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FOFKICIAL.] CotriíciL Chambeh, Ann Arbor, April Ist, 1886. Regular sessiou. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. No quorum being present, on inotion of Aid. Manly tlie Council adjourned to Thursday, April 4Lb, at 7-30 p. m. Glex. V. Mn.i.s, City Clerk. ■ UUrsClL VJUAMBEIt, Alm Ai-lioi, April 4th, lsfl.ï. Adjourued seasion. Ealled to order by President Wines. lioil ealleil. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. vVaguer, Maaly, Kitson. PETITIOXS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Honorable Conimoii Council: The Boaid of Public Works submlt the followlng bid for building a dos pound. to ) our tonoiable bu'ly, and reeommend that the same be approved. Kespectfully submltted. GLEN V. MILLS, Clerk. To the Honorable Board of Public Works: I will laulld and complere dog pound, according to plans and speclflcatious, for tho sum of Forty-seven (Í47) Uoilars. AKTIIDE J. KITSON, per E. K. Aid. Brown moved that the bid be ccepted and adopted, and the Board of Public Works be instrueted to enter into a contract. The motion prevailed as follows. Yeas- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, TayPrettyman, Pres. Wines- 9. Navs - Nono. The Clerk laid the bids of John Koch and Martin Haller for council chamber furniture before the Council. Aid. Prettyman moved that they be referred to the Board of Public Works. Adopted. KEPOETS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance respeotfully j-epwrt that thej h ivu had the following bilis under tonsideration, and wowld recommend their allo anee at the su nis stated, and warrant8 ordered drawu for the sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. Glen V. Mills, salaré $ BG 67 Patricb O'Hearn, SHlary 83 34 George H. Pi nd, t-alary 8 33 John W. Bennett, sala y..:._ 25 OU Marvin Havenport janiior work 6 25 Clay A Ureene offloe rent.. 29 17 James W. Qoodhew, ftoral design 1200 Ralban E). 1 orhin, L6 hours' clerical work -o 30 Kenuy &-Quinltui, il; dl g boiler Jan. 15 10 Maren 15 __ 2(1 00 Kenuy & Quiulan, suppliea 1 80 Glen V. Mills, po itage for Clerk and Assessor 2 00 .1. Ij. .-iniili, burying dog 50 Fred luid Frank Oifte puseing notieês, ward7 2 00 öecretaiy ot 8ta e. certineu charter 4 68 HenryC.Wl it, poetiog notioes 4 00 ■ oui Ier Prlntlng Uouse, prlntmg 78 20 Beakes & Hummond, printio'g.. 00 2IJ KeKistcr Hubllshlntr Co., printintr 32 10 SidW Millard, prli.'tlng. .....'. 28 80 Detroit Rubber Stamp Co., wax seal, ward 7.- 1 50 Btoore & Wetmore-, su; plies. " 1 50 Ann Aio rï.-H. Bleotrio Ck„ lightlug 661 47 airs. Kuhn janltur work, city oflices, 3 75 Total _ j 1151 66 SEWBU FUND. George F. Key, salary i joo 00 Moore & Wetmore, supplies.. 75 Frank Sutherland, labor 17 40 Goorde 11. Fiacier, labor. 17 40 Charles H. Spencer, clerical wórk.I" í 25 Edwin W. Groves, assistant engii eer, 51 00 Total $ 191 so STHEET FÜND. WUUs L. mark, labor ._..$ gs go Hlcbael Hesslao, labor 1 so L. H. Hosacfc, labor 80 Edward Jacobus, nor I"" 75 Mlchael Heery. lubor 3 00 John Holt, labor 75 Charlea in i u-, labor """ i ou Gustave W Itera, labor 11111 4 60 MlcbaeJ Kuster, labor 30 eSavIngs Bank, labor, assigned bv M Hesslan 105 Aun Albor KaviDKS Iiank, labor, asBigned by U. ii f-inn 1 ;- Win. v heel er lalmi! 7= E K White, ashea ..'.'.'";.'..'"'.'. 60 Mrs. Sutherl nd. borse and wagon"" 2 70 A bram Voorbeis, team 1) 90 S. Woud & Co., sup lies... 4 03 George W. Sweét, englae 7 50 Total $778 BIÜDliE, CHI.VRIil AND CROSSWALK TOND. Stat. Savings Bank,accounts assicrned tliem: Abratn Voorheis, snow plow,,. ys-, ....3 uo Mlcbttl K11 ter, sqow plowing. 1 50 Michai Heiey.snow plowing 1 50 Martin Nngle.snow ] 50 Charlee Ware. labor 1 5'i August íioehuke, labor ] 50 Cbailes Winklc, labur... 4r 1 " 4 95 Miehael Hessian, labor "" ; ]ti " .'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 05 oí oe . Uael WtlUams, lab r "4 05 Patriot Mc abe, labor 105 W di in eli t, snow plowlng " ] go Georpe eeks, " ' ■ nn EllasSadler, " : ,„ John Mollngh, " ? S, Bennclt Krencb, J. L. Smith, ■ '■""."""" 1 50 Hutzei 6c Co., suppllee II"III 9 95 Toli HñTo PÓLICE 'irND. P. S. Banfidd, salary i = no David Collius, sulary. o ü Keuben Arinbruster. salary V) ni Georgelsbell. salary.... S oí Hobeit Leonard, salary, "" 50 nj Bell Telepuone Co.," state calis 1 i John Uunrle. labor 1 P. S. Jiaiilicld, expenses í 7 g. w. seyboid.suppiics ..;:;:;;;::::;;; á % Total $272 02 PIRE DE1-AHTMKNT FÜND Fred Sipley, ealai-y.. en 00 C. A. Edwarüs, "... " S XX W. H McLaren, " ... XX Max Wnit.iluKer," .. L55 Alben WoHt. " . " M Ei'Bene Williams, ?í m Herman Kim, ■ IITIII" d0 Saín -(si McLaren, "" ja mi touis Hoeizlu, " . " o XX Wüllmn Bettich, " m M. t. Byan, " ._ s nn KyerMillingCo.,feed 2 k Ohn K. Lawn no-, lav """ 7 J H. D. Bdwanl-, & ('o., supplies 5 m Mrs li Kean, rashlñg '.P.... 5 OÍ) B. B Hall, 00.1l íB 2,1 Gaspar Klnsey. tiruahe...." . 18) iímsey ivïieabult, supplies 35 44 Geo. W. Seybolfl, slioeing 5 85 James Doueg-an, shoein(f 5 J Eberbach Drug & Chemtoal Co., supplies B 6 S. Wood & Co., supplies 2 1 Total $ 30 29 POOH FUND. Fred Sipluy, salary ï 10 00 Georire A. Moody. wood 55 5" Toledo, An ii Arbor& North Mich. Ky. Co., freiglit 5S H W.H. Wilcon, wood 30 8" A. (}. Mclntyro, wood 17 t Pred Sipley , frelght W W H.J. Browu, medicine 2ji Prauk Burg, grocerles _. . i 04 JoliD Burg. sü'ies 2 öi K. E. Boni, hoes 1 1 Dotyá Felner, snoes a 00 Edward Duffy, ?ioeeries S 1 Charles Uwyer, grocerles 9 02 Bberbacb ürug& Chemical irme 1 i) .lolm Kiscle, grooerles 11 s2 Mra. Ann Evans, aki 5 Ui. John Goetz, jr., gToeeries 6 05 John Uoetz & Sou, Krucerles 5 2'i Williaui l Lodhülz, groceries 7 58 Looiiard Gruner, Shoes 1 5U E.B Hall, coal 2? 4u M. C. B. K., tieketto Detroit a lo ' E P. Masón, Jivery 75 SVÜliam H. Melntyre, groceries 18 13 O'HaraA Boyle, grooerlee 8 8 O&sper Hinsey, groceries 13 67 Kinsey & Seabolt. roceries 15 95 Wm. Salyer, rocerics 6 75 W. F. Stimeoii, sroceries 11 81 Goo. Spatlielr, jr., meac. 2 68 0 W. vosol, meat 4 B4 C. Zurn, meat 4 53 Watar & Miller, shoes 2 25 Total $ 366 00 RECAPITtJLATION. Contingent Fund T 1 151 66 Sewer Fund 19180 Street Fund 7778 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 511 40 Fire Fund 530 29 Pólice Fund 272 02 Poor Fund 366 00 Total ÍÍ759 95 Hespectfully submitted. FRANK WOOD, C. H. M-lNLY, Flnaoce Committee. Aid. Wagner and Manly entered. The report of the Committee on Finalice was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wiues- 11. SUPFLEMENTAllY REPORT. RBGISTIIATION AND KLECTION EXPENSES. To the Honorable Coramon Council: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have taken the following accounts untlerconsideration and recommend their allowance and warrant? ordered drawn for the eanio. uaaries w. wagner. reglstratlon aud elecüon $ ]2 50 John H. Mfner, registration 7 50 George L. Moore, registration 7 50 Henry W. IJoujilas, olerk of election.. 5 00 John l'ravis, clerk of'eleetion 5 00 Lewis C. Goodrich insp. of elec 5 00 Bugene G. Manu, insp. oí elec 5 00 Martin ('l.irk, gate keeper 2 00 Thomas 'J'aylor. gate keeper 2 00 Henry J. Browu, reg. and elec 13 5'j George 11. Pond, reg. and elec 12 50 I A. l'. PergusoD, regïstratlon 7 50 I Frank Vandawalker, Insp. of elec 5 00 Qeorge Vtiudawalker, clerk ol elec 5 00 Artluir Brown, olerk of elêe 5 00 Jobn o'Keefe, gate keeper 2 00 John Nowland, gate keeper 2 00 Chrfstian Martin, reír, and elec lü 80 David P. AHmendmger, reg and elec. 12 óu I ie Oegterlui, registration 7 30 Bugene Oeterlin, Jr , insp. of elec 5 0J Aibert'F. Sohumacber. olerk of elec. 5 Ü0 ■ Goorge B. Sclnvuli, clerk of elec 5 00 Fred Galke, saté keeper 2 0' Win binder, K ate keeper 2 00 Clinton J . Snydér, reg-. and elec 12 50 Jacob J. Fisciier, registration 7 50 Hrank Woqd, registration 7 50 Nelson J. Kyer, inspector of election, 5 uu Win. A. Clark, inspector of electiou.. 5 00 John O. Jenkins, clerk of election ó 00 Will F. Fiseher, clerk of election 5 i Charles H. Manly, registration 7 50 Wal ter L Ta dor, registration 7 50 Thomas öpeechly, registration 7 50 : Oscar SpatVord, inspector of election, 5 00 i Thcimaa Godkiu, inspector of election 5 00 Thomas B. McCollum. insp. of elec 5 00 j Morman D. Gates, clerk of election... 5 00 Charles N. Manly, olerk of elecüon.... 5 jü Edward Hatch, gate keeper 2 0J Nathau H. Pierce, gatu keeper 2 00 Wm. Hen, gate keeper 2 00 T, E. Han iian, gate keeper 2 0') ! Horace G. Prettyinan, repc. and elec . 12 50 ( Arthur .1. KIteon, registration 7,66 Fred Barker, registration "50! Martin J. Oavanaugh, insp. of elec 5 00 John W. Bennett, inspector of elec. . . 5 00 Johu DulTy, clerk of election 5 00 I Chnnning Smith, clerk ofelection 5 00 i Willium Cleaver, gate-keeper 2 00 Merithew, " 2 00 Ernest E. Enerlach, reg. and election 12 5U Fred H. Belser, " " 12 5J K. II. Scott, " " 12 5(j Henry Bliton, inspector of election.. ó 0' Kobert Cerner, clerk " ..5 00 William Hatto, gate-keeper 2 00 Lawrenee Curlis, " 2 00 Horace G. Prettvman, 28 meals, 6th and 7th wards 14 00 Edward Le wis, 28 meals, 4th and 5th warrie u 00 Nicbolas G lazer, 28 meals. lbt and 3rd wards 14 00 Michael Staebler, 12 meals, 2d vrard 6 00 Edward Lewis, ir meals for registration 7 50 Joseph A. Polhemus, livery 3 00 Eberbach Hardware Co., supplies 2 65 W. G. Dieterle. renl. of Chalis and tables 1 00 F. G. Schleicher & Co., supplies 4 50 Martin Halier, rent Of chalrs and tabie i oo .iwnj u ios., rent 01 rnan-s... ](() Dt'iiii&Co., supplies 1 B5 Andn-w Muehlig, süppllee j 10' August Joerrendt, draying ia A.j Kitson. carppntcrwork 3Í 00 Williaiu Cleaver, janil.or work 1 f,0 Marvin Davenport, jánítor work. -. 2 00 G. Frank Allrnendlnger, board of election oommiasionera 5 00 Nelson .1. Kyer, board of election oommissiouers 6 00 Bradley M. Tbompeon. board oí elec(iciii ooiiniiissioners 5 00 Glen V. Mills, board of electiou comI missfoners ó 00 Wni. Herz, rent, reg-istratiou day 5 00 Mack & Sobmid, reut eleetion " 10 00 Germán School Society, election and reglstratlon 15 00 Mis. Hammond, election add reifistrat'n -- 15 00 Total $P35 45 Kespectfully submitted, FKANK WOOD O. H MANLY, Oommittee on Finance. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Ald.Wagner, Martin ! dinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly,ïaylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines -11. Nays - None. The monthly report of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal, Superintendent of the Poor and Chief of the .Fire Department were received and ordered placed on file. CITY TREASURER'S A'bPORT FOK THE MONTH ENDING MAR. 30, 1895. rothe Common Council of tlie City of Ann Aroor: Balance on hand as per last report $29,867 98 MONEV KECErVED. Contingent Fund- Interes I A. A. Savings Bank 58201 Plusot roll 47.47 5 percent, penalty T fax 4C698 Liceuscs, Milla tí.50 Dot Tax Pund- Lioenoes, Milla 59.00 Street Fund - bide walk tax col.. 3t$8.52 Molkentin's tax, 3il ward 2S.fiO Uncollected City Tax lJ'ii'l r 409.94 BrJdüe. Oulrert and 1 ' 'osswalk 'un'! - „Mills 1T.28 l'oor 1-iiii.l - By trauffer fi-om ti., c. & t; Van 1. soo.iiO By transfer trom l-og Tax Fund . . . 100.OO Total i i,5ül.íiii B,Sfl Í30.429.88 UONET DISBtTfiSED. Contingent Fu ud í S801 lateral Sewer Fund, bouds and intí'rest 2,(il2fío jateral sewtr Fuud " 634.77 StreetFund 4Sü.'95 Street Fund, MoUeiitin's sidewalk tax remitted 28 60 'oor Fund 270 U iridjie, L'ulvert md Crosswalk Fund, by transfer to foor.. . 500 OU Jridge. Culvurt and Orosawalk 10 65 liceFund 69 00 'íremen's Fund 555 08 oldiers' Relief Fund 4.01 )og Tax Fund, traus. to Poor Fund 100.00 i 6,264.77 6,264.77 Toi üTiëim BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fuud $3,208 45 Lateral Sewer Fund .. 5,82270 Strebt Fuud -',363 11 PoorFund.. 49237 Bridge, Culrert and Orosswalk Fuud 3 78.70 Pólice Fuud 2.U44 19 Firetnen'sFuud 3,3-81)1 City Cemetery Fund. 24!) 36 Soldiere' Keliel' Fund. 854:1.3 Water Fund 1,348 15 Dog 'l'ax Fund 70 o 1 üniversity Hospital Aid Isoud Fuud 84ü uu Delinquent Tax Fund 953 92 Total $25,118 03 9o2.H2 24,165.11 124,185.11 Respectfully submitted, Gjeo. H. Pond, City Treasurer. Aim Arbor Savings Bank, I Aan Arbor, Mich., Apr. 4, 1895. To the Coramoa Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen : Thi.s is to certify that tuere was on depohit iu this uauk on the ist day of April, 1886, the bumot Tweuty-fuur thousand, Tfiree hundred Nineteeu and 53-1ÜU DolUrs ($21,31 58), to the credit of (Jeo. H. Pond, eity treasurer. Respectfully your. i. J. FHITZ .Vi't (,'asliler. The petition of George Spalhelf and 96 otbers, asking for the uoAipletion of that portion of the m.aiu sevver lying in the fourth and fifth wards, was rceived, and upou motiou of Aid. Man ]y was retened to the new Comicil. The follosving commuuication lïoru the Board of Public Works, which was ! presented at the last Bession of the 1 Council and laid over upou motiou of Aid. Manly, vvas taken up for consideration: FROM TilE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS To the Common Oouncil : A requestod by your honorable body, we submit ihe . olUm-ing report: ïhat in May 18aa, thesalaiy for the oltk-e of Street Commiasiouer was estabiishwl at Í8U1; pr year; the (Jominifsiouer to furnlsh a horse aod wajroQ. Further, tbat úá lloanlof Hublie Works have not changad tbe atuuunt of suuh establLsheo taiary. GIJSN V. MILLS, Olerk! Aid Maiily moveil that the comraunication be rceived and referred to the new Üoiincil. Tiie motiou was lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maitin, Wood, Brown, Tayior- 4. Nays - Aid. Wagner, Allrnendinger Snyder, Fergusou, Mauly, Prettyman Pres. Wines - 7. Aid. Manly moved that the salary o the Street Coiamissioner be placed a $l. 75 per day until changed by the Council. Aid. Brown moved as a substitute that the salary of the Street Commis sioner be paid until April lst, is:), a the rate of $800 per aiinum. Aid. Manly moved to lay the substi tute on th; table. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger Wood, Ferguson, Manly- 5. Nays- Aid. Wagner, Snydèr, Biown, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 6. ïlie substitute prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Sn.vder, Brown, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 6. Nays- Aid, Martin, Alhnendinger, Wood, Ferguson, Manly- 5. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Prettytuan: Resolved, Tbat the City Clerk be direeted toootain bids for printing au edition of ,500 copies of the City Charter aid OrJimmces blds to be at a rjxed priee per pase for prmtiug, with separate bid per volume for in paper, iu board covers, or cloth covers Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, AllmendiiiKer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- U. Nays- None. By Aid. Martin: Whereas, Having reoeived certaia information that there liave been irregular ties in the trausact.on of certaiu busiuess intrusted to the Board of l'ublio Works, wbichl deern require ao iuvestigation by tbeCouncil; and Whereas, I aui also led to oeüeve tüat other memtiers of tuis Oouucil are more or less informe, as to tbetruth of this iolormation; therefore bu it Uedulved, That a committee of üve (5) be appoiiited, and employ a short-hand reporter to take sucli testiiuony as tiiey in their juclgment doem best, to ascertuiu the truth of said rumora, and report to the Couucil at the flrat. uieetiiiy ia May, 18!ö, at 7:30 p. m. Aid. Prettymau moved as a substitute that a cotninittne of three, consistiug of Aid. Martin, Manly and Wood, be apnointed to formúlate charges against President A. M. Clark. Aid. Martin offered as an amendmeiit that the committee consist of live, and that Aid. Prettyman and Brown be added to the committee ready named. The amendraent prevailed is fol Ier,-, s. Yeas--Ald. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor - 8. Niivs- Aid. lirouii, Prettyman,rres Wines- 3. The substitute as amended prevailed HM iilllows: Zeas- Aid. Snyder,Fergasoh,Biown, Taylor, Prettymtn, Pres. Wines- G. Nays- AJd. Wagner, Martin, Allmendiuger, Wood. .Maniy- 5. Aid. rrettyman moved that the Council organize itself into a canvassing board, to canvass tlie votes cast at tlie charter election held April lst, 1895. Carried. Aid. Prettymaii moved that the Council proceed to canvass the vote. (Coutinued on Fourtb Page.;


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News