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She Champions Oscar Wilde

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New Yoiík, April 8.- Mrs. Frank Leslie, once the wiio of Willinui Wilde, has known Oscar Wilde and his family fifteen years. When the libel suit began Mrs. Leslio predloted that Wilde would wiu his casi'. "1 supnose I am to be classod as a fr.lsi1 prophelr' Mrs. ínsita said. "But I must judge Mr. V"i l i only as I know him; that Is, is a dignificd, bigh-mlnded gen li i" ni, a perfect bod, a kind. oansldarate busb&nd, and a dotiug, affèotionate parent. I can uut. imagina why ho gave up the battle, hen surrender meant a practical adinission ot guilt. "He once said that abiwe is bettcr than not to be noticed at all. Poor man, I fear t be is tiow realizing the falsity of this sayingJ One ot the mostehariningphases oí Mr. Wilde's character is his love and devotkm to his mother, wlio is 75 years old. 1 fear the news of her son's distress will kill her. He leaves nothing undone to add to ber comfort. When he called upon me last summer at ïny London house his eyes swelled with tears as he told of his mother's lllness." IiOïiDOX, April 8. - Oscar Wild was arraigned m court on charges of immoral conduct aud the flrst witness testlüed so terribly ugainst him that his counsei asked that the cross-examination be postponed, as he was surprlsed at the testimony. Other witnesses corroborated the ürst and the case looks very black for WUde. The statement made by Lord Douglas of Hawick that nono of tho family, except tho Marquis ot Queensbury, belioves the charges againt Wildo is uuthorioatively denied, as nearly all the family believes in their truth. Oscar Wilde is sufforing f rom insoinnia. He paces his cell nearly all night long. He eats almost nothing.


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