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Attack Renewed

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Washington, April 11.- Jere M. Wilson, counsel for John G. Moore, of New York cuy, Ín his income tax suit, when asUed regarding his intentiun to again test the law, said: "It will be essontially the oíd issue over again, cxcopt that it wiU be presenrt-d tu a full b.'üch, and the decisión the-rei'ore will be decisivo one vcay or the other. The purpose of the new suit wili noc be so much to mise newquestions ' ns tu present ihe same questions for final adjudicación. There is uo doubt that, i na law will bepassedonflnaUyand decisivály 3oneror later." Hm news from New York is ihat a new suit on partly now srrounds has been besjun to test the constltution lity of the Irw. Kxiiwsys Are Benl Katate. Tilo suit ií brought by Charles Alien, ol Green fio Id. Mass., and is, hke the Moore suit, agatnst a Corporation to prevent it trom pajina: the .tax The claim is nade that it' thtí táx is coilectible upon the lompauv'á income and prilits it is a direct tax in respect oí the railway property, flsturys and appurtenances operatuti and ovrned by the deiendanc eompuny, by U'inr iniposed upon tho income and profiis tbeceuf, tli-.: same beúig real escale, and isiikowí5 aáiructtax in respect of the persona; iuu.mcy by being iniposod upon ti!c iucottiè anti pruíits tbereof, which diruct tuzes ;ro noc spportioned among the severa! sta tes, as rtquired by the ooustitution 01 nited States. Ciii ui oí JN'iji-UnUornuty liepeatetl. ltislurthor avon-ed that if tjie income !:ix be iiili. to Do noi; a direct caz then lts provislons are nevertheless unconstitUtloutll in tuat t.iley are not uiiiturin thi'ougiiout tne Uiiiitíd títuces as requircd by the constituiion. Tha non-vmilormity of the law is Cnen pointed out ati length, aítsr wiilob the bii declares tiiac me exeniptiou oí inurance coinpanies, savmgs bunks aad iusiucions constructed on the mutual plan, etc., is unconstitutiouai in thao th3e exemptions opérate to avbicrariiy freu saui conipamuá from thoir jusi proportion of taxatiou. :k ií-g ui-tf hiii Xeurly Koaly. Bat che man who huve the tax cocollect are not worrymg abouc new suits. Tlicy are making tegulatiorja to fit tilo eonditions pruduced by the oíd suit aml ?xpeet to complete them today. All the nniín poínts lo be coverdd had been pracCicaily agreed upon last night. There seems to be no quustion that all taxss, whether state, councy or municipal, or whuther on personal or real properoy, exci'pt such as ave intendad to directly benelic the property taxed, such as street improvement taxes, muy be deducted from the income to be returned. As to rent9 from mixed property, such as furnisbed hotels, the commissioner wiU no doubt hold that the owner himeif sepaarate the taxable from the non-taxablu and state the proportiuii of the rents derivcd Iroui each.


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