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Michigan CSHIBáS " The Miagara Falls Route.'' TIMÜTABLE (Kevisccl) NOV Ís, 1884, CENTRAL, 8TANDAKD TIMJt & 3 a 'i ■c ! e =q SS ;s,%?, ; las :S8S i & i a a T T= s g alft: ; p. L 6 ; ; ; s "iS'i :g :ísaSS S2SSS : : ;SS jTaa al !Tss s w L■ = a c W I ce O, a Bfisassssas asssaassss - cí ■ i3 ic i" rt :o i" ín O I icooioo;ooh(, hS I . i íes x S 2 : ! ! ! S w E : : : :a w & ; : : : & 88 i ■ 'as as e= ss isa i : ss 1 g L ; : ! : Ts 3 : ; : ï ï o, '" QDO KÏ &- 3Q Sím ' ;cl ' ; ; ao o, : ; : : & a .-a : ■ : : a , gg : : las :stS - $L as ; : :gí Tfa as i . Ta a r; oJ o, P.&. - ' ai a. Sí ! i i Iri ; ';11 1 i is i i i M' i i i i 'U ' ' ' i i :i i '■ '■ ■ % 11"" 'lï-i IS Jíl :LS3i I iialimii Is lllllllill O.W. EÜGÖLES H. W HAYE8. H.P. T. Afro Chicago. or JJ A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Dlseasos of tfae EYE, EAK, NOSE and THKOAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Henidence, 14 S. State Street. Kestdence telepbODe, No. 128. Office telephono No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 1 2 and 1 to 5 p. m. LOUIS ROHDE, Coa! & Wood Lebigh Vallej Coa], $6.00 per ton. Heeeh and Maple IMocks, $2.50 a con!. Beech ;md Maple, 4 f eet, $6.50 a cord Main Offi'Pe- 86 E. Hurón Street. 5ü West Iluron Street. W. 8. MOORE, i Benun "I (rom 57 S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) TfcT7t'?ÏJT"TCLï11 Work done m 11 dentiBfrv. Crown aml )?ridKe work a penalty SatiMnetion OnitranletHl. U. of M. Gradúate.! 27 South Main Street, ANN mi H1CH, Best Hcor In thp Citv at Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Liquors, Tobacco nul Cifjars. 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALD DIETZ. Prop. EISENEARTH LIVER PILLS Will sti muíate a sluggish system into íiealtliy action. MANN'S BRUG STORE. 39 S. Main Street. ZE WHITE T0KAY ""wxnsriH]. Tlie Besl for n'l Purposes, MANN BltOS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St. - : ANN ARBOR. Estáte of Enoch D. Davis. STATli OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WashtPnaw, ss. At a session of tho Probate Court for the Countyof Washtenaw, holden at l'rohate OIHoelathe Citv of Ann Arbor, in Kilday ')n ist iluv of March m the í';r ono íliciisand tji:ht huudred and MiTioi ■ Uve Presutn. i. WHlnrd Babbift, .ludiré oí Probato ln thu umiiiM ol tlio látate of Enoch U. D:i vU. (let'Cüsiil. Siisan It. lnvN. ihe executrix of the lam will ;lih) 'if siinl (leí.'ensed CO1U66 int o rourt uiiíl reproseDtfl tliat siie is now piepnred to pender tirr anutia! account ns sucti exeeutrix. The.ríMijK)H it ifl orderod TwcHday, the second day of April, net. at lü o'clook in the foroDOOO) Mssijfned vr cxamininir and ;illowinjf sucii noconnt, and that tlie devigees.lceatoessnil licii- üt-iinv of gatddeceased in! Etll other persons intoreeted in aaid estáte, are rtqufred co apilar at a espión of said Court, then to be holden at the ('róbate Olllce, in tha Oto ol Ann Arhor, In sail CoiinLy, anrl show cause, if any there be, wliy the Butd account shonld not be allowcd. And t further ordered that khhí i-cruui ífive notiee to the perponH iuteresl6d In said estáte, of the pon u.'n of síii'i .MiTouni, aiid the hearinif there of, 1" eausJua a copy of this ordeno be pub; Hshi-d in lii" Ann Arbor Arg-us, a newspaper rii ■ -i .'mr uliculaUnu iu said county, three ■,nc! i suive i'ks provious to said day of hear.1 WILLARD RABBITT, Judgeof Probate. I A une cipy.l w h.h. iluv. Probate Roirister. Estáte ot Jacob Heinzmann. TATEOF MICHIGAN, COTJNTV ol WasLicim ... At a sewionof the Probatt ( Ion 1 1 fot ibe Coiiutf of Washtenaw, holden at tüc Office ín the eitv of Ann Arbor on 'i'n.i.y, ilbe IMh .ly of March, in the year i: i'-ousanct pu-hi hntxired and ninety-fi?e. Ihí-wot. .1. VVIIWnt R&bhitt, .Tudge of Probate [h ihttnmitn i itipfetatof Jaoob HeinzmanD, ;r, reading tul Pliñffthé petitiooduly reriScd, if llri'ry J. Jtanu adminietrator, prayin Iip muy be h.c-'.M-d a wil the real Muto whercoi ,ml i)ec ddliidsi, for distribu tion. Jli,r.M. j ... ,i - ...lor.'rt. that Kriduy. ths lilUi rtfiy i.t ),ii iif.M, ai len o'dock in tlift lorpnoon , bf :i i ." .-r tlie hoarin? of said pelitio, nuil tha: lite liwrs at law of said decescd, md ■)! otbe. persona mterested n said estáte, nqiiirH In appear at a sewion of Baid. court, t;. i n lo L holoeo ut tlie l'robate OBice, in the liiy ot Ano Arbor, and show cauae, i( auv Uiereb, wliy tbs prayer of the petitioner should not be fnnnted: And it ís fnrther ordered. tbats:iid petition'Fi giTenotíceto the persons ínter ested in .mi ett .ot the iendencyof saíd petition :iii1 tbe. liiíiriue ihereof, by cauBing a oopy of tbis tni(-r ;o be publlshed in the Aun Aruor Arüus. a nowapíipcr [írinftd und ciroulatiu in said countv rtirfe iii'coüiv rfka previous to said day öf henntjt;. .. VVII.I.ARD BABBITT, (i troccopt) Judgeof Probatp. WmiiK ü.Uuir. PruDate KecÍBler.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News