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Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervoas Headaches. Gentlemen:- I have been taking four Restorative Nervine for the past I three months and I cannot say I enough in its praise. It has Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I was a Chronic suflerer f rora nervousness and could not sleep. I was also troubled with neryous lieadache, and had tried doctors in vain, until I used your Nervine. Yours MES. I!. WOOD, Ringwood, IU. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures, Dr. Miles Norrlne Is sol.1 on a posltive guarantee that tbe firstl-ultle will benelit. AlldruggiMsselUt. at 51, e bottlea ioriö, or It will bc sent, prepaid, oa receipt of pi'ica ! by the Dr. Miles" Medical Co., Elkbait, Ind. j Sold by Druggrlsts Everywhere. AHEAD Of ALL MAGAZINES this country has seen. - Albany Argus. IN THE Nöbth American Review are alwRya found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. The Noeth American Review is recogni.eil on botli sides of ilie Atlantic as the foremost Review in the En(tliah language, and no expenditnre is sparetl in maintainingit in ttsunrivalled position. The Review is the mouthoiece of the men and woinen vvho know most about the great tópica on wnicb Atnericans requhe hik! liesiretobeinformed from mouth in mouth. lts ist of contributors forma a rol] of the representative men and women of the age. SubjeetfJ that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant aud special attention. Among topics recentlj diseussed are: "Women Snffrage iu Practlce"! 'The Eenalsaoceof Woman"; "Woman in Politics": "Tlir New Aspect of theWonian Questlon," and "The Modern Gii!" by theautborol "Ihe Heavenly Twlns"; "The Putnreoí Marrlw?e" "Evil-' of E'iiiy Marriages"; "The Servan) ] Girl of th Fature"; "The FlnanoiiLl Dopendence of Women"; '"Tradra-Unlqns tor wonien"; "ThoLackof thjod Servante": "Ahbtioau Life and i'iiysical Deteriora! ion"; 'fiood and liii'l ''othflrs"; "fhe Tyranfcy of the Kltohen"; 'The mateur N uise" ; Muvk Twain's Defenseof Karriet Shelly etc, etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Rbvibw will pol llsh In I2chapters, beg"lnninn with the Junuary num'oer. the Persona! Hl3t.ory of the Seconcl Empire. a bist :''.'i! work of ftiisirSasBOd Imp'vrtance, whic'i will t n-(i ml O(1 of in tou the CfaequPred carji oi Napoíeon 1 1 i tand th inSneuoes wh'oh led to the eallapeirf li is Empire In tl i -■:■]■. ■ i: 'i ïle.with inltertGermany. tmdei ". llhelm E. au i [ro . Í hancelLoi I i; , ;i -■ . ■: - i ■. being richly anécdota! a ú f uTof Information drawn Er iources hilherto inaocöüHible, pu-sented in Ilie - ■ nich "Tbe EtiHÜsluoan in Paris," !■,- r.he satne uuthor, piade faiDlüai readers, 50 Cents a Copy : $6 00 a Year. Tl ïNor i : ia Revi i Kust i$Ui St., ew Voiii. jL' 'i. ÍORS'Í Attoiintkv at Law. ■ a vmorgl '.HiveMi'ectionand ooMveyRnc;■ . i ■. ■ - ■ ei', ni .' ur pat- ■-■■ fii'ív m.iltoltCd. üülue, IB E H:i:i n Stréet. upBiairs. We would not liave expended HUNDIOS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS doing pünnizlng, for which we made no extra charge, had there not been raerit in tt. Galvanizing consists in coating the trong but most perishable (in thin sheets) metal, steel, with the umom indestructible (even when very thinj metáis, zinc and aluminum. If there were not great ment in galvaniiing, BO one would pay % more for galvanized barbed wire or sheet tfon than ungalvanized costs. If we were makmg pninted windcnlla to-day, we should furmsh an 8FUor$15 Thtt ís a lood lince for an 8foot painled vtinrtmill. Wfc IH1LD FOB THE AGES. K Ol LD HOT SEH TOÜ A POOK, PAUTE HEEL, BOR OSE MADE O? ■ tril S41.Ï1MI II BtFORE BEINfi PIT TOliETHER, IF 101! H0C1B PAÏ D8 DOLBLE PBH'E FOR IT. , We billa the best we know, and knowing tiwit painted thin sheets are practicaily worthlcss, we have nothmg to do with them. The normous oost of preparing to do galvanizing, and of doing it wel] on a larse selle, deters ethers. SOME Bl'T (AI.ViM7.ED HEETS iND l'( II NB SIIEAR AND IHAKE THEM IP rTEKARI HIIEKI.SOR VANES MADE OKUI.VASIZEU tHEETS RIST OUT FIKST AROl'.MI Í11E RIVETS, JOIMS, 1D EDGES, AND ARE, THEREFORE, KOT SO (100D AS FAIXTED ONES. How amj conctrn eau get our pricts for jminted tcindmills and pahiled totems, or tkose made up of f 'alramied material, ail, tluand and panelled trfter tin gatranhiwj 13 done, can OJili be rrplained by the fact that peojAt ichobtiy them are ifftorant of the vaïue of galvatuzittg. We Bow galvanize evcrytliing aiter it is completed, oven bolts and nuts. We gnlvamze with the nic-t improved processes and in the most perfect known and nttainable maiiner Thvproccts: When a section of o Aermotor Wheel is all riveUd up, completed and cleaned of rtist and impurities it i immtrted in melled sinc aml aluminum and left títere unlil il becomes 11 asliolasthutmetal and ■i ■ ■ AXÊU& ■■'■'■'■; and opennu, of renj jP(rabí un"' filled, doaedup nSTykSlUrW "'' "''"■ ' Mt'tfi inetuï, and SVÊ-lkYiMrn Hn' tehole 3 fieces eompmm, th, Wjoítf' section become toliUred and wrldrd MmSO together as one pitee, then you havo mMm. thintr that is stronc, enaunne and rcliabie. It is JIa expensive to do, and small doers cannot afford to doit.ffAVe keep COtons of zinc and aluminum nu-ltcii fromone I 1 yenr's end to another. Tha tUoery chitc coating uhirh I I filia erery pore and roven tvery portion of the 19 torWheet.Vaneand Touer Utbieandalumtnumtehm I E uisjlrst put on,bw after GUme,forni,citlithesteel, u I n che mieul combination or aUoy, tchich canuot be ■ J melled and practicallu tnaesiritcttble. In our Ril vious ad. wo taiked of S rices of milis, UY M toners, etc, and as an -tfiïï'.""! of wha' w1 K ï Ik conld do in the way of BEDr.SKlMSIi AN OLU D,B AKTICI.E AND PI TTÏNU IT IN INF1NITEI.Y SI'. ■ U PKUKIH S1IAPE AT A BIDICI I.OISI.Ï S3IALL Wil VB I'KICE, ANNO! NCED THE OFFKR OF AN AI.L-STEEL VERÏ SUPERIOR FEED OTTER, WORTII $40 AS PRICB8 00, AT 10. I.V OIR ■EXT AD. WKSHALL OKPEU ÏOl' SOJIETIIIXC OF ST1LL beateb isTEKEST. Aermotor Co.. tkiSo.


Ann Arbor Argus
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