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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. HOESES FOB SALE.- I have a few tour vearolri borgea for salé. !Tour ohoice for Pifty Dollars. James C . Aixest. 33-36 ÖOK Wlll buy a six year oíd horse without pU a blemish as 1 have po use for him. 31-84 Jnquue at 17 So. División. F?OIi KEVT.- House ou 50 E. Kinfrsley. Torms reasonable . Enquire at 20 S ïnsalls. 31-34 IIEAD.- Augustina Sag-e, who had just rent" cd Olarfe Bros. farm of 2: aoresat Saline 1-84 A.M Clark, Ann Ai-boiA. F. Clark, Saline. C"OR&ALE- A fine second-hand Surrey and ' Single Harness, almost as good as new for sale cheap. Enquire at 83Vi E. Huron St. 8w FORSALEOR RENT-A new 8-room house with a good barn, nood well. two good cisterns. otic and one-balf lots of land, Terms easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE.- 80 acres on Chubb St. in acre or Bve acre lots or all together. Lon" time, email payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. II. McDonald; 42 Moll'at Building, Detroit Mich. FARM TO BBNT- Oontaining about 200 acres plow land a1 Saline. Mich. Good feDCesaod barns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División st., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Ml WANTED-A MAN in every section at once to sellstaplegrood.sto dealers; no peddlins; experienceunneoessary; bestelde line. $75.00a znonth. Salary and expenses orlarge commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for spaled particulars, Clifton Soapand Manuiacturins Company, Cincinns.ti, Olno. POÜLTRV wanted- market price pald for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fifth and Summlttitreets. J. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. FOK SALE CHEAP-My house and lot on the corner of Traver aad Pontiac streets In the Fifi h wan] of the city of Ann Arbor. A deslrable location for wood or coal yard. By tlie side ofT. & A. A. tracks, wjlliam Action January 23, 1895. ' 9 T O RENT.- Ar No. 20 S. State St. A flat of six monis. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 88ti PIANO TUN1NG.-A. D. rirown, the well known piano tuner with C. ,T.Whitnejr, wiU bein the city soon. Orders lelt attheAiiGus office will receive bis attentiou. ÍJEKSI NS intending to put out maple or elm - shade trees ehould coirespond with P. H. O'BKIEN Whtttaker. fjOE SALE OK RENT.-Large new qouse with all modern improvemente, cistern and city ater in house and well near door. ke In part payment small houseorlots i's!i'm1I farm near city, balance on long time and low Interest. I'. O. Box 1346. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J Jent business conducted for Moderate Fees. 5 Jour Office is OppositeU. s. Patent Office f Jand we can secure patentin less tune than tlioscj Jremote from Washington, i 5 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-J , 5tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of? J charge. Our fee not due till patent is securcd. S j 5 A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain Patents," vithf , Jcost ot' same in' the U. S. and foreign countries? Jsent free. Address, i I C.A.SNOW&CO. 1 Opp. patent Office, Washington, D. C. ? MICHIGAN MINING SCHOOL &.VsátStL: A hlgh-grade technlcal schooi. Practical work! KlectlveBystem.Summercoursos. Glvesdegreesof B. B.,E. M., an.l ('li. D. Laboratories, shops, mili. etc., well iquipiK'd. Catalogues free. Addn-s ! becretaryMiclngauMiuingSchool.Houghtoü MIcli BS WE SAVE I J 1 you money, get you highest market 1 HIB price. and inake yuu prumpt and fuU 2 retui'hs on your N ..WOOL.. I t 'M! Our e3IPerience of S9 years Is worth MS9 frvi3 somethingtoyou.ourreliabilityalso InW SgLáa Houscs about us. Saeks free to KJ ■ staippers. Wrlte for "Wool Letter." Silberman Brothers, 20S-314 Michigan St., II _ . - „ Detroit Weekly Tribune Price Reducen TO 75 Cents a Ysar. - Unsurpassedas a Newspaper. Unrivaledin Popular Interest. Soundly Republican. . . 1 An Agent wanted Ín erery Towmhlp Ín Michigan, to whom liberal termi will be (Tiren. THE TRSSU9IE . - Detroit. . __. I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News