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All goods at reduced prices at Haller's Furniture Store. This is an actual fact. 20-21 üargains. Do you want them? We have them. Haller's Furniture Store. 20-2 1 The largest assortment of China and Japanese matting in the city at Haller's Furniture Store. 20-21 Ui p;ms; Tabules : a standaitl remcd.v 1 Special Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that a special election will be and the same is appointed to be held on the First Day of April, A. D. 1895, from 7 o'clock a. m. and to continue until 5 o'cloek p. m. on said day, standard time, at the several places in the several ■wards of the city appointed for the charter election of said city, to determine by ballot whether the gum of flve thousand dollars shall be raised by a tax to be levied in tbe year of 1896, for the purpose of ptirchasing a site for publio buildings in the First and Second wards of said city. GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. Estáte of Helen A. Reynolds. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY " of Washicnaw, s. At a sennion of the Probat Conrt for the Countyof Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on 8aturduy, the orond day of Maren, in the yenr onc choitsand eight hun'dred and nlnety-five. Present, J. WillardBabbitt, Judjre of Probate. tn th matter of the estáte of Helen A. Roynolds, incompeteDt. Alexauder W.Hwnilton, the gnardian of said ward, comes into court and represents that h6 is ;ow prepared to have the hearing upon his ac, o int :is snicti guardián, now on file in said court. ThereuponitmorieredthatTucsday the'ind day of April nexi, t len o'clock in the forenoon beaasigned for examining aud allowine such accoint and tbat the next of kin of said ward and uil other jiLTsons iDterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate oöioe, in the city of Ann Arboi, in said county, anil show cauuc, if auy there bo, why the aid account should not be allowed. And it is turther ordered that said guardián give notiee to theperaonsiutre8ted iu aaid estáte, of the pendency of said accountand tbe hearing tüereof, by oaiisiug a copy of this order to be pubïisbed in tbe Ann Arbor ArguB, a newspaper printcd and circulaÜDg in said oounty, two sucecssive vpeeka pre ious to Faiti dav of hearingf. J. WILLAHD BABBnT, Jude of Probate. (A truecopjr.) VTHMAJI O. ÜOTV. Probate Hepister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News