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Estáte of Elizabeth Norton. STATE ÜP MICHIGAN, COUNT7 of Wasbtenaw, ss. At asísfuon oí tlie Pro i jate Court íor the county oí Washtenaw, holden tl the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor. od , rt'ednesday, the 6th day of March, in ibe ycar ne thousand elght hundred and ninety-five. ■ Present, ,T. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Id the matter of the state of Elizabeth Norion, ieceated. On reading and flling the petition. duly vtri jifdof Edinund Kolnson, praying tbat the ' istration de bonis non with the will annexed of said estáte may be granted tG Geerde A. Êmith or som otbftr suit&ble peraon. Therenpon it is oidered, that TuGlay, tbe secoixl day of April next, at ten o'c'ock in tbe lorenoon, be assigncd for the bonring of sul! petitjon and that the heirs t lawul'said deceased, ( aud uil other persons 'Intereeted in eaid j tat e are Tequirca f9 uppear al :v Bession o' w-u. couitrfben fo be holden Bt tbe Frobnie in tbe city of Aun Albor, and show canse j it any tbcre be, why the prayrr uf the petiiimi-: ■ should nut 1)0 granteil: And 11. 13 lurther ordered thiit said pctiHonerive notice ;otbe persons ( interesled in said estáte of tbc pendeucy ot said petitiou and tbc hearinii thercof Vy causingscopy of tltis order to be puhlixheil iu the Asn Akbor Akgi'ís, a newí-paper priuteJ and eircnlat#1 Id I ' said county , three 8UC068BÍVQ weeki prerious sa dav of heariug. .I.WIl.I.Aiïl) HABBITT, I [A true copy.] Judge of Prouait Wm, G. Dotv. Probate Reuister. Estáte ot Elijah W. Morgan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, JOUNTY "oí Washtenaw, ss.. A t aseswon of th Probate rourt 1'orthe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tbe city nf Aun Arbor, on Friday, tbc lxt day of Marcli, in the yeur one tliousand eight hundred aud Dinety.fiVO. l'resem, J. Willard Babbitt, Judife of Probate. In the niattir of the estáte ol Klij.ih W, liov■;iiu, ircoinpetent. Lacy U. ri Parkei-, exqr-utrix of tbe lat will and testament of Fninklin L. Parker, deceased, 1 lately giiudian oí said Morgan ineompetent, comes into conrt and represent ibat ïilte is now M prcpaicd to reDder the rinal account of said i Franklin )-. Parker ;ts such guardián. Thereupon it tóordered, tuat Monday,lhc "25th j day of March, instant, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, te assigned for elamining and allowing such '; account. and that tbe iiexiol'kin of aid wjrd ui all other persons interesled in said estáte, are j quired to ppear at a session of said Court, then 1 to be holden at the Probate ofticc, n tbc City oi Ann Arbor. in said county, and show cause, if any there be, whv the said account should not tve íillowed. Andit is further ordered, that said guardias give notice to the persons tnteremed in said estale, of the pendency of said account, and tbe Inaring thereof, bv causinf a copy uf thi order to be piblisbed in the Ann Arbor Argii, a newspaper printed and circuiatiEg in said cnuntv three j cestivr weeks previous to Haid ilay ol' hearing. f J.WII,I,AKD RABI1ITT, [ A t rue copy ] J udge of Probate, V. G. LmTï, Probate Keiïisler. Estáte ot Henry Clements. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot' Wasbtenaw, s. At a session of the Probate Couri for the County 1 f Washteuaw, holden at the Probate OfBoe In the city of Aiid Arixn-, on Kriilaj. the lst day of March, intheyear one tlioii and eijrht humlred aml iiiintv-tivc. Present. J. WÏllard Babbitt, Judge of PrO' bate. In the matter ot' the estáte of Henry ('leinents, deceased. Ellen dementa, exeoutrix ' of the last will and testament of said deceated, comes into court and repi-ewntsthat she is now ptepared to rrntler her final account as suchexeeutrix. ïhereupou it is ordered that Tuesday, the 2tli day of March. instant, at 10 oVlock In the forenoon be asslgned for examininx and allowing such account, and that the (ieviseeti, lctfutees.and heirs at lawof saiil doceased, and all other persons iuterested 11 sail estáte, are required toappear at a eessionot' said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, ü any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is ïimlier ! ordered that said executrbr pive notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy of this order to be publi?bed iu tlie Ann Arbor Arjiue. a newspa printed aml ciroulatins in said county, three succeesive weeks previous to said day of hear.1 WILLAHD HABBITT, [Atrueeopy-l Jude of Probate. WiLLIA.M U. Dotv. Probate KeiriBter.


Ann Arbor Argus
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