The house of Gottlieb Sweitzer, of Superior, burned a few days ago, with no insurano. Only a portion of his furnitnre was saved. The ladies' library in Ypsilanti ha 4,356 volumns on its shelves, having. added 183 during the year. Ypsilanti Grange, at its meeting next Saturday, will listen to an address by Hon. A. J. Crosby, on the Uinted States paying an export duty on agricultriral producís. The old hotel in Whittaker will be made a tenant liouse. John Cauuer, of Augusta, has just plowed up a United States half-cent piece, dated 1809. Frederick Helzerman will build a new house in Whittaker this surumer. Lemuel Allen is building a new house in Ypsüanti town. Harry Gale, of Superior, ran a fork in his leg last week. John R. Ketchum died at his horne in Ypsilanti, April 11, aged 62 years. He was a veteran of the war and for many years was a prominent hardware merchant of Ypsilanti. Thomas J. Davis, who died last Thursday in Ypsilanti, was a member of the United States colored troops in the late war. Rowes Corners ohnrch, in Sharou, realized $56 from a recent social at Lambert Uphans'. Miss Anna Schillenberger died in Bridgewater, April 7, of consnmption, aged 19 years. She was the daughter of Jacob Sohillenberger. E. M. Tracy died April 7, at his home in Manchester towuship, of old age, aged 84 years. He was one of our riioneers. Lon Bolliuger speareda'eleven-pound pickercl in the Manchester mili pond last week. A oheese factory will probably be started iu Manohesfcer this spring. Spike, the new postoffice in Manchester township, gets two mails a week. Charles Uhl will build a new house in Bridgcwiiter this summer. George Nisle is marshal of Manchester, and Frank Sherwood, street commissioner. The Manchester rolling milis have just shipped a carload of flour to Scofcland. The Sharon hall team is playing a good game this year. A fifteen-pound carp was speared by Kit Cobb in the river near Delhi, recently. The Lutheran chnrch confirmation class in Dexter nnmbered fourteen. The first wild goose shot this vear at Unadilla, was brought dowu by Frederick Marshall. In Jackson connty 81 out of 170 applications successfully passed the teachers' exaniination. The ladies of St. James' chnroh, Dexter, hold au afternoon tea at the residence of Mrs. H. C. Gregory, Wednesday. St. Mary's Catholic chxirch has pnt in a beantiful orgau at au expense of $875. A Dexter business man recently fonnd $100 in au oíd satehel, where he had placed it ten or twelve years ago and forgotten it. Mrs. Henry Collnni died iu Saline, April G, aged 58 years. Her niaiden , name was Myra J. Mapes and she was bom iu New York and married to Mr. Collnni in 1895. Her husband and one son snrviye lier. Charles Bates and Richard Loan, of Scio, have had their pensions increased. There is soine prospects that thcr will be one or two less saloons in Dex ter next year. A. C. Clarke, tlio Saline undertaker had teu funerals in March. The Saline conncil bas not yet agreed on a. marshal or street comrnissioner. Tho Saline Lntherau chnrcli confirmec a class of fourteon girls and twelve boys. Mrs. Frerïerick Meyer, of Saline iownship, died April 7, of consumption. Seymour Goodyear died at his home in Chelsea, April 9, aged 51 years. '■ Mrs. Hiram Eaton died April 7, it her home four miles north of Milan, aged 56 years. S. H. Gay, of Milan, is building an addition to his house. James Clark, Jr. , who lives on tho plaius south of this village, has a young pig that was boni with but three 1 egs. The little porker is robust and healthy and where the missing leg shonld be, all is smooth with a good ontline. Still, with additional tmderpiuning it can't be den;ed that there wonld be less hitch in the quadruped'n walk. - Graas Lake News. The following appointments have been made bj the Saline village coaacil : Chief of Fire Department, O. M. Kelsey; health offlcer, Dr. S. W. Chandler; special pólice, H. A. Jewett; special assessors, D. Nissly, G. E. Schairor, A. ,T. Warron ; board of re. -view, V. J. Jackson, M. Schittenholin ; emetery commissioners, A. J. Warren, A. C. Clurke, G. C. Towusend. It was deoided to pay thé village olerk $35 a year, ihc i:. O, the health ofl'1 id .the following days wages, street comm ss mier umi stïeet laborer each $1.25 a day - team and man $2.50 per day. Waltor Rusa, of Augusta, has enlisted in the U. S. regular ariny. Frank J. Hamrnond, of Whittaker, has been drawn as a juror in the United States Circuit court, at Detroit. J. Brehiing, of Augusta, is building an addition to is house. William Willings feil last week at the statiou in Willis and broke three of his ribs. The president of Milan nomiuated Eflwin Farrington for marshal. The council refused to confirm. The name of Henry Doty meet with a like fate. The council, two datos later, agreed to reconsider their vote and then conflrmed Farrington as marshal. The other village offlcers elected were street commissioner, Philip M. Edward ; chief of fire department, E. C. Hinkley; special assessors, Wesley Robison, J. L. Marble and Alexander Smith. Augusta's township clerk has received $1,027 for his nine years' work as township clerk. There is quite a little sidewalk'building being done in Milan. Twelve new mernbers have joined ;he Presbytetrian church in South Lyon. The editor of the South Lyon Excelsior has been making a most desperate effort to master a bicycle. The flery untamed steed has downed him several ames. No bones broken. There are fif teen bicycles owned in South Lynu. Alice Stevens, proprietor of the Lake house, Whitmore Lake, has just launched a new sail boat which is a daisy. Henry Dodge now runs the meat market at Whitmore Lake. Verne Sayles, of South Lynn, cut off a couple of his toes while cutting down an apple tree last weeek.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Myra J. Mapes Collum
John Ketchum
Henry Collum
Gottlieb Sweitzer