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Michigan's Expenses Are Less.

Michigan's Expenses Are Less. image
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It ought tu open the eyes of the Lansinir legislators if they knew something of the total expenditnres of the leading universities of the country, and the salaries paid their professors. Compared with tliem the total expenses of the University of Michigan and the salaries paid herein proportion to the numberof students, and, indeed, without looking at it trom the per capita point of view, are small. Compared with Michigan 's allowance, some of the universities enjoy a princely income. Looked at from the other side, Michigan's portioa is meageT. Following are the figures for the leading universities of the country : Cornell's total expenditures approxiniate $500,000 ; her full professors draw salaries of from $3,000 to $4,000 ; nmnber of students, 1.S01 ; arinual expense per capita, $277.62. Chicago University, total expenditures aggregate $600,000 ; her professors draw salaries of from $4,000 to $7,000; nuuiber of students, 779; per capita expense, $770.21. Columbia's toial expenaitures are $717,000; her professors' salaries vary from $4,0(XJ to $7,500; total of professors' salaries, $518,806; number of students, 1,805; average per capita expeuse, $392.23. Yale's total expense is $700,000; salaries average $3,500 ; number of students, 2,202; average per cHpita expense, $317.89. Ilarvard'H total expense íoots np $1,275,000; salaries vary from $4,000 to $5,000; total number of students, 3,I5(: total salary list, $477,000; assistant professors draw from $2,500 to $3,000 ; average per capita expense, $403.61. The University oi Michigan'a total expenditures were $387,789 ; professors' salaries vary from $2,000 to $3,000; total salary list, including all employés, $225,843; students, 2,059; average per capita expense, $145.84. These figures are for the year 1S93-4. Thus the economy practiced here inay ; eiisily be seen. Our professors draw ihe lowest salaries. Our expenditures are less by one himdred thousand dollars tlian those of Coruell, which has the lowest expense account of the five universities named. The expense per stuI dient is only slightly more than one-half what it is in Cornell, and only one-iifth the per capita expenditure in Chicago University. It all goes to show that the expense of running the U. of M. is from one-half to one-third that of the other institutions of anywhere like equal size and prominence. Some other facts go to show that the University is not the most extravagant in her requests. At the present time the University of Illinois is asking the legislature of 'that state for $622,000. Michigan asks for about $195,000. The University of Wisconsin has a regular one-tenth mili tax for support. She has also for a limited time a one-eight mili tax for buildings. That institution has erected recently a dairy building costing $45,000, a heating plant has cost them $50,000, a fine stone law building cost $86,000, their gymnasium cost $125,000, science hall $325,000 more, and now that university has the boldness to aak the legislature for $360,000 more. Truly, Michigan is not chief culprit in this matter.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News