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Beacon Fires Lit

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Bkrlin, April ].- The Bismarck celebration Is in full swing at this writing and overy day seonis to add to the enthusiasm displayed by tlw Germán people over the 80th anniveraary of the birth of the oíd chancellor. Telegrama are pouring in from all parts of the empire announcing that Bisraarckian fetes have been commenced with great spirit. Thore was a speciallv intore3ting gather- - = - ing at the national monument of Germania in the Niederwald, whithor thousands traveled frora all parts of the Khineland. Among tho9e present were reprosentatives of thirty-six oities in the Rhenish district. Professor Aucken, of Giessen univorsity, delivei'ed an oration at the foot of the monument. In Munioh, the Bavarian capital, a musicale in honor of the occasion was giveu in the Odeon. Beats the Record for Spontaniety. Throughout Germany joy flres areburning on the highest mountain peaks and hilis from the Baltic to the North sea and the Russian frontier on the east to the frontiers of France, Belgium and the Nethorlands on the west. Nover before in the history of the empire has there boen such a heartfelt and spontaneous exhibition of love by the Germán people. Today all the schools and most of the civic aud state offices are closed in honor of him to whom the empire owes its exlgtence. Hamburg in Gala Attire. A Hamburg all the public and a major, i y of the private buildings in the city are ocorated wich flags aud bunting in honor of the occasion. Last night there w:iri ;i gonoral illumination on aséale that had not been attempted before iu a quarter of a contury. In the window of every shop there was displayed either a wreathed portrait or bust of the great "reichskanzler." The streets were thronged with strangers, and everywhere can be seen the varied colored capí of the students, with whom there is no greater favorito than Bismarck. Night View of the City. The view of the city last night from the aussen al ster and Binnen alster was a Beautiful one. The Tombards bridge, whlch spans the connection between these two bodies of water, was a chain of glowing lights. The Neuer jungfernstieg, Alsterdamm and the wide stroets fronting the Binnen alster were ablaza with myriad lights, while back of them the city lay like a gigantic fire opal, red, green and othcr colored lights flashing in every direction. All the shipping in the ha'rbor and the small boats on the canals of Hamburg were also illuminated.


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