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F. Krause, the well known auctioneer, will attend to all sales in city or county. Orders may be left with hitn on Hroadway or at the Axgus office. tt Do not neglect to attend the reduction sale of furniture at Martin Haller's. Furnish your parlors while you can buy parlor furniture cheap. Every article in the store is reduced. Come and convince yourself. wantedTfosale, etc. Itmik KEN"i'-i''iirin of 2M uores, good fences, plenty of barn room witli water In ihem and uil in tirt elass condition for rent, ai $3 jer acre for i he cleared land Inquire of A. M. CtiAKK, City.or 8t A. 1 CLARK, Saline. FOR SALE- 4 houses; Olie for $4.000, ohm for %J,(i00; ):In;allsst.,!f:;,f)00; newbrtck house 2.45U; lot with cellar on S. Ttauyer, $l,:i00. lnquire S. I). Allen, ÍK) E. Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT.- Larse new oouse with all modern improvements, (-sttTii and city water in house and well near door. Will take in part payment amall house or lot orsmall farm near city, balance oü loDg time and low interest. P. C. Box 1345. FOR SALE.- HO acres 011 Chubb St. in acre or Hve acre lots or all together. Long time, 8inall payment. 6 percent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 iMoffat BuUdiii:-', Detroit, Mich. TBOTICB- I, J. w. liennott, proprietor of J5 Dexter House, Dexter, have opened up iny barn and will run a slrietly lirst-clase foed barn in oonnectlon with hotel. Will be glat tosec old oustomers and lots of new ones, aiu satlsfactlon ffuarantecd. Au experienced horseman in attendanc.e. if W.WTKI) Place as tovernesi to chlldren or oompanlon, office wprk, or olerk, ad dress liox lffii, ï'pellanti, or E. K. E., care o Argrus. ' WANÏED- A MAN in eyery seotion at once to sell staple oods to dealers; no peddlins;; experience uiinucessavy. bestelde line. aíñoüa inotuh. Salary and expenses orlarge commission made. AddreBS, wlth i cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soapand Mamifacturing Company, Olndnnktl, Olno. POl'LTRV wanted- market pnce paúl for all kinds of l'oultry. at i he corner of l-'ifth andSummitStreets. J. C. WeekS&Co., Ann Arbor. F (IR S A LU.- Two choioe milch eowf. Bnqulre of .1. H. Royli, 2 miles west of Cathcfllo ohurchV In Northfield. U-I4 tOR SALE CHEAP- My liouse and lot on th comer of Traver and Pontiac si reet, in Uie l'ifth ward ofthedty of Ana Arbpr. A desirable locatlou Cor wood or coal yard. My theslde of T. & A. A. tracks. Wllüam Action. Janúary 28, L885. í( PIANO TCNING.- A. D. Urown, the well knciwii piano tuner with C. J.Wbitney, will be In ihe city Boon. Orders lelt attheAHOus otlio.e will receive his attentlon. rpo KENT - At No. 20 S. State St. A üat of i six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 8tl POR 8ALE OB BXOHANGÈ- A farm of r acres, sltuated In f-odi for sulo. or will e.cliantte for house and lol In Aun Aroor. Also iil-ilii' clover seed for sale. Enqnlre of W. ()iUS, I(IX 15Í1. M-ll Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ O of Washteusw. The underslgnèd hnvlug ütien ippoiuted lvy (he Coort for s.iio ('otinty, coinuiiesioneis to receive, examine and adjtiBt all cliiims nnd demanda of all pursons ag.unst the estiitc ot Qeorge M. Henion, late of suit) coumy, déceased, hcreliy give uoiice th:u aix monüis froni date tire illowed, ly order 1 Balo Probate Court, for creditorsío present theirclanns igainet the catate ofsaid '■en'Hscd, and thít Micy will meet nt ilie late residenoe of saiUlwe:ised . in Ihe City of Aun Arbor, insaid county.OB tlic'24(li day of April and on the x'lth flay of Jnly, next, at ten o'clock a. ni. oí each of ama daj b Lo receive. examine and adjusl s;iid claims. Dated lanuary 24, 1885. ' CH iRLES M. WOBDEN, JOEL A. ÍIINKK. Commíssionürs. Notice to Creditors. CTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Waslitenaw. bb. Notioe is herchy s'vfin that by an order of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenuw, made on the 2Xth any of Jonuary A. D. 1895, six mootha from that date nert alluwed forcredilors to present their claims agninst the estáte of Aun Mullrennan, late of said county, ileceiined, und that ull creditors of said deceased ure rsqiiired to present their claims to said 1'robateOourt at the Prolmte office in toe city of Ann Arbor, for exaniiuallon and allow.itice 011 or bcl'ore the 2Uth iay of Julv net, and that . aufh claims will be heaid before said Court, nn thu 29th day of April andón tbe ijth day ol Jnly imxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of Raid days. Dated, Ann Artior. .lanuary -.'3, A. D. 19% .1. WII.1.AK1) BAJiBITT. JtidLc of Prubute.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News