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Mack & Schmid

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fï I vit 9 ■ unL --VOUR GREAT 1895 CAMPAIGN A favorite and set expression among business concerns at this season of the year is, "We have completed our invoice and find ourselves overloaded," making this a very good reason for a reduction sale. We too have completed our invoice, but unlike the majority of business firms we are not overloaded with old goods.- Our old goods are gone; they went out with the old year at what prices they would bring. Their place has been supplied with New Goods ! Desirable Goods ! Up-to-Date Goods ! All purchased under the New Tariff -This means a reduction in price to you of 331-3 to 50 per cent. less than you have been in the habit of paying- A reduction you cannot realize on paper- You must actually see the goods and prices to appreciate it. How often it happens now when we display a piece of goods and teil the price, the inquiry comes, "What's the matter of it." Well, there is nothing the matter of them, only THE Y ARE NEW.- They were bought cheap, and The Store is selling them cheap, cheaper than any living person ever saw goods sold for before. % $L Cope ai)d See Those Wo])derftil Prices Í 4 % DRESS DOODS DEPARTMENT 21 LEAPERS 21 LEADER 1. One case 50-inch, dl wool, silk finish, doublé warp serge, black and color, worth 7."c, now 49c. LEADER 2. One case 50-inch, all wool silk finish. Ilenrietta carbon or jet black, was S5, now 49c. LEADER :. One case 38 inch aü-wool doublé warp serge, black and colora, wortli "9, now 25c. LEADER 4. One job 50-inch black serge, worth 85, now Of a yard. LEADER 5. Four pieces CO-uich '-water-prooi'" Cravenette, black and colora, was $2, now $1.35. LEADER tí. One case all-wool fancy black goods: iigured. mohair, plaids and camelé hair novelties worth 75c to $1 per yard, your choice for 4Oc. LEADER 7. One piece black 50-inch Mohair, extra quality, wOrth $1, now 72c. LEADER 8. 23 pieces all-wool Henriettas, regular valué, 50c, now 33 Ac. LEADER . Two pieces fancy black Grepë, new, at 9O and 65c a yard. LEADER 10. One lot 46-inch Alma Serge, black and colors, worth 50c now 39c per yard. LEADER 11. Priestleys' black goods, new silk warp Algerine, Melrose, Kailway Cord, Alma and Henrietta, worth $1.50 to $1.75, now Friestley's 42 in silk warp Henrietta and Alma, worth 1.35 now $1.00. Friestley's 60-in Cravenette, beet made, now $1.55 per yard. LEADER 12. W. F. Read's great fabrics, Lansdowne aud Engadine. We have them in all colors and black (and sell them at the price of uauch inferior imitations), were $1.25, now $1.00. W. F. Read's fancy Polka Dot and Lansdowne Cord, worth $1.4( per yard, now $1.25, 40 inehes wide, cheaper and f ar daintier than silk. LEADER 13. Embraces all the new spring novelties in Perforated etfects, Rob Roy and Stewart and othes Scotch plaids, checks, French Crepe, in brown, navy, black and Napoleon blue. Silk and wool flake effects, worth f rom $1 to $2.50, our price 75c to $1.90 per yard. This line is complete, of the latest style and no duplieates. LEADER 14. 43 pieces 42-inch silk and wool mixtures in new and tasty colorings, worth 60c a yard, our prioe 42c per yard. LEADER 15. One job 42-inch silk and wool Parisian novelties, S5c, now 6Oc LEADER 16. 60-incb Clay's Diagonal Worsted, something new for Ladies' SuitB, navy and black, worth $2.25 per yard, now $1.50. LEADER 17. 50-inch colored and black serge, sold for $1, now 75c per yard. 54 inch colored and black Storm Serge, sold for $1, now 75c per yard. LEADER 18. Arnold's A. A. 40-in wool Henriatta silk finish, worth 75c, now 55c per yard. These are the best goods made. Colors only. Atlantic J. 40-inch Henrietta, all wool, value 50c, 'now 35c. LEADER 19. 5 pieces 4t-inch French Broadeloth worth 1 now 49c, black and colors. (7 Jobsï 2 pieces 54-inch all wool "Tyrol Tweed"' for skirts, worth 85c now 6Oc. 6 pieces 48-inch storm serge in navy and black, worth 75c, now 49c per yard. 3 pieces 48-inch storm serge in navy and black, worth 50c, now 39c per yard. 14 pieces fancy mixed all wool novelties worth 50„ now 39c per yard. One case all wool serges, mixtures and h'annel, worth 50c, now 29c. One case silk and wool mixtures and plaidu, worth 40c per yard, now 25c per yard. LEADER 20.' One case 38-inch Englisb Cashmere, worth 25c per yd, now 19c. One case 38-inch Armurc, half wool, worth 25c, our price 15c per yard. One lot 38-inch fancy stripe flannel, worth 25c, now 5c per yard. LEADER 21. 158 Remnants, prain and fancy, colored and black Dressgoods to close at 1-8 formei valne. The Stores WASH GOODS DEPT. - BARGAINS- 20 styles best imported Challies, worth 73c per yd, now - - - 42c 10 dress patterns Figured Organdíes, wortli 45e, now .... 3c 7 dress patterns Muslia de Cheveron, new, worth 45c, now - - - 30c la dress patterns imported Ginghams and Dotted Swiss, worth 50c, now - 40c 20 piects half woo' Challies, worth -20c per yd, now .... 12ÍC l.i pieces half wool Challies, 30 inches wide, worth 35c per yd, now - - 20c 1 job Moire Sataen, worth 12c per yd, now ..... 9c 25 pieces tast black and figured Sateen, worth 16c per yd, now - - - 12èC 10 pieces tast black Sateen, worth 12-c per yd, now .... lOc An elegant line of light and dark, plain and fancy Duck, for Bloomer Suits, worth 15c, now - - - - - - - - 12 Ac 20 pieces tast color French Sateen, worth 35e, now - 2ÖC 10 pieces hand spun Suitings, old price 50c, now - - ... . 30c 25 pieces best swivel Silks, all evening and dark shades, lastjear were 75c, uow selling at ----- ... 45c (Best wholesale price on these goods today is 40c ) 120 pieces best Outing Flannel at - - 10c 75 pieces Outing Flannel, 8c grade - 5c 25 pieces best Percale, regular 12.'; valué, at 10c Gingbams, very best Amoskeag checks, at - - - 5c 3 cases ïoiledu Nords, bright spring styles ■ - 10c 20c Zepbyr clotk, new Tartán blaids, checks and stripes, at . - 14-j Crinkled Ginghams now selling at - - - 10c 1 case dotted Swiss Musliu at - 5c


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