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Estáte ot Seth T. Otis. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, COTN VY 0 of Washwnaw, ss. itastgioij oí thy Pro batel nHrt iurili i .in 1 1 1 s (!' Washteudw, U -Mm at tbe Frobato í )tfle# i n the City nf Aun Aib u-, on Fririity, 1 5 ; h day ot' M;it)i. i n i hyea rooi LLousanrt eigKt hu lid red unu nioety-Öyt . pre:;rn:..I . Willftd babliltt, Jadee of I'1 n ti i e niattci of ihe eattub of Petb 'i'. -):i-, deceaued, 1) isel K. Otas, admUistrator. enid eet te, COiDOa mi) court utd repitió nía tí;at bo ís now prepand to rendar bis fln:il account a Buen adminístratnr etc. t rht-r"H[nD it in nr'lf-ied, rbut Tuesotty il-e'fith dfty ot April oext, (it fin o'el'""l; íjp foreñoon. aHio-Tn-(.l for esajnhiing und aHowinx st count, anú that 'iiat iba dtVi86L6, le n ■'-■' and heirs ;t l:w o i raW i i-O' is-'d, ttnrt allothei persone ; ioterft(-'i in Bttlfj Pbtute are reqxiired t ' apppar Al b ■ -.-sion tí hmí cori, i h. n le b lioldn :t Probate Offiee !j,tbe cit) ■' .Aun Arbor, tn ss Id coiittty, . ndshov ctiue, it uiy ' : ■ ffhy i b ild EUipoiiDi ■!..! i iiot bn allowfd. mi ü ití ftuihfi oirtcretí, fhiil söid iilmiMistrat'H' íí'.vl uotíte lo the fu r?mi m1. ■ i-ifi, lusatd statfl i' the p udeucy -i -inl ítccoút , und the hearin? tltenf í.bycausing i coi-; u tbu ordtrtohi publitihíHl in Ibe Ann Arbou Ai ■i nfívspapei prlnted and Irculatftu usaídcount?, ttire sfiocewive weekH previo us tu Raid ..■ h aring. .!. WTLLAED BABB1TT. [A trwe copv.j Juóg. ol Pj Wm. , Dott. Probate Ltotitor Estafe ot Emeline Drake. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COI' N TT ol Was!vt i .' w Bft A I a sstn (,t tin [V. Conrt for tiif C'unTv of Wasiilrniiw , hol J nal rr.t Probate Ojdc in tile City ot Ano Ar) or, on T KSilty, '9 h d:iy of Mar h, iu th..' yc-ar one tiiousHDCÏ t-iuii bum'fvotl ai id niuot j-íive. I'téseat, J.Willard Hiibhitt, Ju'.it-e of í'ro"..iIn tho mater ol the eiíaí ot Emeline Drake, deCPRBOCl. ítn readf ne it;d ti I h 'ilion duly vrifid of Héctor Drake. pia;iug tbat adnnuistiatiun ol gajd esía e wfly be i-'i.inied to tiinielf, or aomc otb r suitabta peis;n. Ttiereupoij ií ín ordv-xi. tbal TuesJay, the intb dny of pril noxt. ut. teu o'clook in ttif fortíooüti, he a&sijrneO fut tlie beaïing oí saiü petiiion, and that the beirs ;it law of mud decejised axid all other peréoiih ir.tcreíefi io t:iic patste. ;ir required ro aifea at a seífiiim oí eunl i.'ouit. it.'-t, tone hoMen a' ríe Prokile OffiCP, m thi' citv ot Aun Arbo!, and íiliow cauFe, ir' ;u the'e bfit why tliepruyer "I tlie pttioner shnul i nol be grauted: Aml i hfurtbri acdered i' ■... ydi petilioner jftve notiof to tliepersopfl lotereted in Huid estAtt oí tho pendencyoí saifl petltlou, ar.-l ihí hearintítl hycauñog aqnyyof thi order to iniiiü:, Ann Arbor Aúglk, ü aewspapr finatd and ctr"Ml;u.(fl irj Kflitl County, thre .ii' ' weelfe previous to said dai ol Íi-;-'m.. J. WÍLLARD B VBBHT, 1A true copy] Judjfc Dt" Prohatf. Wii.liam G. Doty, Probate Begister Real Esfate tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CUUNTV OF i Wiislitenaw- ss. In the matter oí the of Jacob Heinzm.Hin . i(' eased, Notioe Uereby glven, tbgt Id puinuance of un ordPi' jranted tó the uadersigned, admlni.n.iKiv oí estáte ol' sald deceased, !y tlic Hou. Judge of Probate for the Coudw ■ ii Washtenaw, on the fifth day oí April, A. 1). 1895, there wlll be sold at pa to the aJKhe8i blider, at the aorth-east oorneroi Weet Willlam and Tliird streets, In the olty oí And Arbor, li ■■ ntyofWash- ii-imv. ,' in sald .state, on Saoirdoy ihe 25h oí Hay, A. I) 1895, ;ii twoo'olocK in the aoon oí that dRy subject to all encuuihrances i'V mortg-aje or otberw.'se exsting at tlio time oí tne rale the íolluwlng desenbed r-rtl , 1 state, i"-"ii : Aiiiii.) paro b of laúd in the city of A nn Arbor, Wai I ■■ Ulculgan, di ed a follows: Ist, Lote ODe and two In three nouth, ranee I wo ■ i. ■' cepi n ; there rrom fo ■ ídth off from the south gide thereoi ' omraeni Ing oi hesouthwesi oorner of blook three eouth, range one west, i henee running north on thi -i said block one hundred ;mrl tventy-nve feet, thenceeastpMrallel witbthe south lino of said block three and one b i henee aouth parallel with tire irest i i u ■ to tbe sonili Une 'l Bald block I bencé we t tó I he pli o ti m .ni 1 1 i eandone balí roda easi of the both-wes1 comer of block three sotitli. range ODe w a . thence running north parallel with wesl [tneofsald block, one bundred ;ml twenty-live feet, t henee par illel witb south Une three ana one-hal1 roda, thence south parallel witb tb west line to the south line of said bl'iok tbe west i south linc of block to the place ol beciniiiiiL! ü h.Oommenolngat iliesouth-ea-i corner of lot eiifhl., m bloei tbree soutb of Hurón street' rango one west, according to the plat of Wm. S. Maynard'a addition and running easton the south line of lot number nlne, two rods, thence nortb two roda east of the west line of sald lot, one chain and tblrt-slxillnkH, thence west two rods. thence south on line ot said lot one chain and thlrry-elx links to the place oí beginnlng and east one rod in widih off from the soutb onn bandred aud twentyflve feet in lengtb of 'ots geven and eight In said block time south, ruime one west. r.tli, Commenclntrat a point in tbe west line of hlock three south. range one west, in Wm. S. Maynard's addiilon, onehu dred and iwentytivr feet nortb of the soutb-west corner of said block, thence running tiorth on the west line of said lilock iiftv feet, thence ea?t parallel with tbe eouth line cf lot six in said block to the nortli-west corner oi lot ten in said block, thenee south on the west line of said lot rifty feet, tin-nee west parallel wit li he .south line of said block to 'he place of . gÍnnÍUKHEXKY.T. MAN-N, Admtnlstrator. p H. WILLIAMS, Attorw at Law and Pension Claim Attoraev, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancinp and Collections.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News