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j CAIV I OBTA1N A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an bonest opinión, wrfte to SllJNN &CO., who have had nearlyflftyyears experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldentia!. A Ilnndbook of Information concern inc Patenta and bow to obtain tbem sent free. Átso a catalogue of mechanica! and scientiflc books sent free. Patenta taken throuRh Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Seientilic Atnericnn, and thuB are brought widely beforethe public without coat to the inventor. ThiB splendid paper, iösued weekly, elegant ly illustrated. has by far the lartrest circulatton of any scientiflc work iu the worid. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.60 a year. Single copies, "25 cents. Kvery number contains beautiful platea, in colora, and photORraphs of new housen, with plans, enabUnp; bullders to etaow the latest designs and secure contracta. Addresa MUNN L CO., New YORK, 361 Bwmuway, Commlssioners' Notice. STATU OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The underiigned havinii huenappofrited hv the Probate Court fuv suid Countv, Commissioners to receive, ex;unine and ad j list all claim .tnd demanda of all persons ayainst the estáte oí Daniel Douovim. late of said Countv, deceased, hereby ijivtj notice thai six montha frorn date are allowed, by order of saiit Probate Court. for creditors to prese ti t tlu-il' claims a&minst the estáte of said deceaaed. amï tluit thev wHU moei it the latettidenoi oi said deoeased.iu th townabip of North field, in sjiid County, on the 22(1 duy of April aml on tlie 22d dn oJ July next, at ten o'dock a. m. of each of said da vs, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dtiu-d, January 22, 1895. BERNA IïD MURl'AY, KÜWARD CAilILL, Oommissioners, Estat of Daniel Sutherland. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF . ' WarthtenaW, sa. At aseesion of tl e Probate Court lor the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu ibe. City oí' Aun Arbor. ou Mondny, the 2ö'h day ot Fehruary, in the year odc thousancl eieht buinlred and niuety-five Prps'iit.j WiUard Bubbitt, JudK? of Probate. In the matter of tbc estáte of Daniel butberland, detfa-ed On readlneanri tiling ihe petitioa dulyverified ot" Barah ,] . bil th eiland, pmyii g liiat a eertaiu lust rumen t now ou hl e in t h is court, purnorting to be last will and ut 'iiiont ot sid leceasid may Ik; admttted 10 pr-lte, and tliat sdministrfttion of said esta'o may be rrtd to hersolí, the cxecutrix in 8nU wiJl, or to sume otl.err-mla' W pprson. TheríMip'.i! it íb ordered, that Moniaj-, tbf 25th (lay i Muroh next at lOo'clock in theforenoon, oe aBbIsiicd for the hearing of said petition, and that the de visees, leñatees and heíi-s-atlaw of said deceased an-1 dli ntnor persons mteret! iu said ubtate. are r quired tu appoar at a eeasion of said oourt, theu to be holUon al the Probate Office in the city ot A ui Arbi.r. and show canee, if any thero be, wby the prayer of the petitioner bhould Dot be ranted. And it i.-, furiner ordereH that eid petiÜOBer ive DOtJce to the persons inierosied in saïd earate oí tlie pendencj ot" snid politlón and the bparing theroof, by caHainy a copy of this oider te be pubüslied in ihe Asm Aroor -Auouh. a newupapei print ed and cuculaied iusuid county, three auecepsive week prvious toaaTádftyof hearing. J. WILhAUl) BABB1TT, ia TKUKCorvi J;iltrc of Probate. WilljamG. Uoty, Probate Reyister CommissionersT Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wishlenaw. Tlie undtírsigned baTfng been áppolnted by the Prol'üto Court for said Couniy, IJgmmJestonertf ti receive, examine and adiusi il! olaims and demanda of all persons against the esuitt o) Ellen OH ara, luie ot lid county, decwwii. hereoj give noiice thai six iiionths fruin date ure alloweti,by order oi y:iid Frotan Oou rt, for credkors to present thcir claims againstthe estáte inania deceased, and that thej wUI meel at ilie oiliet; of oOeorge C. Page in the vlilnga ol Dext'r, in said county, on Satnrday, the liitli ilay ot M.iy, and on Monday, the l9th diiy of August, next, at ten o'olock A. W. of e:ich of said das, to receive, examine, and adjut said claims. Dated, Feurunry, ïsth, 1895. GKOKGE V. PAGE. KI'SSELLO. KE1SVE, Couiuiissioners. Estáte of Ariel H. Fillmore. STATE OV MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the úount.v ol' Washtenaw, holden at tlie Probate otlice in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the 3th day of January, in the year one thousatid eig-ht hundred anti ninety-Bve. Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Judsre of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Ariel H. FU1niore, dMMaed Catherine M. Fillmore, exectitrix of the last will and testament ff said deceased. conaes into court anti reprusents that she is now preparedto render her annual accouut as such executrix. Thereupon it ia ordered tbat Jlonday, the 35t h day of Februarj' next, at lOo'clock in the forenoon, be assifrned lor e.xamlnine and allowinjr such account, and that the devicees, legatees and heirs-at-law ot said deceaed, and all other perrons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then be to holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in -..lid Countv, a ml show uause, if any thore be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said executrix give notice to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hcarinif tnereof, by causinga copy 6t this order to be published in tbe Ann Arbor Argua, a newspaper printed and in said county, tbree i successive weeks previous to said day of nearJ. WiLLATtD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. A true copy-1 Wm. G. OoTV. Probate Reaieter. Estáte of Mary Lyman STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTV ol Washtená Ata sesHOi) of the Probate I Court for tueCounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottice in the city of Anu Arbor, on Filo:iy, the eijjhtn day of iebruary, In the year one thonsaiui eijjht hundred iirj'.t umety-five. Present, J. Willard Babbilt, Judge of l'robate. Ir the matter of the estufe ot Mary Ljman, deceascd. J axiles H. I.ynian, the administratorof san! etite, comes into i;ourt and reprsentí thftt he Is now prepared to rendei nis linal account as such administra'or. Thereupon it la ordsred thal Tuexday, the twelfth day ot 'March next, at ten o'cloclt in the fpreuoon, be ansigned for xamlnlng and allowing such account, nuü that tliu beira nt hiw ol :iirt deceased, and all otber persons iuterested in Baid estáte, re required toí"(ípearitaseoi-ioDof unid court, titen to bc tmldenj.t ihe Probatu otlice, in thecity of Ann 6id (oun'-y.and show cause, it any tbere 1-, by lie said account should luit he allowed: Alü il is iurtber ordered, that said admiuistrntor glve notiee to the persons inteïeeted in said eslate ol tbe )tndency of said account, "nd tttt bearlne thereof, hj causing a copy of Uusoider to Itc publiwiieii in the Ann Arbor Aituos.a newtpaper printed nndolrculating in said county , tbree successive oeks prevKiita to said dav oí hearire. J WILLABD BAKHITT, ( A true copy. ) Judge of Probate . William G Dotv. Probate Retfiaier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News