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PALPITATIOHOFTHEHEARL Shortness of Breath, Swelling- of Legs and Feet. "For about four years I was troublcd with palpitatioa oL the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best physicians in Savannah, Ga., with no relief. I then tried various Springs, without benefit. Finally I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver Pilis. After beginning to take them Ifelt better! I conti nued taking them and I am now in better health than for many years. Since myrecovery I have gained flfty pounds in weiglit. I hope this statement may be of value to sonie poor suflerer." E. B. SÜTTON, Ways Station, Ga. Dr. Miles' Iïeart Curo is sold on a positivo puarantee thatthe first bottle will benefit. AlldruE?t;istssellitat$I, 6 bottles for$5, or it will bosent, prepaid, on receipt of prico by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. ANEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES this country has seen.- Albany Argus. IN THE Nobth American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time The Noeth American Review is recognized on both sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Eevievv in the English language, and no expeuditure is spared in maintaining it in its uniivalled position. The Review is the mouthpiece of the men and women who know most about the great topics on wbich Arnericans reqnire and desire tobe informeel from mouth to mouth. lts list of contributors forms a roll of the ïepresentative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suffrage in Practica"; 'The Renaisance of Woman"; "Woman in Politics"; "The New Aspect oí the Woman Question," and "The Modern Girl," by the author oi "The Heavenly Twins"; "The Future of Marriage"; "Evils of Early Marriages"; "The Servant Girl of the Future"; "The Financial Dependence of Women"; "Tiades-Unions for Women"; '-The Lack of Good ServaDts"; ■American Life and Physieal Deterioration" ; 'Good and Bad '-lOthers"; "The Tyranny of the Kitchen"; -'The Amateur Nurse"; .MarkTwain's Defenseof Harriet Shelly etc, etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Review will publish in 12 chapters, beginning with the January number, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire, a historical work of ansurdassed importance, which will throw a flood of new ligbt upon the chequered career of Napoleon III , anti the influenoes whfch lod to the callnpseof his Empire in the rigantic struffgle with united Germany, under Wilhelm I. and his Iron Chancellor. It isas fascinating as a romance, being richly aneedotal andfu.l of Information drawn from aources hitherto inaccessible, presented in the Rraphic and vivaciouH style which "The Enjilishnian in Paris," by the same author, has made familiar to thousands of readers. 5O Cents a Copy; $5.00 a Year. The North American Eevlew, 3 Eust I4tb St., Mevr Vork. P B. N'OKRIP ATTOKïiEY AT IjAW. Doee a general lawcolliotionand conveyanclag bueineis. A moderate share oj' rour pat-ona;re re-pectfu!iv noHeited. Ofllee, 16 E Huron Street, upetairs. CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opimon, write to SlL'NN $ CO., who have had nearly flfty years' experience incthe patent business. Communications strlctly confldential. A Ilnndbook of Information concerninp: l'atents and how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mecnanical and scientlflo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recoive epecial noticein the Sci en tifie Aiiievicnn, and thua are brought widely before the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issned weekly, eleKantlyilInstrated.hasbyrarthe lart'cst circulation of any sclentiflc work tn the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Ed'itlon,monthly, Ï2.50 a year. Single copies, ïi5 cents. Kvery number contains beautlful platos, in colors, and photOKraphs of Dew houses. with plans, enabltng bullders to show tho latest desiens and secure contraets. Address MUNN & CO New YOKK, 31 Broadwat. WALL PAPER: WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Dasigns PRICES THE IOWESI AT OSCAE 0. SOEG THE DEOORATOR, ?O S. 2VT-A_I2ST ST.


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