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Estáte ot Henrv Clements. OTATE F MICHIGAN. County oí Washv ten;iv, ss. At a seeston of the Probató Court fortheCountí ot Washtenaw . holden ut the Proba' fflueinthe cllyof Aun -Hi r, on I'"ridíi . ihe Isi 1h of Marón, Ín theyear one tliou and eight bundred and nineiy-live. Present, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judce of Pro bate. ín th" matter of Ihfl estáte of Henry ("!■ ■mlïiits, deceased. Ellcn elementa executrix of tholaat ill and testament of si Id deeeafed, comes Into uourt :iim rvprisents (hut slr is DOW pit'pni'Oíi tu vender lier final account is such exeeutiix. Tbereupon 1) Is ordered 'h;it Tueaday, tlie 2(ith diiy of March, instant, at 10 o'cl' ok ín t' e forenoon be asslgned lor examlnlng and allowlnu Buch account, ;ml thtit the di visees. letratees,aod beirsat lawol said iteceased. and all ot her persons Interested In eaideetat . are requlred to appear h1 d c.sslon f paidCourt, tlien tO l' holden at llie Probate Office, in the city of AnnArboi", In sald County, and show cau!e. íf tiny tbere hv, why t lie said account should not. lie allowed: Aiul it is further órdi red that snid executrix g'e uoticc totlio neisons interested tn eatd e-tte, of the penclency of snid account, and the hearing thereof, ly oausintr i c.opy of thin order to be pu. ü hed ín I he Aun Arlior Ar.itns. a newspa . printeri inl cir ulatinj; 'n said county. threc succecsive w eks p: evious to 6ad dny of he.irJ. W'ILLAHD HABIÜTT. [A true copv-1 Judge of Probate. Wiixiam Q. f)iTY. Piobnti' Heirister. Chancery Sale. In purRuanee and by virtue of an order and decreeot the Circuit Court lor the county of Washtenaw In Chancery in the st te oï Michigan, madeaul dated 011 theMh da.v 01 .lune, A. I ISï'4, in il certatn cause thereiti pending, wherein Micha' 1 iuffy is o mplainam ani John J. Kobison and lthu E. KobisOn are defendants. NotiCf is herfby jriven thaf I shall sell at Public Auction. to the hkhe-t bidder Ht the south front roor of the Court l'ouse, in tho cityof nn Arbor. in said county of Washtenaw and stato of Mie iiran.said uurt beinsthe place lor holding he circuit eourt for said eouniy, m Monday, the twenty-sècond day of April, A. n. 1895. at ten o'clook ín the forenoon, to ratte 'he ainount (iuc to satd coniplairiHni fur P'iucip 1 interest nnd csts in this cause, all the following riescribed pieee or parcel of land, to wit: All iliHt eer ain piece or pitrcel of land si UHted in the towuship ot Hharon in the conniy of ■ ashtenaw and state of Michigan, known, bonnded and desorthed as follows. to-wit: The west half ot the pouth-east quarter of section number twetity-two, town three smnh range thiee cast, and contain ng 8U acres of land, more or leas, aid Rale will be mde in accor Janee with the te ms of said decree. Itated. Aun Arbiir, Michigan, tlii cighth day of Maren. A. I). 1S9". O E. HUT ERFIEf.D, Circuit Court Cornmlssioner in and forWftshte aw Couuty, Michigan. Thomas T). EBABNEYand John L Dukky, Sclloitorii for romplainant. Estáte ot Seth T. Otis. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. Kt a ession of the Probate ('uurt tnr lh" Countv f Wnshieniiw. h"IMnn Kt ih Trobate Offlof in the City f xnn Aibir, on Friday, the Is'h day of March, in the yearotie tlionsatwi ciM hundred and ninety liye, Pre-rnt J. VVi'.la d nabhitt, Judge of Krubste. Iu tlie maller u[ the esuic of Seth T. Otis, deceaaed. Dasel K. Otis, !rlmiiiistralor. ele, "t snd estáte, coiin-s inlo couit and rfprcsi nts that he is now ptepap d to Kder hia ün il accuunt a" sucn admi msirator. ele. Tliori'iipon it ia ordered, thnt Tuesiiay. the '6th dav of April next, at tfn o"el"-li in thi l'orenoin, he' inr extnini"K and allowtog such afpnnni.ancl that Ihal 'V s, legaipef and ut lft ot saiil icco.isi'ci, mul all ntliei persuna interesteii io said estáte required i npprar at a sesnion oi aai co"ri, tlieu to b holden at thf ProbRte in the city 01 Ann Arboi i" sii.i ooui ty. .ndsho cnuse, il uny ihere be wbj Ihe Bairi aocouut fthouul not bc ailowed. Mid it is (urtlier ordereq, that said adminlstrator give notioe t" th? perron inwrentwi in -■.ud . state 'il the pendency uf wiel account and the hearing ther f. bv oauslng copj ■! thi ordertolie publlahnd in tlie Ann hbou Akous, a iietNpHpr prlnted and iroulatn in said county, thrpe snccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLABO BAIilHTT. [A truecopy.] Jodgeof Probate. Wm. i. Doty. Probate Register Estáte ot Emeline Drake. STATIi OP MICHIGAN, CÜUNTT of Washtenaw, 83. At aiMwuloo of tbs Probati Court for CuntT of Wsiahli-imw, hold.n at the Probate OU co in City "1 Aim Arlor, on Tiesday, the oh day oí Mar h. in Ltar yeai one i hounand piniii hnodredaud nlDity-nve. Present. J.Wiltard Habiiitt. JuilMof Prot. In tbc matter "i tbc estáte ot Emeline Drake, Onreadlngand Bllniftlie petitlon dulywrified oi Becir Drake, pi i"f: that of said es'u e may be i;riiied to ï.imself. or 8omc otlnr suitabb' pi'iMiu. TliercuTon it i rdert. that Tuesday, ihe i6th 'ay of April next, it tcu o'clock in the fortnoon. ie BMlirned lur tlie laarns; of said petition, 'ind that the heirs at law of said deoraoed and all other pereont inti'ri-Htcd in said estáte, are inquirid to uppear at a sexston nf aiit üourt, th-u tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the eitv ol Ann Arbor, nnd show oaure, if "7 thee be. why thcprayurol thep t;tionnr ahould not ! grantc.l : And il ib furi liet ordered. that said petiuonergi noliof to the persons lotereeted in unid ot tbe oendencyolsaid petitlon, and tho hrarinu thereof, bvcausine a oop ot tbiB order to hc putihshed In the ANN AKBOll AltGl,. B ucwspiipcr printed and circulaud in said County, three snccessiv weelcs previous to said Jjüft., [A trae copy] J(1e ot rrohatr. William G. Doty. Probate Beïister. Ripaos Tabules prolong 'ife.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News