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Did yon ever see one of the famous waterproof Interlined Collars or CnfFs ? It's very easy to teil, for thcy are al] marked this way TRADf Buuloio iney are ule only Interlined Collars and Cnffs, and are made of linen, covi-rcd with waterproof " Celluloid." Tbey'll stand right by you day in and (iay out.aud thcy are all marked this way CELLULOID JT markThe first cost is the only cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when soiled you can clean them in a tninutr by simply . hg off with a wet cloth - that is the Kind marked this way JÜL Bh. TRADf TlT These collars and cuffs will ontlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bilis - no chafed neck and no wiltiug down if you get a collar marked this way 3ÉpLë.LULOQ HTlT :; ycur dealer first, and take nothi uiat has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If you can 't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a sample postpaid on receipt of pricc. Collars, 25 ets. each. Cuffs 50 ets. pair. Give your size and say whether standup or turned-down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 427-29 Broadway, NEW YORK. GOQDYEAR'S Drug Store! i Toilet articles, coinb.s, brasiles, manicure sets, puft' boxes, pöwder, harmless lotions for theeoinplexion, djes, tooth powder aiul the liundreds of articles ceded daily by those Who believc it ís a dutyto niiikc the most ol" nat ure's ohainis. We have the most cöntplete stot-k. GOODYEARS DRUG STORE, WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. IVANTED- Position by competent pastry " cook. Good reasons for leaying present poeitlon. Miss Lena liivers, general deliver.v. 17-11 FOK HENT-Farm of 23 aeres, good iVncrs, plenty of barn room with water in them and all ir liit class condition for i-ent, u i; per acre for the ileared land lnquire of A. M. CLAHK.Cilv.o). :i t A. F. CLAEK, Saline-. FOH SALE OK KENT.- Lartre uew nonst' with all modern hnproveuit-nts, clstern and elty water in house and well near door. Will tuke in p.nt payinent . Ninall house or lots orsinall farm aeorcltj, lwilamie on long time and low Interest. l c. Box KH5. FOE SAI,K.- 80 leien ön Chubl) 8t. in CTe or tive acre lots or :ill toeïhei-, l-on; time, email payment, fi per 'ent. interest. Jas H. MuIJonulU, 42 Moffat KuildinK, Detroit, Mich. "COTICE- I, J. W. Utüimat, propriotor of --' Dexter House, Dexter, have opened up my barn and will run astrictly first-class f t barn in connection with hotel. Will b: glad1 to seu old eustomors and lotn of new ones, aud satlsfoctloD Kuaranteed. Au experlenced horseman in attendance. tf WANTED- A MAN in eveiy seotlOD at OBC6 to sell Htjiple (joods to dealers; do p(IdlinB; experience unnecessary; besieide line. 176.00a month. Salary and expenses orlarge OOmmlnlOD made. Address, with 2 ceut stamp for spaled particular, Clifton Soapand ManufactuiinK Company, Olnclnnfctl, Ohio. POULTRy wanted- market price patd tor all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Kit th and SiimmttStreets. C. C. Week & (o., Anri' Arbor. IOK SALE CHEAP-My house and lol 011 l the corner of Traver aBdPontiacstrcits. in tbc Fifth ward of the city of Ann Arbor, . desiralile location lor wood or coal varci. Hv thesideof T. & A. A. tracks. W illiain Action. .lanuary 23, 1895. ff PIANO Tl'NINi; - A i). Brown, tbi known piano tuner with C. J.Whituey, i 1 be in ihe oity soon. Oniers left ar tbe.AXcud otliee will receivo his atteution. 'I O KENT.- At No. B. Stat 6t. A Hat wl J. six rooms. Enqulre at ltt rf. Swte St, üttj LOR 8ALE OK BXOHANQE A farm of. 4 tf - acres, situated In Lodi for sale, or will éychaSRefor house and lot In Aun Ar oor. Alfa alsike clover ■-eed tor sale. EnquiTe of v'. Oslus box 1551. 14-1', fHEW a cap Cor-taine ovor JdOfino ilfuatrt ing a photo uí ihe lurtes: henna? ■ in t', west. GiveH best plaofvirpouil r h r.urw rmecliepnnfi recipe lor nll di bIso valuíiblc ir.fommtion on the i i and flower garden aent for only ïtJ Jotn Baucoher, It., P. 0. Bos t Freepcn, UI, i 1 Notice to Crediiors. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COIINTY of Wiiihtenaw.bB. Noticoishêrebj gtvt-n, thai by au ordor of the Probate Couit or the Cotinly ui Washtenaw, made ou the 2$th day oi Juuuary A. P. 1895, six months froni thul dale we re allowed iorcreditora to present their claims ayijmst tfct estáte oi' Ann MuUrennan, late of said toünty Jeceaaed, and that all crethtors of said dtceüed are reqtiired to prese ut their ctaiind to aUi PiubiiU; Couvt at tbe Probate olfice 111 tht city of Ann Arbor, for examioatiOB and aJlewuDC on or before the 29th day of Juiy aext, umi that such claims will be heard beíore síímI (,'ourt, on the zoth day of April and on the 2tf,h únj q ' July tiext, at ten o'clock in the fnrennuih i of each ol'oaid d;iy-. DatPÜ.Aun Arhor. Jiinuary 28, A D, 18if. J .1. WIl.LAHi BAlïBITT. JwJïc f Prob-.'u [


Ann Arbor Argus
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