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Chas. Yale's "newest Devil's Auction."

Chas. Yale's "newest Devil's Auction." image
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One of the most popular attraötions that visils our city is dne uext Monday ovening, when the Grand Opi will present that well-knowja speotacle, Charles H. Yale's "Newest Devil's Auction. " This favorite show-piece, like the proverbial brook, seems destiued to "'ruu 011 f ore ver, " for each suoceedingyear it blossoms f orth is new array, fllled to repletion vith all that is bright, ïiew and beautifnl, with all the old matter eliminated aud replaoed with ideas so uew aud timely that the statement is made that "everything ia new but thu title, "aud this statement seems Éo be fully aud amply substantiated. Accordiug to the promise of the management this year's prodixutibn will be 110 exceptiou to the ï-ule, as the entile season has been oooupied u prepairing a productiou whioh will exeeed by far any formar prèsentatioh of this famous spectacle, and such chauges hare beeu made iu dialogue, musió, scenery, costuiues, speoialtiea and speotacnlar features, as will tender it an eutire new piece, for from the rist; to the fall of the curtaiu, almost uothiug remains fco remind its óodienoe of the past, save the name ïtsotlf. The inaue cast has been greatly augruented and iuoludes Eunoug its members Miss Sadie Stcphcns, Jagnarina, Mildred Holden, Ñera Vemcai, Mand King, . (us. Brino, Jr., Al. W. Decker, Williain Ruge, Eddie 8now, Wïlliam Lorclla, George Caron and William Youug, while the principal danèers are Miles. ('hitten, Bartoletti and Amore, mm the principal Europcan theatres, The specialties which are, it is olaimed decided uövelties, are the famoua CeeMee Troupe of Euglish pantüiiunists, the Les Fxeres Caron, F 'bats, and the Larella Trio in Magique Faatasiqne. Five pntire uew scènes have been built, two of whioh are. notaltly effèctivc. "The Bowerof FIonvcis, " and the"old Five Points," New York City, while the magniflceni tranaformation the "Advent of Spring" has turn added to and beautifnlly improved. Mucli as been accompliahed in the way of ballets, and the new nunibers will iuclude "The Dance of the Fools," "On Parade, " " The Swells and the Belles, ' ' and "On the Rialtoiii," mamtaining the principal features of "The Boulevard," which was one of the greatest successes of last seaaon. Considerable tricks and mechanical scenery, all for the annoyance of "Toby" have been designed, and the custuming which numb(;rs scores of designs, has all been made for this tour. It is claimed that, taking the piece all in all, this season's production will outshine previous seasons at least threefold.


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