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Wife Of A Briton

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Washington, April mi.- At n :30 o'clock "this moroiog the cereniony that mado Mary Lel ter tho wife oí George Nathaniel Curzon was said in old Sr. John's Episcopal clmrch. The church was crowded with (rienda, of wliom thero wero somany that probably some wero disappointed in not getting tho cards that insured admittanco to the ceremouy. ïlio service was a full choral wedding ono by the ehoristers of St. John's, comprising about forty voic,:s. The musical programma was as follows: Prelude, "Epitlialamium," írora "Romeo and Juliet;" processional mthem, "O Perfection," by Barnby; -"Elsa's Dream," Wanner; bridal chorus, "Failhful and Trae," Wagner; after the ïranedicüon, "Hallêlujah Chorus," Han' ■del, and recessional antheiu, "To Theo, O Father, Throned on High," Hadyn. Ifc was just 11:50 when tho handsniuo couple had taken tfaeir places boforo tho altar and Bishop Talbot besran the service. Smnetliliig Abou; the limle. Miss Mary Leitcr is a handsome young ■woman, whose style of beauty is suoh that her prosonco in any social gatharing iustinctiveij" draws at tention to her charnis. Sbe has a face íuU of characler, expressivo eyes, bnt to be aeen nt her best she must be smiling-. Lier usual expresbion is rathcr too scrious for ono on ■whom all the delightful things in life have been so frcely lavished. Miss Leiter is a gooil linguist, sings delightfully and plays well, and in golng to England to ïive Unows all tho good points in hor own country, for sha has travolod over pretty much all of it - even way op to .Alaska. She has iuherited tho loro of -country whlch is an especial trait tn hor mothvr's uisposition and which led to tha latter's compiling a fow yenr.s ago a most Interesting work on tho generala oí the Rovolutionury war, which is sold for tho benefit of the Mount Vornon Ladiea' Aasociation. i CurKOD a Man witli a Name. One thing about Mr. Curzon la that -ïie has B name that he himself has ;nado, His parllamentary reputation addod to that he has giined as an authority on Asiau politics and other qu'stions of eat import anee in Great Britain, Í3 of the highost. He has made a very favorable i mpres?ion on the pooplo who have been fortúnate enough to meet him. He ia a most ami.'tblo young gentleman of flne appearauce, with the polish of a thorough jnan oí tha world. He is easy in manners, a ready conversationalist and nmarkably well informed ou affaire ín generaL He has Ijcen a great trnveler and a close student, and having been a member of parliament for several years, he enjoya the persona] atquaintance of tha forernost ïnen of his country. At the death of his father Mr, Curzon vvill have the rank and -the titleof Lord Scarsdale and Miss Leiter will ba a titled lady in the very hlghest .rank of Kpglish nobiiity. l'euple ol Note 111 Attrntlance. Tho wedding was uno of the most brilliant social even ts the national capital has everseen. Among the guests were JMrs. Cleveland, who is an intímate frieud of the bride; tho entire cabiuet cirole and many of the foreign ambassadors and ministers statioued horo. Govornor Morton, of New York, accorapanied by hla family, also caine to Washington for the occasion. Largo parties of guests from Boston, New York, Chicago and elsewhero, includlng Bishop and Mrs. Potter, and Bishop and Mrs. Coxo, of Now York; Robert Luicoln, of Chicago, and Mrs. Frederjck Vanderbilt, ot' New York, were present. PrSbably Nnt a Fortuno Uanter. Mr. CuiZüii is a man of very moderate ; mean?, whic!i lias given occasion to j Biderable ill-natured comment, and hel has becnstyled a "fortune hunter." Such, however, appe.ars not to be the case, as ho will in timo inherit a very considerable estáte, which will be ampio to support an establishment belitting his rank. ïhe Leiter family is reticeot as to tho amouut of Miss Curzon's "dot." Mr. and Mrs. Curzon wiüsöilon tho Majestio 1 shortiy after the ceremony, traveling in ...ICurope and then going to tho groom'a i LonOon house, Carleton Terrace, while ' parliament continúes In session, . Ward settling at his country placo i leston Halls, Derbyshire. It, is nnt yet I oertain whether.they will reacb Londou ' In time for the qneen's last dra win'g-room, Tvhich closus rhe London se-ison.


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