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In connection with my sample line of 0. W. Richardson carpet stock, I keep on hand a large assortment of art squares, Wilton, Smyrna, Moquette and Japanese rugs, door mats, Cocoa matting, Linoleum, oil cloth and all qualities of ingrain carpets from the cheapest to the very best 65c quality. 25-36 Martin Haller. Disolution of Partnership. The co-partnership between Schuh & Muehlig is and has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All demands owing !. the said co-partnership will jc paid by Andrew Muehlig. All accounts and demands owing to the said co-partnership may be and are required to be paid to Andrew Muehlig. Dated, Ann Arbor, March i6th, 1895. Schuh, Andrew Muehlig. The ladies of Ann Arbor should not fail to attend the Easter Opening, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 2, 3, 4 and 5, at Mrs. E. Fogerty's Millinery Parlors as there will be on exhibition the choicest Pattern Hats and Bonnets ever shown in the city. If you wish to buy or not do not miss seeing them. Open evenings.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News