtues of this remedy One trial ill couvlnceth most skeptloal as to lts worth. Prlccil.OU; ut muil ï Norih American rhemicol Co., 1 Renneti Building, Detroit, M lot. Estáte ot Anna Sangree OTATE uF MICHIGAN. LOunty of Wash1 tenaw, ss. At a aesslon of tho Probat t oí. 1 : tor the Counrt m Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate 'fflue In the oitj of nn rb'.r, on Wedne-daj, the U)th day of January, in 1 year one thou and eight hundred and live. at, J. Wülard Babbitt, Judf;e of I'ro1 1:1 ir. Iu the matter of tne estáte of Anna S;mceased. Alfred Davenpori executoi of the last 111 and testament nf sxid ili-ccai-eil, comee Inco oourl and 1 hut, is dow piepared to render nj.s linal .ccount as sucb executor. Tbereupon it Is ordered ihat Tiiesday, tl.o v ui' February, next, at Iu o'cluck in dood hu assigned for examming and aliowlitg such account, and that t he di tsees, legatees.and heirs at lawof said deeeased, and BÜother persons interested In said estal , are required to a 1 Kessionof sni'liourt, be bolden at the Prol m e Office, iu 1 lia city of Anti Arbor, iu said County. and Iiovt cali-e, if any there be, why the said account s bou ld not be allowed: And it is furtber. ord' red tbal said exeoutor glve notice to tbe peisons Interested Insade tate, of the pendency of sald account, and the hearing tbereL- :i copy of thls order to be pub11 hedjn the Ano Arbor Argus. : uewspaper prlnt'd anti circulat"d ui Baid county, tbrea Hucce6Sive weeks prevloue to said day of hearing. J. WILLARI) liARHITT, [A true copy.] Judge of l'robate. William ü. Doty. Probate Ketiistor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News