I To the EUct&rs of the First IVará of the City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a ineet-j ing of the Board of Registration of the iirst ward of the City of Ann I Arbor, will be lield at the Germán School House. E. Washington St., near Fourth Ave . in said city, on Tuesday, March 26, 1895, tor the 1 pose of registering the n arnés of new electora in said ward in said city who may apply for that purpose, and that; said Board of Kegistration will be Lu I Bession on the day and the place 1 said frora eight o'clückin the forenoou j to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated March 12, A. D. 1895. John E. Minek, O. W. Wagnek, Board of Registration. To the Ektiors of the Sccond Ward of the City of Ann Arbor: Notieeis hreby given that a meeting of the Board of Resristration of the secomi ward of iht-Oitv of Ann Arbor, ■ will be held at the Mck & Schmid Wen! House, corner of VV. Liberty and I S., Sis., iu saul city, on Tuesday, j March 2fi, 1895, for tiie . purpose of j registeviiiy; the narnes of new elector : in said wtu'd ii s;iid -ity who may ' ply for that puipose, and thrit said Board ot Kegistration will be in sessiou on ihi' diiv and the place 1 said from eijtlito'docfe in the foreuoon j 10 eighl o"clock in the afternoon. for ; thp purpesi' ittcrt-said. Dated M;u:ch 12. A. D. 1895. Kfc.KNic Oeste ui. i n. rillilTIAN MAKTIN, . l). F. ALLMKNDIXf.l.K, Board of Kegistratinn. ToiheElirfo-rs of the Tlurd Ward of the Gif}) of Aim Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Kegistration of the third ward of the City of Ann Arbor, will be held at the Pomologieal Room , basement óf Court House, in said citv, on Tuesday. March 26, 1895',' for the purpose registering the uames of new electors in said ward in said city who rnay apply for that purpose, and that said Board of Registration will be in sessioii on the day and the place
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News