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Ex-consul Waller

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Washington', Marón -'S.- It was said at the Wlntc House yesterday afternoon that the telegram from Governor Morrill, of Kansas, urinf; (he president to take active mensures at once for tlie protoctiun and release of ex-Unlted States Consul Waller, reportod to have boen unjustlj imprlsonod by the Kivn.-h governruent in Madagasear ander the senteuoe of b oourt martial, had not yet been reeeived by the president. The state department has had no oonflrmation of the report from United States Coii9ul Wottur, at Tumutavo, nor from Air. Campbell, our consul at Maurltlns, which is the nearest cable point to Mndagascar. lt is probable that the govrrnor's message may cause the state departmunt to cable to one of theso consuls for an account of the afl'ctir, iusteail f waltinn uotil a report coinés to hand tbrough the inaüs l'roin this remoto point. which tbougl] it iiiijht be suflieient in au ordinary cane wuuld hardly meet the roiulrements of a case involving the imprisonment of an American citizou. Morriir Coarse Kather Unnsutil Governor MorriU's oourse in addrossing hlmself directly to the president in suoh n matter Is said to be un usual, but niay i;rhaps bo based upon the precedout set foy the state de;mrtrnent in calling upon the governor of Louisiana and the govornor of Colorado rooently to protect cltizena of foreign countries within thoir respeotlve states. Thero secms to be an iiupression, based upon letters alleged to liave been w ritten by Mr. Waller to friends in this country as we!l as to the state parement, renouncing his American citizenship, that he has lost this citizenship. Nu Scch Letter Received No such letters have been recoived at the Ptato department, and if there was any guch eommunication in a private lottr it would carry little weight. Waller has the reputation of being a keen, alert business man. He was an excellent consular officer and it is inconceivable to the 'lepartment officials that he would surreuder voluntarily his American citizenhip. Spain Kxplalns Her Delay. The state department has received from Cijain a satisfactory explanation of the dehvy in replying toSeoretary Gresham's demnnd for a disavowal of the Allianca incident. Secretary Gresham now feels sure that the reply will be here without any f urthor delay than is necessary for Spain to make the justiflable investigation. He is also confldent that the reply, when rocftvpd, will be an adequate compliance iiu his demanils.


Ann Arbor Argus
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