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I am now prepared to do all kinds oí water and sewer work and sanitary phunbing, not air, hot water and steam heating. Cali and get low estimates. J. F. Schuh 31 S. Main. In connection with my sample line of O. W. Richardson carpet stock, I keep on hand a large assortment of art squares, Wilton, Smyrna, Moquette and Japanese rugs, door mats, Cocoa matting, Linoleum, oil cloth and all qualities of ingrain carpets from the cheapest to the very best 65c quality. 25-36 Martín Haller. A large stock of fine hand made harness, new styles, doublé and 1 single, for the spring trade, at Fred Theurer's, 12 West Liberty street. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. &O Z Will biiy a sixyear olfl horse without P - a bleinish as I have no use for him. 3I-31 Inquire at 17 So. División. FfOR RET.- House on SO E. K1nrsley Terms reasonable . Knquire at 20 S. Tngai)s. 31.34 Aupuftine Saífe, who hart just rent" ed Clark Uros, farm of 23 a ves at Saline. 31-3 A. M Cr,AKK, Ann Arbor, A. F. Clahk, Salino P'OR SAT E-A fine seuond-band Surrey and 1 Pinole Harnrss. aliñóse as rood as new, for !íi1h ihcap. Enquire at 6354 15. Hurón St. 8w IOR SALE - I have a quantity of early 1 white Everet lOiatoes.I will sel! forseed. Residente, township of Salem, 1 mile east I from tlie south-westcorncr. 27-29 Wm. H. Hakrison. 'I O RENT- Twentv-flve aeres of land one1 half mile west of the City of Anu Arbor knownas Etier whiie Farm Piense enqutre of Mrs. A St;ward, 52 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 26-29 L STOR STOLEX- A white buil do?, weight about4 lbs., ears not clipped; answers of Ben." A libera] rewHid will be paid the ftnder lor either returninji dog to or notifyinic Jacob Zeeb, Emery, Mich. 26-28 VirANTETl- Twomen who understand work " in email fiuits; one to bea married man toocpupy house. Appiy, Muses La .loi , 24 27 Chubb oíd. POR SALE OR RKNT-A new 8-room house withagood bnrn, Rf od well. twogoodciitorns, one and one-balf lots of land. Terms easy. Knquire ata3 Detroit St., Ann Albor. BICYCLK SALE. A Víctor Model, first class ata redncPd price. Please culi imd ex imine it hS S Main ht., Corner of Williams. FOR BALK.- 80 acres on Chubb St. in acre or five acre lots or all tojretlv r. Long timo, fimill puymtnt, f per oen interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Building, Detroit, Mich. PARM TO HENT- Conta'ning ahout 200 1 acres p'ow land nt Saline, Mich. Good fenrcsand bhrns. Water in barns Cali on A. M. Claik, 47 8 División st., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Miei.. 7 ANTED-A MAN in ever.v geoöon at once " to sell slaile (oofls to deulcrs; no pedtllinfr; experlence uniieei sary; bestside line. fTfi.Oü :i month Snlary and expenses orlarle comniiSHon made. Addiefs, with 2 cent stamp for sraled particulars. Clift' n Sopand MaiiufaoturinK Company, Cinciunati, ohio. POUI-TUV wnnted- mnrket price paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the córner of Fifth and SumnutStreets. U. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. ÍOlí SAI.E CHEAP-My house and lot on i'orn(T"f Traver hhI Pc ntiac Ptrpets, in ihe Fifth wiml of tlio city of Aun Albor. A riosfrable loeation l'or woou or poal yntd. Ity tlie Bidé of T. & A. A. tracks. v illiam Actiori. Januury 3, 1895. 9 TOKENT.-AtNo. 2" S. State Rt. A Ilat of Blx monis. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. Ü8t1 _ PIANO TUN1NU.-A. D. Brown, the wel) known piano tuner with C. J.Whitnoy, will bein iheeity soon. Orders left at the akous ollíce will receive liis attention. OERSONS intendinpto put outmapleor elm ■- shade lites shniild cireppmid uith 1. H. O'IJKIEN Wh.ttaker. t'OR SALE OK HENT.-Larjre new nouse with all modern improveinente, cistern a-d ciiy water in lioufe imdvell near dnor. Will take in part (wyment sniiill liouse or lots orpimill liirin near city, biiltmei 011 lou"time and low interest,. V. C Jiox 13J5. Estáte ot John W. Hunt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At. .1 eession oí tbe Probate ('int ('rllie Countvof Wa6hteDñw. halden at th frótate ottion In loe Oity of Arn Albor 011 Krlüay, Ihe I9I1 day of April. In the ytjnrone 11,0 sand cisl.t huiidred iin.1 nincly liye Precnt, J. Willaxl i.aM.itt, J.niire (f l'robatc. I11 llie maltei of lile; ofJolmW. Hunt, Eiwaid'H. IInnt, Ihe nrtniunstrator ot exidea, tule, (jomes imooourt and reirL-s nts tliat he 15 now )epar. (i to r. Lder his fln il uccuut a sucn a'linims: rator. rbercninio it i ordered, ihat Tucsday. the 21: t iluv dI May, next, M ten o'clnrk in the forenoon, be Hssijrneil for eiralning and allowins such ao cniini, aml that Ule hei at ln ni aaid tleceasi d, fttut ali other m iMtiiit iuieresteit in fluid etttute -are rcqiiired (o npprar al a ession of nar' conrt, theu 10 bu holden al the Probate Offwe in the City ol Ann Arbor, in said county. and sho cnuse, il any Hiere be, why iht milil account slioind not be illnwed. And it i furtlier ordered. that said idminiíttrator ive nolice tu the persons inter;ted in said estáte of the peiidency üf inid aceount nul the hearing tlier. I. by ausiu; eopj of thU rdertolie publiahed in t lie Ann Akbou Akgus, i newpper printed nd .irciiUtintí in snid county, bree suocawive weeku preTious to id úay of leming. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, [A rue oopj .] Jadg of Probtt. iVm. tí, Dott. Probate Keginter


Ann Arbor Argus
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