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Mortgage Sale. l HEn KAS DBPAULT II AS BEEN MA DB ' in tlu' termsof payuaent ol a certain nortgage gtven on the slxteenth daj oi April . I). mn, li.v .IüIim N. Munt and Elmira V. 'uut, hlw wtiw, of li'ulucwn er, Washten&w ounty. Mlchlsran, to James Kehoe, of Urn ■ainc plaoe, which inortgajce Ih oi record in he Register ol l'u ids ofüce tor sald ' ounty of iVaetatenaw, in liber 'M on iül.'c 28U, on the ilghtoentta dayof Arü. a. l. Ib93. wil whereas thu amouni claltned to be dn n ,:ii(i tnortgage at the dute beroof is th -urn f bíx hutidred blghty-ulne and 64-100 ol lurs of principal and interest, and e fur her su ui of twenty-iive dollars ns an atiortioy 'ee stlpulated lor m said mortgrafre, aud whieli stbe whole amount clattoed to bu duo upo ;aid mori(ri(?e, and uo suit or proceedltifr ïavlng heen mstituted to recover tlie delH i cured by said rairtsatte qr any part thcreof ivhereby the power of aale iu said uiortgagis :ia9 become operativa. Now, thereiore notice is hereby Kiven that oy rirtue of said power of sale and iu pur9nmee of the s'uiutr In BUCh oase iuade aoU Drovided, the Baid mortgájte wül be foroclosed y :i sale of the premises therein depcribed at public auction to the hiirhest bidder at the front door of the court house, in the city of Aun Arbor, 'n said county of Washtenaw, ou lic twenty-thlrd day of February neit at ine o'olook In the afternoou of that day: tvhieh said premi-es are deserihed in sald ïlortgage as FollOWs: li -in? in the lOwnshin :t Bridirowater, Washtenaw co.mty, Michi jan, and beldg the east half of the cast half Jf the Southwest quarter of section twentyieven, In town fourso th of ranfre lour eat. xnil containinjür tortv acres ol' laud. Dated December ñ, 1W4. JAMES KEHOE, WALTEIt C. nUKRIDGB, Mortgttgee. Attoniey for Mnrtgagee. Notlce to Credltors. ÍTATE OF MICHHiAN, COÜNTy 1 "i Washtenaw, bh. Notlce is horeby ïvea, bat. by an order of the Probato Court for thp Dountvof Waabtenuw, made on the founeenthday )t Januar A. 1). 1895, bíx months trom that late were allowuil tor credit 018 to present their lulmp agaiuHt the eKttii of Erallj L. Danoer, ateof öaid couni7(deccaiifid, nn that uil creditors ifsaid deceased ai requlrad to present their olaima o said Probate ( ouit,at ihc Probate OtÜce in tha ïity it A in Ajbhr, for examl Dation and allowiince, n or before the flfteenth day of .luly, next, ind thal fuch olaims will be heard before said SOurt. nn Ihe tifteenthditv of April, and on the Hfteenth day of July uext, ut ten o'fluck m ;n forenoon of each of said day 8. Dttteti.Ann ArUr, Januury 'lñ, A. I). 1895. I. WILliAUD ItAliHlIT, Judeeof Probate. Estáte ot Amanda G. Buck. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Kj ot' VVii-hienaw. s;. i a nemifon of the Prob-itc Court lor llie cmilHy of Washteniw, holdeti ut the probate office iu the city ol A nu Arbor, on Wednesday, theJOthday of January. intheyear One tlioufiind eiyhi htuulr il and niiii-ty-tivc Present, J, Wi lard Babbitt. Judge "f ProbaU. In the umtterol the estáte of Amanda O Buck, deieHsi'd. On readiaii and filine tlif petition, duiy v'rifled, of Francés A. Carsan, prayïng Ihat aevrtaln iu rnment now on tile in Ibis Coiilt, purpoiting t be the lust will and testa tu on 1 ofnajd oeceased niay ba adniitted to probate and th&t 'adtulnistratioa of s;ïid eatiite iniy be arrantcd to herself, th exetui rix iu aald will namadox to sume ot her suitablfl peraon. fherenpon it is ordereJ. tht-Monday. the 25th dayof Kt'bruary next, ut ton u'clock In ttie foienoon De asiucd tor the hearing of said petition, and that the d e visees, lftateea nuhelrbat law of said deoe&Aed, w all other persons mtercted in saideatate ai requirud to appear at a seecioa of said couit, then t be balden at the - rohare Office in the citv ol Ann Arbor, and how cause, if anv there be wby the pr.iyor of the petltioner shnut'l not be grant'd. And it is furtberordered that said petition et give. notire to the persons in te res ted irimiid tsiate,uf tlicpundency of said petition aml fcbe htiinngf tbereof, by causing a oopy of tb is order to be published in the Ann Akdou Akíü9. a newwpftper print.ed and circnlated in wiid cuunty threu fUcceftfiTe week? previons to naJd day oi hearinu, J. WlIJ.AiiO BABUITT. A truooupy.j Judye of Probate. WiLLIAM 't . UOTY. PïObKte HPit.'T. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wfwhteuiiw, bm. Nocicd is hereby glven, that by an ordfr uf the Probatfi c'ourt for the County of Wnshtenaw, nimio vv. the ath day of December, A. D. Iöy4, six raunths frora that daUt were alluwed for creditiirw to present their cluimB agiust the estáte of Nelson huthcrland, lat of SHid county. deceased, and tlint all eredfton cf said deceased ttre lequireü to present theirclaimu to said Probate Court, at ihe Probate Offire in the city of Aün Arbor, forexamina.ion and aliowaric. on or before the aSth day of June next, aud that Kuch claims will behaard before said Court on the 28th d;iy of March. and on the aHth day of June next, at teü o'clock in the forenoon of each ot aaid days. Dated Aan .Vrhor, December 28, A. D. 1S(H. J. WIl.LAKD H.M1BITT, ludite oj Probate Commissioners' Noice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY OF Washtenaw. The poderalgned hnving been appointed by the Probate Court for said Countj, Commissionera to receive, examine and adjest all claims and demanda of uil persons aguinst tha estáte of Richard Nowland, Jate of said County, deceased. herel give notice thal kíx inonths from date are allowed, ly order ot siid Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims agaiust the etate (if aaid decensed, and that tt'ey will meet at th realdenoe of Jeaae Steffe. in the township of Northüi-ld in suid county, on the 251I1 day of Marcti and on the 24U1 da ' of June next, at te o'cloi;k A. M. ot Bttrb ol said days, 10 receire, examine and adjnst said claims. Dated December 24, Iis94. JOHN O'HAHA. WM. UI.TltLlNCiAME, Cmiiii8ioreM. Si! RLLiiumonnticusmHipiiCíJaníirí:LEii'ni Mild joLktra. FivC vjffiy THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPAHt SUCCESSOtl W NEW YOHI U.SAW ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Hat stood the Test of Time MORESOLDTHAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED


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