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Measles have appeared at Unadlila. Manchester has orgauized a base ball club. The stave mili at Gregory has oponed up work. Seventeen joined the Macabecs in Manchester last week. Abner Beach has removed fiom his farm in Lima to Chelsea. The. M. E. ehnrch in Manchester has collected $40 far missions. Calvin Whceler is building an additiou to his house in Salein. Qxegoiy is very proud over Marsh's new residenoe in that village. Pinokney is to have a hall in which to hold meetings 80x42 feet in size. The Deestriek Skule. of flfty years ago will be portrayed in Chelsea, May 10. A son has been born to Qeorge Bryce, of Lyndou, and a danghter to George Bsenian, Miss Emma F. Fuller, of York was married April 17th to Dr. William B. Calhoun. There will be flve young ladies in the graduating class of the Saline schools this year. The Rev. Mr. Platt will rumain as the pastor of the Manchester churoh for 'u-r year. The Plymouth Mail calis Editor Smith of the iMlan eLader, "the baokbone of Milan. The banks of Grass Lake are strewn with dead flsh. Many of them weigh from four to eight potmds. Theives recently stole beans from Aaron Fnllerton aud potatoes from B. Hitchingham of Augusta. Clint Farrell, of Manchester, poisened his eyes while handling tamarack on which poison ivy grew. Charles H. Greenman and wife, of Augusta, were shaken up and brnsed in a runaway accident receutly. Stockbride claims to be ahead on the big egg deal, Gracie Hall exhibiting an egg K-z%% inohes in size. Mrs. Delia E. Sparks has reecetved through Chelsea Lodge 67, A. O. ü. W. $2000 in insurauoe on her husbaud's life. Tlio Easter offering of the Manchester M. E. Sunday school wedghed xoveu and three quarter pounds and amounted to $24.26. Ten out of Jthe twelve Manchester high school pupils, whó applied for teaohers' certificates, got them. This is a big percentage. William Haskins, who died at Los Angeles, California, March 5, of consumption, was a former resident of Lima. He was fifty-six years old. The Manchester Enterprise is responsible for the shower of Sunday. Editor Blosser put at the head of his columns "We need rain," and lo, we had rain - a little of it. The work of building the new foundry of the Chelsea stove works has been commenced. The fonndry will be 40x90 . feet in size. Fire cannot daunt the hustling men at the head of the stovo company. The. forty hours devotion havo just moluded atSt. Maiy's church in Manchester. ïlev. Dr. O'Reüly of . an, Rcv. A. P. Ternes of Adrián and Rev. A. James Holly of Wyandotte preached. Lavv-rence VanWormer, of York, died April 15, aged seventy-five years. He was boTn in Stenben cotmty, New York, and carne to Michigan in 1834. He leaves a wife, f sems and fivo daughters. He has been i prominent man in the community. Hairiet A. , only snrviving danghter of Dr. Pattereon, died April 16, in Orliindn, Florida, whither she had gone in search of health. She was twenty-nine yearB of age. The? remains reached Ypsilanti Fi'iday aud the funeral services were held Saturday. The following are the new Cheleen appointive offleera: Marshal, A. C' Pierce; fire warden, W. F. Rieinenschneider; pound master, A. A. Van Tyuee; health offleer, Dr. G. W. Palmer; apeeinl assessors, H. Lighthall. H. S. Holmes and R. S. Annstrong. Charles Embler made a remark to his wife Saturday which oaused her to make for him with a oarving knifo in her hand, and as slie held it in a threatening attitude; Charlie grabbed for her haud Imt instead took hold of the blade whioh was drawn through his hand, making au ugly gash. Charile wil be morecareful in the future aboutfooling with Mts. E., espeoially if she has a knife in hér haud. Clinton Local. There is another underground lake under the east aud west road which runs jast north of Pleasant Lake and it is making tronble.' A few daya go a section of the road disappeared and water overflowod the highway for n number of rods. It is said the deptli of was many feet, some say 60. No sign was placed to wam strangers of the danger, and Wm. Sanders and Ray Blackmore drove down to whore the water was over the road and wonld have gone on, bnt supposing a sluice was out turnod back. Had they continued far, no knowing what the reuslt would have been. This makes two roads in Henrietta that have gone down into an underground lake. - Leslie Local. Mrs. H. T. Nichols narrowly escaped what mlght üave been a very severe and possibly fatal accident, last Snnday. Durius? the mi'ïdle part of the day sho ras alone, Howaxd and Zoa having gone up town, aiad was bnsy doiug her work, when she smelled the odor of burning cotton. She made a little search, but flnding nothing concluded it to have come from somc dirt she had put in the stove. ' The odor grew sti-onger and . she begau to think something was wroug; just at that moment she tnrned her head to one sido to discover flamea orecping tip her back. Her clothing behtnd was a burniug flaino aud her coudition for a time seemed very critioal. Sho possessed great presence of mind an 1 aoted wisely, grabbing an old overcoat rh:it lmng near by she wrapped herself olosely drawing it tight aboiit the neck, flras smothering the flamea and extinguishing the fire. It was a narrow escape, aud she was more


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