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Mrs. Frederick Kotts spent a day witb Teciimseh friends. Mrs. John Bruuu aud daughter Ella, are very sick. Mrs. N. Schinid aud son drove to Chelsae last Saturday to meet her husbaud. Mr. Elmer Stark started for Colora.!.) las' Tuesday. Miss Tiilie Friek, of Adraiu, spent Stmday with Mr. and Mrs. Wertlrner. Mr. and Mrs. Elfring and family, of Dexter, came to attend the confinnation services. Mrs. Herrington, of Jackson, spent ! Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Braun. Mrs. Christ Marx, of Blissfield,is visiting friends in town. Mrs. P. J. Lehman, of Aun Arbor, j was the guest of her sister, Mrs. ' liam Rehfuss over Snnday. Mrs. Frank Miles, of Jackson, has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Msr. Jacquemaiu. Mr. Harlow PĂ©rrin, who is attending the Albion college, visited friends iu town a few days. Father Temes went to Jackson last Wednesday to atteud the funeral, of Father Buyse. A number of Masons went to Sharon 1 to attend the fiuieral of Mr. Traer, who was a inember of the lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Williaru Engle, of Dexter; Miss Libbie Engle, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Emma Engle, of Brooklyn, came home to attend the coufirmation services. There will be Easter services at the M. E. aud Emanuel's Church Sunday evening. The Ladies' Aid society of the Baptist church met with Mrs. O. Taylor last Weduesday afternoou.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News