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Council Proceedings

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COUNCUi OHAMBTSK, I Aní Akbok, Feb. 18tb. 16'J5. f Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorucn present. Absent - Aid. Allmendinger. Aid. Manly moved that the journal of the last session of the Common Couneil, as printed, be corrected so as to include the following: The Clerk and. Assessor each one thousand dollars per annum, the City Atforneysix hundred dollars per annum. the City Treasurer one hundred dollars. And furt hor arnendod arul strikinsr out all after the wor3 ''Allow" on lint' seventeeu to j and ineludiag the word "office" in line twen ty-one. Aftei' fie words "The Mayor and eaeh ; berof th ('omtnon (',rim.-ü shall be paid ono hundred dollars per an n um," on page 157 of printed report. Adopted. Subject to this correction the journal ! of the last session was approved. 1 PBTITJONS AXI) COMMUNICATIONS. A petition sigucd by L-Vcii Ilarpst and 10 otlier tree hohl-is and msideuts of the sixtii ward, askinjr tor the location of an eleciric light on the cerner of Packard and E;ist Oiiiversify Avenue, was read and referred tóthe Corü mittee on Lighting. M.vvott's i (ÍFICE. i I A.n.n ARBOR, PBB. LS, i:-'.5 f To I be Honorable Gommot) Counoil : According to the provisión of the charter, I hereliy appoint, subject to your approval, .l.i mes W. Green to tfie pffice of Pouudmastcr in the City of Arm Arbor. c. (i. DAIU.ING. Mayor Aid. Prettytnan moved that the appointment of James W Green as Poundmaster be confjrmed. Adopted. BEPORÏS OF STANDING C.OMMITTEES. The Committee on Pólice asked forj furtber time to report in the case of Hugh Johnson. Granted. ( ).M.MITT1CK ON liÜKDS, Chairmau Prettyman submitted tlie bond of (rlen V. Mills as City Clerk witb F. G. Schleicher and John Burg as sureties. Bond accepted. C03OIITTEE ON SBWEKS. To iiie Honorable Common Couneil: Your Committee on ewers, to whom was referred the matter of the Fifth Ward Main Sewer, would report that after careful oonsideration of the same, th-y are of the opinión that the building of said sewer should be deferred for the present. We flnd that in a communication from the school hoard, referred to your (Committee. that said board do not deern lt desirable that the public school for 1 lie l'ift h ward be connecteefwith he city sewer system, and f urther bclieving that a míijoriiy ot the taxpayers of said ward are not in favor of same at this time: therefore your Committee recommend that the buildlng of saiti Hcut.'r be postponed until a majority of taxpayers of said ward ask for it. Kospectfully submitted, AKTHÜR J. K1TSON, H .1. BKOWN, CHKIST. MARTIN, FRiNK WOOD. F. L. BODMER, C. H. MANLY. Aid. Majily moved thatthe report be received and placed on file. Adopted. SPECIAL COiniITTEE OX CITY OFFICES. To the Honorable Common Couneil: Your Special Committee, to whom was referred the question of city offices, beg leave to make t he lollöwins Ve port; v e have considerad the plans furnished by the City Enfrineer and have instructed him to drafl a seaond set to include our recommen(iBtiOllS. We consider the design preferable for the foliowinfi reasons: tliere are fewer alterations to be made, and the cost of makiog the neoeesary ohanges will bemuohless. Itwlll tiive the iire department The advantase of il wide street for exit or entrance, and the use Of t he present walk built for that purpose at a sreat expense. 'l'hiit if at any future time it is deemed deBlrable to oxange the loeation of the city offices to another building, the eontemplate.-l aidition is so desierned that twooreven thrpe new truck or entine rooms, with acconlniodatlons f'ir neceasary horses ean bellttod up at a small expense. lt í-'ives ampie acoommodations for a city lock-up, with outside lisht and ventilation; a thini; not accomplished by the llrst plan. There is also provided an extra stall tobe used in case of siekness among the horses of the department. A wash room for the apparatus of tbe departmont is desig-nod immediately in connection with a tower for washinff and dryinghose. If is also possible, with the second plan, to drive through the building seoonu ilan and furnish specifieatX tï !íe .ame Second, that he iín ish esunfaío -f16 the coÈBtruction of the same. Thllu that hr inelude in his plans and estWtes roèh 5ÜÏ utionslñ he present aS wtll enSST t to be Rfoperly , eated ly stêam.I d Seo mogate all tteofwarrplumbing. Ttiathe tw" nis i estímate tor exeavatlngundertheJm. and for replacinjr the i" Wiek L? tlUpn lis with Iron poste and ste -1 joists Rospeetfultysubmttied. 'joints. L. T) WINKS KRANK WOÓT) W. I,. TAYIOlt Special Commlttee on City Office. Aid. Wood moved tluit th Oouncil tiike a reeess of five minutes to con sidcr plans suhinitted l,y the (-(111111111. tee. Adopted. At the expiration of the allotted time tbe Council was called to orde by Pres. Wines, The report of the committe was accepted and adopted. The Clerk subtnitted the followius bids for printing the Amended Sewer SpeciQcations and Plumbeis' Rules: Beakes & Hammond, Ann Arbor Courier and Sid VV. Millard. Aid. Martin moved that the bids be referred to the Finance Comtnittee. Adopted. RESOLUTÏONS. By Aid. Brown: Resolved. That. tlie Board of Public Worku he and are hereby ordernd to defpr advenisinir for bids for the construction of the Kif th ward sewer until f urther orders frora the council. Adopted. By Aid. Manly: Resolved. Thut the Roard of Public Work submit to this ' ouncil at iis next reduin meetinp: a statement show log the dineren sizes of sewor pipo, the number of feet of eacfa Pize ui?ed in the construction of the main pewer, the umount of indkindof material on band. ttie amount paid enrineers and aaaistants. theamount paidforeman. also amount paid for day labor, also the location of and the number of crose-wiilks built duringr the year 1894, the Mnd of material used and the cost thereof, including labor, also a full and complete inventory of all city property under their control. The resolution prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagnei Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brovvn, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Wagner: Kesolved, Tlint Charles E, Greone be nlowed t'oiir hunared aud üfty dollars for Iim seryltosos eoasuHing engrineer on the maiu I suver. Aid. Manly moved that the resoluj tion be referred to the Finance Com mittee for investigation. 1 Aid. Prettyman moved as a substitute that the matter be referred to the Oity Attorney. The substitute prevailed as follows: i Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Mar; uu. Wooii, Snyder, Fergwson, Brown, Maiilv, Taylor. Kitson. Prettymun, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, Thai the Poundmaster be fluthorlzed to use tho barn at nis place, No. 37'; Wall Ftreet, us a dog pourid until further provisión is made by the City Couneil. Adopted. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved. That twenty-flve dollars are hereby appropriated f rom the Water Kund to cmpïoy a clerk to assist tlie Water Cotnmittee in 11 report on revising the water rates. Aid. Prettyman oflered tlie followinjí ;s a substitute: Resolved, That the oh airman of the Water Committee be autnorlzed to emply Bucta 88i8tanee in a reportas may be necessary, Which prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Snyder, Fergusoñ, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines--12. !Xays- None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the stim of thifty-flve dollars be appropriated fi-om the Contingent Fund tor tho purpose ot' havffig draíted bilis ordered by this Councll to be presented to the Lesislature at its present session, and that a warrant for thut amoiint be drawu to the order of the City Attormy. Which prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagncr, Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. Aid. Manly moved that the Couneil go into committee of the whole to consider the bill before the Legislature providing for a charter reincorporating cities of the third class. Motion failed. Aid. Wood moved that when the Couneil adjouñi it adjourn until Monday, Feb. 25, at 8 o'clock p. m., to consider the above charter. By Aid. Prettyman. ReBolved, Thatan invitation bo extended to the cltlzens of Ann Arbor to meet with tne Couneil on the eveninj; of Feb. 2óth, to discuss tho bill to provide tor the relneorporatiou of certaiu cities as cities of the tnird class. The City Attorney addressed the Couneil regarding the damage cases against the city caused by the opening of North Fifth avenue. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter be referred to a special committee of three. Carried. Pres. Wines appointed the following as the special committee : Aid. Prettyman, Martin. Taylor. On motion the Couneil adjourned. City ClerK.


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