Blank Verse
Blank or unrhymed is that form of heroio verse which is coruinonly employetl in Kuglish dramatic and epio poetry. It was introdueod by the Earl of Snrrey, who died in 1547, in his translation of the second and fourth books of "vKiieid. " It was first employed in fcho drama in Sackville and Nortou's tragedy of "Ferrex and Porrex, " which was printed in 1565, bot it was uot till ilarlowe ndopted it ín his play of "Taniburlaine the Great" that it becanie the form regularly eniployed in the metrioal drama, which it has since, with only ocuasional intervals, remainerl. After Milton's use of it in "Paradise Lost" itwas widely extended to many other classes of sítion.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News