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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. HORSES POR SALE.-I bave a few four vear oíd horses for sale. Your choice for Fifty Dollars. James C. Allen. 33-36 v r Will buy a six year old horse without ($,ij a blemish as I have no use for him 31-31 Inquire at 47 So. División. FOR HEMT.- House on 50 E. Kingsley Terms reasonable . Enquire at 20 S Ingal Is. 31-31 DEAD.- Augustino Sage, who had just ronted Clark Bros. farm o( 2ïi acres at Saline 31 34 A. M Clahk, Ann Arbor A. F. Clark, Saline. FOR &ALE--A fine second-hand Surrey and Single Harncss, almost as good as new, for sale eheap. Enquire at. RüVi E. Huron St. 3w FOK SALE O R BENT- A new 8-room house wilh 'agoort barn, gnort well, fo c;oodol9terus, ene and oni.-half lols of lana Terms easy. ïinquiie ai '■'■'■! Detroit St., Aun Irbor. 22tf. IOU SALE.-IJO acres on Chubb St. in acre or five acre lots or all togefcher. Long time, stnall payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mich. FARM TO RENT- Containing about 20 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fences and barns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División st., Ann Arbor, or A. F, Clark, Saline, Mícd. WANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no peddlinu; experionce unnecessary; bestside line. $75.00 a month. Salary and expenses or large commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed partieulars, Clifton Soap and Manufacturing Company, Oincinnati, Ohio. POULTRY wantod- market price patd for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fifth and SummitStreets. C C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CHEAP- My house and lot on the corner of Traver and Pontiac streets, in the Fifth ward of the city of Ann Arbor. A desirable location for wood or coal yard. By the side of T. & A. A. tracks. Williain Action. January 23, 1895. 9 rpORENT.- AtNo. 20 S. State St. A flat of JL stx rooms. Knquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf PIANO TüNINl}.- A. D. Brown, tbe well known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Arods office will receive bis attention. PERSONS intending to put out maple or elm shade trees should correspond with P. H. O'BRIEN Whittaker. FOR SALE OR RENT.- Larse new aouse with all modern improvements, cistern and city water in house and well near door. Will take in part payment smal] house or lots or email farm near city, balance on lODg time and low interest. P. C. Box 1345. Michigan (Tbntral " The Masara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (Revised) NOV. 18, 1894. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Fa i W' iTTa i T 3 i a ; S ;o. ; ft : rj 00 OS O O iHHt-N i -ta i)lOiCU3 iíDCDt- liifmi p ajjsj a8S :s I5S8SS % S23SS j ;SS I 4 i ■ H- t-H r- r ' . , aa sa 1 1 B a I i TT TaY í5 aa : TH g ! ;SS M t s isa i '■ is! a, : : :ss i OrH ;-" ' ' '"" 1 ij; iü I 03 S ■ 'S ; jj. mod ;s ; ; ;o 3. aa ! ! : ïBB o. sa ] i i ao cap, : ■ : :b n ei : ; : : a X SS i ;LS :sg 3 SS !SS ■ ]%% _ m- ! . oio ;o- g = ; ; iN 71T" "II á 9 I SSSSSSSSSS :88SSSSS 5" p, : ■ ; : ; i b a : i i i i :4 i 111 i lÜ O.W. RÜOGLE8 H. W . HAYE8, Q. P. ft T. Aïent Chicago. Ag't Ann ArDor v b. norris Attorney at Law. Does a general lawcolleotionand oonveyanchg business. A moderate share of your pa. wnage reepectfully solielted. Office 16 b Huron Street, upetaii'B.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News