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ivotlce to Crectltors. 1 OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ■ '-' nf Washteuaw , s. Nottoe is hereby (fion, that by au order of tbe Probate Court for the Countvof Wanhtenaw. made uu the fourteenthday of Januarv A. }. 1886, eix inonths trom that date were allowed for en ditots to present their duim airainst the enlate of Einilv 1,. Dancer, late of 8id countT.deccaeed, and (hut all ereditor I of said deceased aie required to i-rosent theit clainia ; fo said Probate Court, i ilie Probate Otfice in the city of Ann Arbor, for ixnniinatir.ii and allowanc?, on or beforc the flfteenth day of July, next, and that Hiich claim will be heard before said i court. on the ;firteentli day of April, and on the tifteeiitli day of July next, at ten o'clock ia tni torenooii of each 01 saiddaye. Dated. Aün Art.or.January 15, A. D. 1895. . WILLARD HABBITT, Judie of Probate. . Chancery Sale. In purfiuauce and by virtue of an order aud decreeof the Uirouit Court for the rountyof Washtenuw in Chaucery in tho stnte of Mlch isan, made and datcd on the Pth day of June, A. 1). 1884, in i oertain cause thereiú poudlnK, whereln Michuel Uu ff y is oomplalnant and John J. KotiiHon and Altha B. Roblson nre.defendants. Not.ce is horeby jciven that I shall sell at Public Auction. to the highest bidder, at the outh frontdoor of the Couit Houso, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washte naw and state of Mie' iaran, said Court House beins the placo for holding '.he circuit oouri 'or sairt county, on Munduy, the twenty-secondday of April, A. O. 1895. at ton o'cloek in the forenoon, to raiee the uniount due to said complainant for prim-ipil, interest and cot in thU cause, all the follonindescribed plece or parcol ol l;ind, to wit: All that certain pieceor par'-el of land siiuated in the townshipof Sitaron in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, knowu, bounded aud desorlbed as follows, to-wit: The west half of the ponth-east quarter of section numbor twenty-two. town tbree south rang-e tliree east, and containiiiK 80 acres of land, more or leas. Said s:ile will be made In accordance wil.h the terms of said deoree. Dated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, elghth dm of March, A. D. 1895. O. E. nUTTEKFIELD. Circuit Court Commissioner In and forWashtenaw Couuty, Mit-hiipio. Thomas D. KnARNEYand John L. DtnWT, Solicitors for Complainani . Notice to Creditors. t TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF l Washtenaw, bs. Notice is hiTeby Eivt'n, tliat b' an order of tlu: Probate Court for the Countv of Waahtenaw, rnade on the th day of Afaroh A. D. IS'.Ki, bíx moiuh. froiu thnt dnte were allowed for creditors to present their claim againt the estáte of Lydht Satherlanil, lte of said county, deceased, and that all oreditors of said deceased are required io present their claiaiu tosaid Probate Oourt, at thu Probate Office In the citvof Ann Arbor, for Rxaminiition and allowance, on or before the 4th d:iy of .September neit, and that such claim will be liard before said Court on the 4th day uf JuDe nd onthe4th day of September next, at ten o'clook ïu tbn foreooon of each of said ffays. Dated, Aunrbor, Miiich 4th, A. 1). 1SS5. ' J. WILLAKD HABI11TT. Jndfe of Probate Notice to Creditors, (JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNÏY IO of Wasbtenaw, sr. Notice is bcreby given, tnat by an order of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Wa.'.hu-n:iw, made on the tentli day of January, A. li 1995, six months f rom that diite were allowed for creditors to pr-M-nt their claims aainwt the estafe of John Flynn, late of Bfud county, deceased, and that nil creditors of said deciïHseit are reqnliïad topresentthcirclaimt Probate Oourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for exaininntion und nllowance, on er before the tenth day of July next, Knd that such claims will beheard bcl'oie said Court on the tenth day of April, and on the tenth day of July next at ten o'clook in the foreuoon of each ofsaiddays. Dafefi, Ann Arbor. January 10, A. I). 1S1I5. J. W1LLAED IIABBITT, Judgeof Piobati? Estáte of Henry R. Watson. STATE OF MICIUGAN, COÜNÏÏ oí WHflhtenaw, sa. At a uessiou of the Probate Court for Ine CouDly ol W-ashieuaw, holden at the probate OtUce in the city of Aun Arbor, ou Thuraday, the 1 Itn day of March, in the year one thimsiüui iMiht bundred and uinety-live. it, .) Wilhird Bahbitt, Judg-e of Probate. In the uialterot the estáte of Heiuy R. Wat-ion, deceased. Oeorgel !oe, theadministratorde boni non, with the will annexed. oi saul estáte, comes into court nd represent th-it he is uow prepared lorender bis ünnl account ae such ttdimnistra'or. Thereupon it is ordeit-d tlmt ftfonday. the eigbth day ot April next, at ton o'clock in the forenoon. lie assiijned for exaniining and allowin Micli account, und that. the lu'ire at law of aaid deceased, tiud all other pertODS interested In said 8tsr.e.arareqaiTd toypiifarjitaaeafionof aid court, t hen 'o be boldenat ihf Probate office, in the city of Ann Ar nor, In snd touniy.and show eause,lJ .ny tiiere be, why the said account shonld not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said iidmini-t rutor ive notice to the penosa iatonoted ín said estáte of the pnn(1 u ol saiil account, und the hearing thercof, by causing n copy of this order to be published in ths Ann ARiiOk Ak(d,u newspaper prmted andcirculating in said county, three anccessive weeks preTioua tu Híud dav of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, (A truc copy. ) Judjre of Probate . Wii.i.iam ' Dotv. Probate Reaiater. "WIVi:. HERZ, XO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. H.ol'ss, Sic, Ohamenal and Fresco Paiktö, srüdlng, calcimining, glazing and paper hanx Inir. Allworkia done In the best Btyle aad wirranted to tri re satlsfaetlon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News