Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
IOFFIOÏAL.1 Omci Board of Public w'ohk&, i Aon Arbor, March 30. 1896. f Regular sessiou. Called to order by President Clark. Jtoll called. Full Board present. Mr. Schuil moved that the plans and estimates of the City Enerineer for a dog potind be submitted to the Couricil for their approval. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis- 3. Nays - None. Mr. Itullis moved that Mr. Fred loelzle be permitted to eonnect with he Fourth avenue sub-lateral for an outlet for water motor. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Pres. Clark, Schub, lïullis 8. Nays --None. The Clerk submitted the followinsc esolution to the Board, passed by the Common Council March 18th: By Altlermati Kitsou: Resolved, That the Boaid of Public Works re hereby requestod to have placed n the eventh Warcl votinK place, Ihree votinjr looths and the nccessary lamps, chaire, tales, etove etc. Mr. Bullis moved that Pres. Clark )e asked to employ Mr. Kitson to make he three booths and table for' the eventh Ward. Adopted as folllows: Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis- 3 Nays- None. On motion the Board adjourned. Olerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News