Michigan GMüSSL " The Miagara Falls Boute." TIME l'AULE (Revised) NO CENTRAL, STANDARD TIM s r a I a &1 : s g '. ': : a ü a : : ; ; - u s - : : ! : e. 'ö. as : ; : as j i; ; ; o.a ■,!--; ■ : : - . SS ; ! SS3 2S . 33 SS i ■ ;8r . ag . Tg" s a so, as. - ; oj a i te t-i re :c rt ?s -r - ín x n-xxxxacor O.W. BOOGLfH H. W HATES, (i. P. Ï. Asre Chicago. Ait't Ann ior LOUIS ROHDE, Coa! & Wood Leliigli Valley Coal. $6.00 per ton. Beecli mil Maple Blocks, $2.-50 a cord. Beech and Maple, 4 i'eet, $5.50 a cord Main Office- 36 E. Hurón Street. Yard850 West Hurón Street. P)# A. MAC JLACHLAN, M. D. T)isef(B(-s of the EYE, EABr XOS1S andTKROAT ónice, por of Ksln and Washington Btreets Rcsideiii ■ ' . -. Mi. ic s ri'i't. Resfdence phonc, No. 1;8. Ofllce trlephone No. 134. Hourt IO n. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. ZISENBARTH LIVER PILLS ; stinuilate a sluggish sj'stem into healthy action. MATïN'S BRTJG STORE, n Street. -Ei WHITE T0KAY Th! : MASS BIÍOS., OruggLsts, 3D Main St. - ;ANN ABBOR. A G-RiMTSJ OFFEB! rif ËÊ !ÁCE BLE ACH fMMH. A. RUPPERT v says: " L appreciate th fucl 'jJK thut thure ore nmuy thouLfl BandBofladiealntböÜnUwl tggf SUaoathatwould liket itry 3g Diy Wurld-Iteuownfii I K3 jii.KAíii: Uut have been .:, ' Kfpt lroiii doinjí o on nr-f countoí prtce,wnlchÍii$2.00 Kfflf per bidtlcor ííbottJem ttKether, 95.00. ín ord i W% thftt ni I of these nmy bare K4 an opportnnity, I will ve s' toevory cal ler, absolutelj í'ree, u sumpie btiitlf', ani iA ? yy. .-in order tosupply thoeont ábfeSofclty.orlnanVpartofthe world.IwUlaend ifcsafely p&ckedin piafa wrapper allcbi-es pre paid, íor 2."i cents, sil ver or stnmp." ín everyeaseof frrek1en, pimples, moth, sallownea,bïftokheÖB,acne,eoBema,oilfiie8ii,roairh- ne'ss,jr any ü icoioration or dlaeaseol tbeskln, nnd wrínkles (nit cmised by facial expnFacb Bi.fcAOH miiKi i-" absolntdiy. IL aofl nol cover n p, n ooamettoa tío. bat if a cure. Address KAOAUE A. KI)FPKT((l)epi.O.) No-6 E?.-. i4tft St-, NEW YORK CITY. THE ART AMATEUR Be?t .:. d Lancst Practical Art Magazine. (Theónij i' l'eriodlortl awarded a Medal at i he Wor d'íi l'an'.i Jnoaliuihlt t i l uTm icia'i I make OwirUvínoby 'il I ni b m'ihi lli'ii líi'tnt hnwtiful Tul IW montloningthte publica, I f lp tiiin a miivuiii m oopy, wüli superb Ivw pintea ifoi-copylng or franung) and 9 üujjpleDientary pages ol ilcsiitusiregrular prioe :í")CJ. Or l'OR se we will send aK 'Taiiilinn for Btejeinuers" iflO pagesi HDMTAGI'E MARK94, 3 linón Square, K. V. THE . - ÑevJ GroceriJÍ Telephone 156. 7 Pound Graniïlated Sugar For 25 cts. For a shoil i' ni the followingterms only: i. e. proidH ? wmrth of bthef good same order. tion in iliis offer, It íí for tli" !■ si i d sugar in ihe market. k-il to other goods. lieing established bul i shoit time we maleé liberal induceinent willi a view of gering yoiir futuie trade. Telephone 156. Mliyi!i] uü., Lili. Wemmann klock. 37 E. Washington Street;
Ann Arbor Argus
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