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Conimou kmyesfór belt and table use cost 40 ceuts apiece at Florence m 1 560. The beneficent inflüences of the newly cut pine are condensed and rerined in Dr. Wood's Jïorway Pine Syrup, nature's own remedy for coughs and colds. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. WANTED- Two flrst-claes cows. One new " milch, the otber to be fresh in October; aleo one dozen layinr hens. Enquire at 11 Maynard street any day exeept Saturday . __ 25-28 riAO BENT- Twenty-flve uore.s of laud oue■ half milo. west of the City of Ann Arbor, known ia Bber White Farm Please enquire of Mrs. A. Steward, 52 E. Liberty St... Ann Arbor. 26-29 L0STOR STOLEN- A white buil dog-, wei?ht aboutiS lbs., ears not clipped; answers name of "Ben." A liberal reward wil! be paid the flnder for either returninv dog to or notifyinir Jacob Zeel), Emery, Midi. 2H WANTED -Two men who understaud work in email fruits; one to be a married man to occipy house. Apply, MosesLaJoi, 'i 27 Chubb Road. FOR SALE- 40 ntcelayinsohickens. Ai),))}-, Mose.s La Joie, Chubb Hoad. 24 27 CTENOGRAPHER and bpokkeeper wanted. j Reply statfnfr previous experience. Address, E. care of "Argtts." tí pAKTNEK WANTKD-A younwell-ltnown í lawyerof hitfh standing and oharaoter, in the city of Chicago, deslres io associat.e hirnself with one of good standínff who can oomniand Ï.'),0ü0easb, to join hira in purchasinjc the ébtlre law and legral business of awellknown law, meroantile and colleftion assoclation, to csluhlisli branches in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other cities. The law departmeni. is very valuable and without limit. Only those wlio can furnish the hlgbest referenoe and have cash need apply. Addiess, Lavryer, 403 Stock Exchanse, 1B7 Dearborn St. Chicag-O, Dl. 22-2S F OH SALE- A new milch cow, two miles west of Northfield chureh. John Brenlnger 22-28 O(JS SALE OR RENT- A new room house with agood barn, i?ood well. two good eisterns, one and one-half lots of land. Terms easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. 2ïtf. BICYCLE SALE. A Víctor Model, fust class, ata redueed price. Picase csll and examine at, 88 S. Main St., Corner of Williams. FOR SALE.-; acres on Chubb St. in acre or five acre lots or all together. Long time, sraall payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mich. ijAKM TO RENT- C'ontaining about 200 r acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fVnces and barns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. DiviRion gt., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Mich. WANTED- A MAN in e vory seetiou at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no ped(ilin!;; experience unneeessary; bestside line. ÏTö.OUa month. Salary and expenses orlarge commi6sion made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for SMÜod particulars, Clifton Soapand Manufactuvinr Company, Cincinnati, Oliio. POl'LTRV wanted- market piice paid fov all kinds of l'oultry, at the corner of Kifth and Sumiult Streets. O. C. Weeks & ('o., Ann Arbor.9 ■ pOK SALK CHKAP-My house and lol on I i oornerol Traver and Pontiac streets, in the l'illh waid of the city of Ann Arbor. A dcsiiable looatlon for wood or cealyard. Hy the side ol T. AcA. A. tracks. Wllliam Act ion. January 2;t, inm. i rpo RENT.- At No. 20 S. State St . A Hat ol X six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tl PIANO TUN1N(1.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wlll bein the city soon. Orders left, at the Anous office will reeeive his attention. PERSONS Intendins to put out maple or elm sliade trees should correspohd with I'. H. O'BKIEN Whtttaker. FOR SALE OR RENT.- Large new nouse with all modern inipiovements, cistern and city water in house and well near door. Will take In part payment small house or lots orsmall farm near city, balance on long time and lowlnterest. P.C. Box 1846.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News