Council Proceedings
fÓFÍIOJAL.] Ci, cm. ( iiamui:k. i AKN AKBfin, Mak. K 1 '.!.", f Uegular session. ('alled to order by President Wines. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Brown. The journal of last regular session and adjourned session following was approved. PETITIONS AND COSIMTIKICATION'S. KROM TUK BOARD OF PUBLJC WOKKt, Tothi! Conimon ouncil: As reqnivtwi by vonr bouorable body we submit tne. followinjr report; ihat In Hay 188.) the ealary for the office of Stroef Dommisetoner was establtshed at JROOperyear. The Commlssloner to furuisb ■ borse and wagon. S'urther, tlmt said Board of Public Vorks have not clianged the amouut of such establighed salary. GLEN V. MILLS Clerk. Upon niotioi) of Aid. Manly the report was laid over until the next regii: lar meeting of the Council. The estimrttes of the City Engineer for the lateral áéwer in district No. 8 were subtnibted to the council an.l referred to the Sewer Committen. KEPOBTS OF STANDING COMMITTBES. REPOKT OF COMMITTEE ON KINANCE. To thft Honorable Coramon Council : Your Committee on t'inaueo, (o whom ;is referred the matter of P. .1. Visol, would respeetfully report that tbey have taken the matter under consföermion and flnd that he bas beun paid Ï250 in fnll for all claims a per aifreement with the Board of Public Works. And therefore your oomtnittee .would reeomuiend that the prayer of the pètitioner be denird. Rcspeetfully submitteri, FRANK WOOD. C. H. MANLY. A. .!. KITSON. Committee on FInanee Adopted. COMMITTEE O' 8TREETS. To the Honorable Cemnnon Council : Your Coinmittee on Streets to whom was reterred tlie tnnttor of naniiiig a certain st reet located one block west. of, and running parallel to, a Street known as Vine streel would respeetfully renort that we have taken the same under considorulion and reeomincnd that the streef known a Vine be ehan;ed to and hereaftor to be known a Eifrhth street; and that thestreet ooc blnuk went of. and running parallel to. said streot above named Jáisfhth sireet, be named N'inth Htreet. HesTK'Ctfully submitiod. CHHIST1AN MARTIN, A. I'. FERGUiSON. KKANK WOOD. W il.TBR L. l'AVLOK. H. G. PRETTYMAS, Comuiittee ou Streel 3. Adopted. To the Honorable Common Council: Your Committee on Btreets, to whom was i-eferred ihe matter of a etone crusher, would rp8pectfully report that we have consider d the matter f ully, and wista to exnress to your honorable body that it is ihe opinión of each and e.very member of your Committee that the city of Ann Arbor phould purchase, ir any, bolh a stoam roud roller and a stone crusher. Ee'speetfully submitted, CaKIHTIAK MAKTIN", A. P, KEKGTSON. I-KANMv WoOII, WAM'Rtt L. TAYLOK. II. G. l'HKT'YMAN, : Committeeou S.treets, AUojpted as follows: 'as - Aid. Wagner. Martin, Allnu-iilinger, Wood, Snyder. Ferguson, MMiily, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinan, L'resi W i nes-U. Naya - None. To tbe Honorable Ootmnou Couucil: Your Committee ou Streets, to ivhom was ïeferred the widening of üouth Seventh street, would respeetfully ' report that we have taken the same under consideration, and find that all persons interested arewillinifto prive the oity a rlght of way without consideration, exeept two, namely, G. Frauk Allmendinsrer and John Kajuska. Your committee therefore are of the opinión that the widenincr of said street is boneflcial to all parties affectod. fiaancially as well as publicty, and would recommend that the matter be permittod to rest until more reasonaWe arrangements can be made with the above parties. Rospectfully submitted. CHK18TIAN MARTIN. A. P. FERGUSON. HÍ.VNK WOOO. v W. L. TAYÍ.OK, x H. G. l'RETTYMAN, ('otnmittfr on Streets. Adopted. To the Honorable Common Council oï tbe City of Ann Arbor, Micfa.: Your Oommittee on Btreets, to whom was referred the petltion of A. G.Schmidt, et al., askiiijr í'or a on Betikee street. would rcspeeffully report that we ï'ecommend that the City Enjdneer be instructed to Kivc a proper g:rade for streetand sidevalk od said M ïvet. and report the samo to the Street Cninmltted for their consideration. Respectfully submitted. CHR1STIAN MARTIN. A. P. FEKGUSON, KRANK WOOD, WALTF.R L TAYLO1Ï. H.G. PKETTYMAN, Committee on Streets. Adopted. To the Honorable Common Council: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred tne matter of a bridge over theT., A. A. & N. M. Eailway at the Williams street crossinfr, submit the following report: Wo havo. together with Mr. Kíítgs, civil enrineer of the above railway, considered the matter, and afreed with him that plans and estimates and propositions of said railway lv submitted by them for further consideration oí ypttr honorable body. Kespectfully submitted: CHKI-TÍ-VN MARTIN. A.P FERGUSON. KRANK WOOD. W ALTER L TAYLOR. H.U. VRUTTYMAN. C mmlttoe n Si reets. Adopted. OOMMITTEI". OK S1DEWA1J.S. To i In' Honorable Couimou Council: Vour Committeo on Sidewalks to whom wns referred the matter of a sidewalk on Btate Street between Fuller and liroartway would rerpectfully report that we have tanen the pUns submitted by the City Bnglneer ander consideration and would reuommeud to your honorable body tbat the same be not. built, on account of the expense thereof. Your Committee furtber recommend that immediate actiou be taken by your honorable body to open State street across the pmuert v of the Michigan Ontral Rail Road Co. lies peet ful Iv .submitted, 'e. II. MANLY, A. J. KI IKON. C. J. SNYDER. O. V. WAGNEli. Committ"e on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, All mendiuger, Wood, Snyder, Fergnson, Manly, Taylor, Kityon, Preltyiuau, Tres. Wincs- 11. Nays - None. C0MM1T1EK OH (Jll 111 [LDINOS. To t he Honorable Common Council: ï'our Special Committee appointed to investígate, the matter oi' a location lor city aud vvard building-s in theiirstand second wards. would respectfully report that tney have had the matter under ïnvestisration and submli the following: Sub-committoes were appointcd to look up suitable sites and the prices for wliich thd.v could beobtained in each of the wards named. A number of localions were found well adapted 'o the uses of the city and tho prices learned for whieh ihey could be obtaiued, and the same were reported to the f 11 committee. From the reporta Qf these Buh-committeps il is t U" '.pi n on of your committee t hut :it the i time there are accessfble to the city cetUn vccy deshable plecas of pnpwy that .■ju de obtained nr icaonable priees, wulcli if tbcy are nol now secured may -non pase Intoother ues and out ót the reacli of ibe olt} entfrely. Wofeel ilmt tbedty now ] lously need to öwn ïts own office building, and that in the near future taal Deea wlll b" Imperative. It l tberefore deemed by your conimittp tua the present Mtne lsexeeptlonally propltious for the city to secure a sultable looaticin al a fair prlce. We therefore reeotnmend tbyour honorable body that the Common Council ask the Olt Izens of Anti Arhor to ratee by special tax tbt suniof Í5.000, to pinchase lorations for buildings in the aboye wards. Your commitlee fiirtherrecommend tbat when buildintis are built upon sttfb sites (if the tax Fhall carry) that they bo built of brick. MO-KS SEA HOLT. G. F. ALliMENDINfiKH . I,. n. WIN KW. e. V. WAGNER, IK VNK W'OOn, CHRI8TIAN MARTIN. W. L. TAYIH. II. 6. VRETTYMAN. Commlttee on City Buildings. Adopted as follows: leas- Aid. Wagner, Martin. Allïnendinger, Wood, Boyder, Fevguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettymun. Pres. W:'nes- 11. Rays - None. BBSOLUTrONS. Heeohed, Tliat .;. F. Allraendlnuer, B. M. Tliompson and Nelson J. Kyer be and they are bereby appoiuted and elected to be members of and to constittite the Bonrd ofElection Commissioners in and for the City of Ann Arbor, for the city election, to be held in and for said city, on the Ist day of April. A D. 1895 That sueh persons above uamed shall have and hold suoh office for and durlng such time and term as shall be necessary to fullv discharge all of the dutles pertaining to sueh in the eonchtct of such electiou and the said Board of Election Commissloners are herebv cbarged with the duty of doiug all of the things enjoined upon City Boards of Election Commissioners under the general laws of the state. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson : Remlrrd. That the Board of Public Works are hereby requested to have placed in the Seventh Ward votlng place, three votini? booths and the necessary lampa, chairs. tables, stove etc, to be nsed at the registration and election. Adopted n followe : Yea.- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Rnyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wine8 - 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, That the City Clerk be authorized to print notice of polliug"place for the Seventh WarJjalso stating facts regarding registratinii in said ward, the same to be eirculated in every house ín that ward. Adopted as folloivs : Aid. Wagner, ïlartin. Allmendinger, Woed, Bnyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Preftymaa, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, That Kvart H. Scott, Ernest E. Eherbach and Fred H. Iielser he appointed as olection inspectors for the Seventh Ward. Adoptod as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, AUmendinger, Vood, Snyder, Perguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyman, Pifs. Wines- II. ays - None. By Aid. Kitson : Jtesolvcd, That the City Clerk ak for bids tor one doublé desk and'two chairs to match present furnituro of Couneil Chamber. Adopted. By Aid, Martin : Resolved, Tbat the City Attorney be instructed to furnish to the City Clerk a written opinión of what persons are qualifled electors at the coming charter election, the same to be posled in voting preciucts of the wards in both the Ënghsh and the Germán languages. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Waguer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines.- 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitsou: Resolved, That tlieannuai charter election in and for the Seventh Ward of the city of Ann Arbor to be held on the flrst day of April and the sume is hereby appointed to be held iu the Hammond shop, -state Street, near corner of Packard. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger,Yood, Snyder, Ferguson, Mauly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Waguer: Resolved, That at the coming charter electiou the leveying of a special Ux of 5,00 for purchase of a steam road roller and 6 ton e ciüsher be subinltted to the electors of tbc city. President Wines called Aid. Taylor to the cliair during the discussion of the iv.solution. Aid. Wagner's resolution was lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Snyder, Manly. - o. Nays - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines. - 8. By Aid. Prettyman: WjHKREAH, The purebase of suitable sites for public buildings in ibe fiist and seeond warde ol the oltyof Anti Arbor is deeiried aud hereby declared u necessary public ittiprovenient.and Ibe Co rmon Couuell of said city baving determlned to asic the cltizena of Aun Arbor lo raise by special tnx the sum of ïö.OU'i Ui piirchase sites for buildings in said wards, tuerefore Resolved, Tbat a special eleclion bejind tlic same Is hereby appolnted to lie held on tbe dist day or April. A. 1)., 1895, at 7:00 o'clock a. m aun tt continue uutil 6:UO p. ín, ol said day, (standard time) at the Reveral places in the Beveral wards of said city appofuted lor the charter, election of said city, to determine by ballot whether the sum of live thousand dollars shall be raised by a tax to be levied In the year of 195 for the pnrpose ol purchasing a site for the said public buildings In the said lirst and secoud wards ,f said city. ► id.- The City Clerk is hereby instructod to ilue nolice of said special electiou to be glven pursuam lo law. 'AA.- The City Clerk is hereby inátructed to oause to beprovided for such "special electiou, 1.000 ballot whloh shall consist ol' wbito paper of equal and cotivenient size, oue-half of whlch sbiill have prlnted there m lbo worUs : ■ i ui the Pnblio Building sites tax- Yes " ;niú tíue-balt' of wiju-h sluiü have pnuted tboron t.'ie wiirds: " For Lbe Public r.uilditiK site.-i- N'o.'1 Adopted as ïollows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin. Allinendinger, Wond, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyman, 1 'resident Wines. - 1 1 Nays - None. MADDOCK By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be directed to carry out the initructions of this Council, as expressed in resolution of March 6. 1895, pertaintng to the dog pound, or tender their resignatiou to thirf ("ouncil at its next regnlur meeting. Adopteü as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wngrnpr, Martin, Alij raendinger, wood, Knyder, Feruson, j Mauly, Tftj lor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. ! Wines.- 11. ; Nnys- (i;ic State of Michja}ï i Kl'l-I'.KS ■ NïATlVK HaJI. l.ANsiN),. March IS, 1895) ; Tu the Honorable Mayor, Aun Arbor.Mich: Dear SIr l'he .Select Committee on MuniI eipa) l-effislatlou hag decided upon WeduesI dny. March 2W, as the day ivhen lu-arins wil] be given to all persons interester! in thögen eral charter Ml 1 for uit le-s ui the Ihird o Uw-, in ! u'hich your city ia includpd. Yourself or tiny i represen t tl vi frora your city wil] lo veloome. Very truly ypurs, B. S. Waitk, liiiinnali. P.3. 'l'ln hearings wil 1 h given in Itepresentatlve Hall. commencing at ii o'clock p. m. Aid. Prettyman moved that tlic City Attorney bc designated as a representative.of this :ity to go to Lausing to use all honorable means ti defeat the above bill. Tost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Kitsou, Prettyman. - 5. Nays - Aid. Wood, Snyder, Fefguapn, Manly, Taylor, PresideDt Wines.- (ï. On the Counoil adjourned. City Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News