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Incident Of The Allianca

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Washington, -Maroh 14.- Señor -Muruagn, the .Spa.uisli minister, visited the stata deparCment tor the parpóse of presenting the positton of Spain, trom the iuforimitiou nowat band, on the liiingof a Spanisb gunböat on Che American mail eteamer Allianca. ïhe minister tele graphod ior full partlcolara to the governot geneeal of Cuba,aniiin reply receivcd adispatch that tiu oruiser whioh proBumably flgared in the iffuir had not yet returned, haring prolonged her watch aJongtheCabanooast. The captain general had uo particular of tho incident. ünder thosu ciremnatancus Seuor re i::a ú-c-ls that only olio ni the story h tá yot h?;ii told, bui iay.s ihut !iould it ;vppear that thero lina been any uffenssoí indiscrotinn on til1 part of the Spuiish warsbip Spain will speedily miike every apology sonstatont vnrh the frlendshlp she bears to the United otates. Taktng the versión of the Mtïalr is giveii by Captain Crossinan, of thn AlUonoa. Mini ster Mnrii:ig:i says it was npparenc ilmt the Amejloan ship was in the jurisdiccional waters of Cuba and not on the high seas. Assistant Secrfttaty CJhl haa alremly foruud bis own ronc usion as to tho eourse to be punued. Alter looklns over Captain Crosaimm's locter earefully h' wroto tho captain asktng for more oartioulars beanii;.' upou tho incident. Uutil these are f urntshed it lg not probable that the complaint will ba formníly broiíghtto the attention of the Spunish noveniment. Tho poiut upon whioh the st:ito department desires furchei' Information frjm Cuptain Crossman is the exact location of the Aüianca when shu wai lirst slgnalled by the Spanish oraiser, and it is probablo that the whole cae niay turn on thls point. From statements made by captain in hls letter to the departinent and to interviewers ifi appears that he was awaro that Spauish cruisers were patroling the coast in search of ülibnsterers and tnat a rebellion was in progreas, but it is not clear that he ivas oucsido of tho Spaniah marine jurisdietion, consideriug tin; fabt that there are outlying keys or inlands belonging to the same nation. That these may bo regardod in establishing the boundary of the marine jurisdietion is ihown by the act of onr own gevermaent in layingout the sixty-mile exclusive line around the Pribylofï islands last year.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News