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Mortgage Sale. WHEMEAS DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE In the termsof payment of a certain mortsfiiíít1 given on the sixteenth day of April A. D. 1894, liy Jolm N. Hunt and KI mira K. Huilt, hU wife, of Hriciewa'er, Wnslitenuvr i'ouniy. Micliifrau, to Jamea Ketaoe, of the sumí' place, whiota mortgage i-i oí record In the Register of Deeds ofBce tor Bald Oounty of Washtcnaw, ia hber TH, on pasje 280, on the elghteenth day of April, A. D. 1892. And whereaa Mie amountclaiint'd to be duo on salo mortgage at the dato hereof In the siun of si.x bundred eighty-nine and 64-100 dollars of principal and interest, and ti:e further sum of twenty-flre dollars as uu attornoy feestipulatcd for in said tiiortgrafre, aud whlcii is the whoU' aiiKium claimed to l)e due upon said mortgage, and no suit or proceedingK haring lieen mstitutod to recover the deut gpcured by said mortgage or any part thereof whereby the power of sale in said mortgage has hecome operutiw. Now, thereroro, notico is hereby elven that by virtue of said power of sale and iu pursnance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described at Fublii' auution to the highest bidder at the ront door of the court house, in the city of Anti Arbor, 'n said county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-third day of February next at oné o'elock iu the afternoon of that day: which said premies are described in eaid mortgage as i'ollows: lising in the lownship of Bndgewater, Washtenaw county, aMícIiígan. and beinp: the Baat half of the east half of the soutb-west quarter of section twentysevcn, in town fourso .th of ranire foureast, and coDtainlng torty acres of land. Dated December 5, 1894. .JAMES KEHOE. WALTEKO. BÜRRIDGB, Mortgagee. Altorney for Morrgssee. The above sale adjoumcd niitil Mareh 2nd at the same hour. Notice to Creditors. QÏATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, a.s. Notice i hereby giveu, tbat by an order of the Prohute Court for the Countvof Vanhtenaw, made on the ftuirieenthday of Januarv A. D. 18S15, six inonths irom thal date were allowcd fur creditors to present their claimt againwi the estáte of Btnily L, Dancer, lateof said coiinty,deceaaed,an't tbat all creditoro of said deeeased are required to present thelr claims fco said Probute Court, at Ihc i'rulmto OÜioe in the city of Ann Arlnir, forexamination aud allowanco, on or before the tlfteeuth day of July, next, and thal Piich claims wiil be heard before said court, on the Üfteenth day of April, ,-md on the üfteenth day of July uext, at ten o'cluck in tn; forenoou of eacb oi said days. Dated, Aun Arltor.Junitiiry 15, A. I). 1S95. I. WILLARI) HAIiBÏTT, Judireof Probate. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV of Washtunaw, ss. Notice iu hereby giveu, that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 2th dny of December, A. D. ltttfi, six munths irom that date werealluwed for crerlitor to jm:sent their claime ag-.unst the rst.ue of Nelson Hutherland, late of said county. deceastd, and tlmt all creditors of said deceased are iequired to prehciit llieii claimato said Probate Court, ut the Probate Office in the cityof Anti Arbor, íor exaniinaion and allowance, on or before the 2Sth day of June next, and that Mch clhima will b he.ird bofore said Court on the 2-th day of Mftrch, and on t)ie 2Hth day of June n;xt, at tfii o'clock in the forenoon of each oí S;iid days. Datni Aun Arbor, December 38, A. D. 1894. ,1 WILLAKn 7t BBÏTT, tudue o) Pfoban Commisstoners' Noice. STATE OF MICHíííAN, COI1 NT Y UP Washtenaw. Ttie uudersigned havíuK been appointed by the Probate Court for snid County, Cooimissionera lo rijceivet examine and adjvst all claims nd dumands of all persons against t he estáte of Biohard Sowland, laie of sftia Oounty ( deceased, hereby give notice tbai -ix inonths from daie are allofted, liy ordev nf Srttü Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims agafnfit the estáte of suddsoeased, andthatthey win peet at the residenoc of Steite, in the lownship of Northñeld in Baid county, on the 251b day of Maren and on the 24 th da of June next. at teu o'cloek A. M. ot ea' b ol said days, to receive, examine and adint said clainio Dated December 24, I&94. .O1IN O'IIAHA. W.M. BÜRi [NGAME, Cotnmisaiorers. Estáte of Ann Maria Alchln. ttTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasïitcnaw. sa. At r BCSlion 't the Probat1 Oourt for the (jou ntyof Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city oi Ann Arbcr, (d Thuradayi the 2i st dy of Februaryi ín the year one thousand etght hundrnl anti UiUöty-flve. Present,.]. Willard Habbitt. .Jude oí Probate. ïn the matter oí t be otate ot A un Maria Alobiu, deceued. Edwanl A Alchiu. fxecutor Of the last win and téstame Kt ui said deceased, comes into oourt njid represente that be is now prepared to rendar bi- liniil aOCOUD t as such executor. Therenponit laorieredthatTuesday tte]9ihday of Uarch m-xt, at ten O'cloek in tne forenoun, be nssigned for Oxamfnln and allowinj; such acCOi-niandilmt the dcvÍKces. lepa lees and D;irs-at-law of faid rieceahed, nd nll oiher pursons interosted in suid estáte, are reqmred to appear at a seesiou of sa'd court, h n to be bolden at the Probate Offloe, in the C-ity ot' Ann or, in eaid COunt ati(i bhow cause, lf any tliore be why tbe said account should not be al in wed. And it is lurther 01 U rd tlmt said exoutor KÏVe notice to the persons inteieuted in said estáte, of the pendency of flaid ace nmtauri the hem ing thereof by causitig m fopj ( this order to be publisbed in the Ann Arbor Arfu8, a iH'wspaper printt-d and otrcnla'lug in Sdid county, three succL-shi(-e weeks ij(". ious to faW dar oi hearing. J.WJLLAHD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. ( true copy. WlLLIAM U.DOTT. Prob'UeJReiisier. r - E%k BtóiiwinnTHCUSiiwauinajiiïisstiHJMti'Jiiii :V Mild SyiZc-xn. Tim e %A0 l AMERICAN TOBACCQ COWAHt SUCCESSOR W ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Hm stood the Test of Time MORESOLD THAN ALLOTHER BRANDS COMBINED


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News