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Bi our adv. two weeks ngo wc told of our very superior afl. (tel hand and power f eed cutter to beoffered at $1 0 $40 tst week wc tol.l of tlie procesa of galanizing and its indispMiiablo preservativo qualitíes. lïext week we wiJl give you ihe expenenco of two representativo business finos of lllinoii, De of whum has sold 400 and the ot lier 500 Aermotors. Th week following wo wíll quote a pnce on the best pumps mado hand, wind initl and irngating) loiver than was ever beíore Jrewned of; and the week followmg that wc shall talk to you f teel galvanizcd tank, with covers, at the unheard of price oi 2% cents per gallon. This is clieaper than wood. Thcy do ftot firmk, le.ik, rot, rust or give taste to water. The Aer motor Company treats the public generously. Whl Ie state legislatures nro passing laws to secure repairs for íarrn maclmiery t rcasonabie prices, IT IS A FACT THAT fHB AEIOIOTOR COaPART HAS FOR THE YEAU 1895 BEEN COHPEÏ.LED TO RA [SE 1T8 PRICKS ON RKPAlRS ■ICAV9ESÜMEOFITSCl'STO?IKKSIIAVKBKEN OHUF.RISÜ IHDIVinrAL PARTS TO 3IAKE t P COMPLETE MACHINES, 2IKCE IN THAT WAV THEY COrLü JET A MACHINE THAN BY OUDKULNG IT ASSKBLKD. Pcoplo ara not comjtellfil to buy machinery ; theit are campeüed to buy rejxiirs. .4u The Atrmotor Company kmj'ji thta respect AjXjÊjE+ croxts to fault. It Oíd so low th:it flörrÖfc- - f tomers coold buy the repairs and EW'2A:T-fiMWtf asseml)le R ma' hine at lesb ttisn ttio 5CflSC3ll3 sseinbled mabine would cost. But pHMWgrM since it was Dot certain tlitit thcy Wmwnr W0Illd P1 tll machino Winnbled in good sliapo, If 'or the protection of its wn rputation, the ■! motor Company has raised the price of certain repairs Tj jiistenough to prevent this in future. Not only rws the Ijl Aerniotor Company alwaya III est price and refuscd to soll j.poorarticleatanyprice,but ijl it has now ESTABMSHED TWENTYBHANCH HOl'SES II I IN VAKIOl'S PARTS OF THBCOl'N'PRY INOKDER I I TO HAVE NOT ONLY ITS flOODS EASILY ACCSSSÍ' 1 I ■ BLE, BIT TO HAVE IT3 BEPAIR8 V ITIIIN EASY E M REACH. It expects joon io greatly this ILtB nuruber of houses. This is matter of tlie greatest ■ Wb niportance to those who AZWpurchasing machinery. KfuH Accident will happen, and AWise man will look tolt KA vM wlien hc is biiying an artifilê that repairs can Irl V Iy bo had at rejsonable tott. Our very low prices and high standards en everything Mnnected with water supply snd pon-er production by wind, tefather with the accessibtlity of a f nll line of our goodi and jrpii, wül be Aermotor Co.. ChlM n m Barley, Oats, and Bnckwheat, at Ann Arbor Central Mills. Allmendinger & tchneider. "KüïicRtDifliacus.rAuiiiiüttJtiïfiüiiiJUKiL'aii. mÊiMjLd ff jtm-t ra.f i w e %%íí? THE ANERIUI TOBACCO CÖKPAHY. SUCCESSOR. # NEW YORK UJ3.A. r ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD REUABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Hm stood the Test of Time MORESOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINE I i I 02 ti g M II tí 5 g ft 5 ïl-4 1 . Ö Q lï 5 S 1 35 sf d I i f il . I . S 3 15 H I ii i i rivsey í muoin BAKER1 GBÖCilï AND FLOÜR km FEEO STORE. We keep consumtly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale or Traae. We shall also keep a supply ot OSüKTK'h GOLD DUST PLOUR. J. VL. Swtft & Oo.' Best White Whei Flour, Bye Flour, Buokwheat Elour, Oom Maal, Tjed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A eeneral stock o ÖEOOEZIES AND PR07ISI0NS constantly on hand, which will he sold on as rafis onable terms as at any othcr house in the rity . 3f Cash paul for Batter, Eggs, and Oountn Produce enerallv. T"Goods Delivered to any part of the dtywltli ont extm chari-e. Rlnuei & Seabolt. Fruit Trees! If you lotend to set out Peach, Pear, Apple or Fruit Trees of any kind, you will save money by writing to llio MICHIGAN NURSERY CO., MONROE, MICH. Thi-y Imve the best and . bardiest var.etios for rlus pfirtof the country. , 8mall Fruits of All Kjnds, nul :i Brge assortment of the best aml hardiest Roses, Slirubl)cry and Ornamenta I Krees and Plañís. W. S. MOORE, " (Removed from 57 S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) Tr%t'fl!rïlTCET11 Work done m all XJ -Cal JL A 23 X ■ foims ot modern dentistry. Crown and Bridge work a specialty Satislaction Guarariteed. (U. of M. Gradúate,) lï South Main Street, m mi UI


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News