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High School Notes

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The Omega board held a meeting Tuesday. The S. C. A. meeting this afternoon will be led by Miss Carpenter. Several classes will be excused next week in order to give the teachers an opportunity to attend the classical conference and the Schoolmasters' club. Át the meeting of the Athletic association, Monday afternoon, T. Neal was member of the board of control. The constitution of the Michigan High School Athletic association was adopted, and W. L. Mack was chosen member of the board of directors of the association. The following committee has been appointed by the presidents of the junior and senior classes, to make arrangements for the annual junior and senior party to be held in the chapel, the latter part of April: Clark, Wilson, Mack, Brown, T. Neal, Zimmerman, Vaughan, Morris. The annual indoor contest of the Tappan Presbyterian association was held in McMillan gymnasium last Saturday night. The records made were good considering the age of the contestants who were all high school students. The following are the winners and the record made in each event: The shotput was won by Urown at 29 feet 5 inches. After the running broad jump had been won by Stevens at i6 ft. 5 in., Brown jumped 17 ft. 4 in. Stevens won the standing broad jump at 9 ft. 1 li in., and standing high jump at 4 ft. 3) in. Bach won the running high jump at 5 ft. 3 in. Fisher won the pole vault at 6 ft. 834 in., and the hicch kick at 8 ft. 1 in., VVright winning the standing kick at 7 ft. 9 in. The school board held a meeting last Friday in Secretary Whedon's office. The new rules which have been talked of for sorae time were adopted. The following is the rule relating to the fraternities: "Attendance of students upon meetings of fraternities or secret societies of the High school and all connection with such organizations is forbidden ; and any student who persists in such attendance or connection for ten days after notice to cease the same, subjects himself thereby to suspen! sion or forfeiture of diploma of graduation or both." The rule was read in the various session rooms Tuesday. As vet no notices have been given students to leave their respective societies.


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