Civil Service Reform For Illinois
tíPElNGFliiLD, Aíarch 81. - The city civil service reform bul was the principal matter before the senate, and after Litüer and tíülümoii had made vigorous speeches against chü bilí and against tho principies on whieh it was bascd it passed with au umerguucy clauso- Hs to 10. The governui' has signed ir. so that it can be acted upon it iu cides at the April elections and the amcudments he proposod will bu adopted m a bilí ameudatory oí the one just passed. Tho bilí giving legislators Ï1.UU0 a session was amended to maka the compensatioa ÍS00 and sent to third reading. The house refused to adopt tlie propo-sition to submit the question oí a constitutional couventiüii to Ule poople. tínedeker introduced a bilí to establish in every city of 10,tX)0 populatiou a free public employ inent office.
Ann Arbor Argus
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